search for: piste

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "piste".

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2007 May 31
VGAM package
...("Data2_overruns.csv", sep =";", header = T, row.names=NULL) > attach(mydata) > > y <- mydata$cat.event > phase.vol <-mydata$phase.vol > pilote <- mydata$pilote > défail.méca <- mydata$défail.méca > mauv.visib <- mydata$mauv.visibilité > piste.cont <- mydata$piste.contam > vent <- mydata$vent > tiers <- mydata$tiers > y <- ordered(y,levels=c("Inci","Inci G","Acci")) > > dat <- data.frame(y,phase.vol,pilote, défail.méca, + mauv.visibilité, piste.cont, vent, tiers) > pilote_...
2004 Mar 22
Débutant R
Bonjour à tous, Je débute dans l'utilisation de R, et suis à la recherche de toute piste me permettant l'introduction à ce logiciel. J'ai pour le moment la fiche d'Emmanuel Paradis: "R pour les débutants", mais j'aimerais savoir où je peut trouver d'autres documentations notamment pour le traitement statistique de données (Anova, modèle linéaire et modè...
2012 Mar 13
"gplots" packages does not work
I had installed de "gplots" package and then I loaded the library but the package did not work. I recieved a message like this: > install.packages("gplots", dependencies = TRUE) Installing package(s) into ‘/home/fpiston/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
2003 Apr 02
AW: Login from win2k client to samba PDC
John, thanks for that hint. It did not kill the server by you are perfectly right. I changed this and restarted the "smb" and "nmb" deamons - unfortunately with the same result. When I watch e.g. the status with "swat" I see as follows after trying with: smbclient -U <user> -L win2k1 (what is strange since I connect as different user and not
2007 May 02
OT: USB T1/E1 Interface?
Just curious: has anyone seen or heard about a USB-based T1/E1 interface device? I've seen some serious T1/E1 testing equipment that is USB-based, but I was wondering if there was something more generic, like a Zaptel-ish T1/E1 that used USB instead of PCI/PCIx. Thanks! -MC -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2002 Jun 28
NT permissions on Solaris
...l?me d'authentification de cette machine sur le domaine ? J'ai essay? d'authentifier cette station avec une m?thode comparable ? ce qui se fait pour des WinNT/2K mais sans succ?s (useradd ... non-PDC$ pui smbpasswd -a -m non-PDC ). Rien n'y fait. Quelqu'un peut-il me donner une piste ? Merci beaucoup. -- Guy Roussin
2012 Mar 05
Random and fixed effect in linear model
Hello everybody, This is my firth question in this mailing list. The question is about the how to deal with a model with both random and fixed factors. I know to do the analysis using SPSS. The command line wit be as follows: UNIANOVA BY Line Year Rep /RANDOM=Year Rep /METHOD=SSTYPE(4) /INTERCEPT=EXCLUDE /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN= Year Rep*Year Line
2016 Apr 02
Changes to get CD to boot on EFI System.
...; ?--- fdisk -l /dev/loop1 reports: ?--- bash-4.2# fdisk -l /dev/loop1 Attention : identifiant de table de partitions GPT (GUID) d?tect? sur ? /dev/loop1 ? ! L'utilitaire sfdisk ne prend pas GPT en charge. Utilisez GNU Parted. Disque /dev/loop1 : 66 Mo, 66060288 octets 255 t?tes, 63 secteurs/piste, 8 cylindres, total 129024 secteurs Unit?s = secteur de 1 * 512 = 512 octets Taille de secteur (logique / physique) : 512 octets / 512 octets taille d'E/S (minimale / optimale) : 512 octets / 512 octets Identifiant de disque : 0x44533712 P?riph?rique Amorce D?but Fin Blocs Id Syst?me /dev/loop...
2012 Jan 17
MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
The subject says it all really. Question 1. Here is some code created to illustrate my problem, can anyone spot where I'm going wrong? Question 2. The reason I'm following a manual specification of models relates to the fact that in reality I am using mgcv::gam, and I'm not aware that dredge is able to separate individual smooth terms out of say s(a,b). Hence an additional request,
2016 Apr 02
Changes to get CD to boot on EFI System.
Hi, Ady wrote: > I still have it in my mailbox: ADY4UEFI.IMG in ADY4UEFI.ZIP. The test results are the same as with Didier's partition image. Wrapped in an ISO and presented as -cdrom it reboots in cycles. Presented as -hda it boots as naked disk image and as part of a GPT enhanced ISO 9660. > the wiki page needs
2003 Apr 14
strange connection attempts
hello, I have turned on sysctls variables: net.inet.tcp.log_in_vain: 1 net.inet.udp.log_in_vain: 1 And i have plenty of strange connection attempts on udp protocol Connection attempt to UDP from Apr 13 23:56:53 pals /kernel: Connection attempt to UDP from Connection attempt to UDP