Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "png16m".
2008 Mar 21
sample codes for writting a function with unknown number of arguments
...ot graph of them. I also save the output from the boxplot function, so I can process the data later.
For example, I need to scan 2 (it can be x, 0<x) files here.
Now let's try graph it. N1 is the label for F1, and so on.
bitmap(file=Name, type="png16m")
STATS<-boxplot(A,B,c(A,B),col="red", main="MyMain", names=c(N1, N2, "All"), xlab="Hardware", ylab="milliseconds")
The problem is I don't really know what I will have at runtime. For example, I may have to scan 3 or 4 files...
2010 Apr 29
reduce size of pdf
is there a way to reduce the size of pdf files in R: ?
lower dpi ?
or some other option?
2003 Feb 19
Pretty onscreen plots?
I'm looking for ideas for creating high-quality plots for use in projected
presentations (powerpoint, etc) --- ideally high-quality png, jpg, bmp.
The graphics produced using the postscript device look very good. Those
generated with win.graph(), png are plagued by the jaggy lines.
So far, the only way I can use the postscript plots in my presentations is
using separate screen capture
2007 Apr 25
Upload PDF / Save as tiff
I''m trying to automate the conversion of a PDF document received via a
browser upload to a tiff image via ghostscript. I have the PDF data in
a string, and I need the tiff data returned into a string.
The general command I want to emulate is:
type test.pdf | "c:\program files\gs\gs8.56\bin\gswin32c.exe" -q
-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=- > test5.tiff
2004 Sep 30
pointsize in png graphics
Dear all,
I'm trying to produce 2 png files, one consisting of an image plot and a
color-table (also an image plot) and the other one consisting of 4 image
plots and a color table. I'd like the color table to be exactly the same.
The way I proceded is the following:
for one plot and the color-table
png(file = png.file, width = 650, height = 800, pointsize = 16)
layout(matrix(c(1, 2),
2008 Oct 20
R 2.8.0 is released
o New function as.hexmode() for converting integers in hex format.
format.hexmode() and as.character.hexmode() gain an 'upper.case'
o bitmap() and dev2bitmap() gain support for anti-aliasing.
The default type has been changed to 'png16m', which supports
o Box.test() gains a 'fitdf' argument to adjust the degrees of
freedom if applied to residuals.
o browseURL() has a new argument 'encodeIfNeeded' to use
URLencode() in cases where it seems likely that would be...
2008 Oct 20
R 2.8.0 is released
o New function as.hexmode() for converting integers in hex format.
format.hexmode() and as.character.hexmode() gain an 'upper.case'
o bitmap() and dev2bitmap() gain support for anti-aliasing.
The default type has been changed to 'png16m', which supports
o Box.test() gains a 'fitdf' argument to adjust the degrees of
freedom if applied to residuals.
o browseURL() has a new argument 'encodeIfNeeded' to use
URLencode() in cases where it seems likely that would be...