search for: pentrace

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "pentrace".

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2010 Jun 29
Model validation and penalization with rms package
...n] <- val["R-square", "index.corrected"] optimism.Rsq[pen] <- val["R-square", "optimism"] corrected.slope[pen] <- val["Slope", "index.corrected"] } plot(corrected.Rsq) x11(); plot(optimism.Rsq) x11(); plot(corrected.slope) p <- pentrace(ols0, penalty=1:60) ols9 <- ols(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, penalty=9, x=TRUE, y=TRUE) validate(ols9, B=200) index.orig training test optimism index.corrected n R-square 0.2523404 0.2820734 0.1911878 0.09088563 0.1614548 200 MSE 7.8497722 7.3525300 8.4918212 -1.13929116...
2008 Jan 25
'Best penalty' in design package
Dear Users, In case of ridge logistic regression, i want to calculate the optimum penalty using aic and bic criteria. Here is the sample code: fit <- lrm(RES ~CAT01+NUM01+NUM02+CAT02+CAT03+CAT04+NUM03+CAT05+CAT06+NUM04+ CAT07+CAT08+NUM05+NUM06, data =, x = TRUE, y = TRUE) pentrace(fit, penalty = list(seq(.001, 5, by=.1))) output: Best penalty: penalty df 1.001 13.26012 Var1 df aic bic aic.c 1 0.001 13.99894 337.7431 279.2273 336.8458 2 0.101 13.89814 337.9293 279.8348 337.0446 3 0.201 13.80665 338.0721 280.3600 337.1988 4 0...
2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports,formatNP,gendata,gIndex,GiniMd,Glm,Gls,groupkm,Hazard,hazard.ratio.plot,histdensity,"%ia%",ie.setup,interactions.containing,legend.nomabbrev,lm.pfit,lrm,lrtest,lsp,matinv,matrx,Newlabels,Newlevels,nomogram,num.intercepts,ols,ols.influence,oos.loglik,pantext,Penalty.matrix,Penalty.setup,pentrace,perimeter,perlcode,plot.xmean.ordinaly,pol,pphsm,predab.resample,Predict,psm,rcs,related.predictors,reVector,robcov,Rq,sascode,scored,sensuc,setPb,show.influence,specs,strat,Surv,"[.Surv",survdiffplot,survest,Survival,survplot,univarLR,validate,val.prob,val.probg,val.surv,vif,which.influe...
2011 May 15
Question on approximations of full logistic regression model
Hi, I am trying to construct a logistic regression model from my data (104 patients and 25 events). I build a full model consisting of five predictors with the use of penalization by rms package (lrm, pentrace etc) because of events per variable issue. Then, I tried to approximate the full model by step-down technique predicting L from all of the componet variables using ordinary least squares (ols in rms package) as the followings. I would like to know whether I am doing right or not. > library(rms)...
2011 May 03
Bootstrapping confidence intervals
Hi, Sorry for repeated question. I performed logistic regression using lrm and penalized it with pentrace function. I wanted to get confidence intervals of odds ratio of each predictor and summary(MyModel) gave them. I also tried to get bootstrapping standard errors in the logistic regression. bootcov function in rms package provided them. Then, I found that the confidence intervals provided by bootstr...
2011 Apr 30
bootcov or robcov for odds ratio?
Dear list, I made a logistic regression model (MyModel) using lrm and penalization by pentrace for data of 104 patients, which consists of 5 explanatory variables and one binary outcome (poor/good). Then, I found bootcov and robcov function in rms package for calculation of confidence range of coefficients and odds ratio by bootstrap covariance matrix and Huber-White sandwich method, respect...
2011 May 25
stepwise selection cox model
Sorry, I have wrote a wrong subject in the first email! Regards, Linda ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: linda Porz <> Date: 2011/5/25 Subject: combined odds ratio To: Cc: Dear all, I am looking for an R function which does stepwise selection cox model in r (delta chisq likelihood ratio test) similar
2013 Jul 11
[R-pkgs] Major Update to rms package
...g in Predict where conf.type=''simultaneous'' was being ignored if bootstrap coefficients were present * For plot.Predict made default gray scale shaded confidence bands darker * For bootcov exposed eps argument to fitters and default to lower value * Fixed bug in plot.pentrace regarding effective.df plotting * Added setPb function for pop-up progress bars for simulations; turn off using options(showprogress=FALSE) or options(showprogress=''console'') * Added progress bars for predab.resample (for validate, calibrate) and bootcov * Added boo...
2003 Apr 24
"Missing links": Hmisc and Design docs
...text html latex example missing link(s): print.latex lrm text html latex example missing link(s): latex.lrm ols text html latex example missing link(s): validate.Design latex.ols pentrace text html latex example missing link(s): nlminb plot.Design text html latex example missing link(s): key matxv survest key mgp.axis.labels win.slide gs.slide pphsm text html latex...