search for: patcito

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "patcito".

2006 Dec 16
trying to add another app </Proxy> Maybe I need to change the name of my mongrel_cluster but I''m not sure how to do this :/ this is my sites-enabled/app1.conf: NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /home/patcito/testapp/public/ Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/testapp.common </VirtualHost> this is my conf.d/app1.common: <Directory "/home/patcito/testapp/public/"> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> RewriteEngi...
2006 Nov 13
Service Temporarily Unavailable when using apache a mongrel_cluster+apache2 config. this is my testapp.conf: <VirtualHost *:80> Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/testapp.common # ErrorLog logs/testapp_errors_log # CustomLog logs/testapp_log combined </VirtualHost> this is my testapp.common: ServerName DocumentRoot /home/patcito/testapp/public/ <Directory "/home/patcito/testapp/public/"> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> RewriteEngine On # Make sure people go to, not RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^myap...
2007 Mar 16
how to send mp3 inline?
hey all, I''m trying to do a: send_file @file, :type => ''audio/mp3'', :disposition => ''inline'' ,:stream=>true I tried with all browsers and it always asks me to download the file or open it with a player. Is there a way to make it open in the embeded player (QT,Windows media player,Mplayer etc)? Only with konqueror if I open in new tab then I
2007 Nov 09
RSpec on Rails 2.0
I have a project on edge rails that I''m trying to convert from Test:Unit to rspec. I have the rspec gem version 2338, the rspec and rsepc_on_rails version 2831 in vendor/plugins, and rails version 8117 in vendor/rails. I''ve been able to get a few specs passing, have gotten the specs running from autotest, and am able to do "rake spec:doc" and get the basic command
2010 Apr 30
Steve Jobs about theora
I guess you've all read it already, but here it goes: "All video codecs are covered by patents. A patent pool is being assembled to go after Theora and other ?open source? codecs now. Unfortunately, just because something is open source, it doesn?t mean or guarantee that it doesn?t infringe on others patents. An open standard is different from being royalty free or open source. Sent
2006 Oct 25
need help on special HABTM relation
hey all, I have three tables like this: forum (id,title) usergroup(id,title) forum_perms(usergroup_id,forum_id,read,write,post) is there a way to deal with that kind of relation with rails such as by using has_and_belongs_to_many kind of stuff? thanx in advance Pat --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2006 Aug 17
2 newbie question
Hey all, I have 2 newbie questions, 1st question: <%= collection_select (:region, :id, @regionall, :id, :title,options={:prompt=>"- Select cat -"}) %> Ignores the :prompt part while options={:include_blank => true} works. Any idea what I?m doing work with :prompt ? 2nd question: How can make my collection_selected to display it''s third key by default? I know it has
2006 Nov 04
search function
Hey all, I''m writing a search function for my page but I get stuck at the form part. When I press submit all the params are nil. here is my list.rhtml: <%= start_form_tag :controller=>''ads'', :action => ''search'' %> <%= render :controller=>''cats'',:partial => ''/cats/search'' %> <p> <%=
2006 May 13
need help for my link_to
I have a model Document that shares the same primary id with another model Upload, I would like to put a link on _list.rhtml of my document to edit the upload of the same id. I tried something like <%= link_to ''Edit'', {:controller => upload, :action => ''edit'', :id => document} %> but obviously that''s wrong. Any idea how to make it right?
2006 May 13
how to close the window on def update?
hey all, I have my usual update function like this: def update @document = Document.find(params[:id]) if @document.update_attributes(params[:document]) flash[:notice] = ''Document was successfully updated.'' redirect_to :action => ''show'' else render :action => ''edit'' end end I would like to change:
2006 Nov 13
hey all, I managed to configure a mongrel+apache2 but now I would like to do a mongrel_cluster. For now I have a sites-available/myapp but when it comes to mongrel_cluster I need to set up myapp.common, myapp.proxy_cluster.conf and myapp.proxy_frontend.conf and I couldn''t find a tutorial that explain where should those file go. is it in conf.d or sites-available/ or else? thanx in
2005 Aug 28
Qt4 GUI to ffmpeg2theora
...a availabilty on the 3 plateforms it shouldn`t be tricky to make it work on there. When I get back home in a couple of weeks I`ll try to release those. Source: Binary: Pat PS: might be buggy, repport any bug to if you have time :)
2007 Jun 21
does activeresource only work with edge?
hey all, I''ve just installed the activeresource gem and it wasn''t working, so I did gem update rails and it worked. But now I have rails- and I think this is edge right? Is there a way to work on regular rails 1.2.3 with activeresource? thanx in advance Pat --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to
2007 Aug 15
need help on writing a plugin
Hey all, I''ve just "script/generate plugin my_plugin" and I would like to "overload" one of my view. Say I have app/views/sessions/new.html.erb and I would like to rewrite that file without touching it using the plugin. Any idea how to do this? I would also like to do the same thing with models and controllers of my application. I couldn''t find a tutorial
2006 May 14
searching on foreing keys
Hey all, I''m using a simple search function. It''s working great except for foreign keys. I have one table pets (id,name,owner_id) and another table people(id,name) owner_id being a foreign key of pet pointing to people name. here it is on the pet controller: @paginator, @pets= paginate(:pets, :conditions =>["name OR owner_id like
2007 Aug 21
This is a sad day for interoperability in the Web
Today, Adobe Systems Incorporated announced[1] that they will extend their Flash platform to support the proprietary H.264 and HE-AAC formats. The Xiph.Org Foundation has previously contacted Adobe to consider extending Flash to support the Open Media formats Vorbis, Theora, and Speex. Adobe developers replied by stating it would be unwise as it would increase the file size of the Flash Player,
2007 Aug 21
This is a sad day for interoperability in the Web
Today, Adobe Systems Incorporated announced[1] that they will extend their Flash platform to support the proprietary H.264 and HE-AAC formats. The Xiph.Org Foundation has previously contacted Adobe to consider extending Flash to support the Open Media formats Vorbis, Theora, and Speex. Adobe developers replied by stating it would be unwise as it would increase the file size of the Flash Player,
2007 Nov 18
Lighthouse and Engine Yard sponsorships
Hey all, I''m very happy to announce that ActiveReload[1] has generously offered to sponsor a lighthouse[2] account for rspec. We''ll be moving ticket tracking there. We''ve already got the account set up and will soon make it public. We''re also going to be getting a sponsored slice at Engine Yard[3] to host source control, which will be either mercurial or git
2007 Mar 27
Textile Editor Plugin v0.1
The Textile Editor Helper (TEH) is a Javascript-based text formatting toolbar that will be added to all of your text areas that utilize the TEH feature. TEH was developed to provide a more WYSIWYG-ish option for users of our Rails CMS called slate while still letting us use Textile. ====================== = So what are the features? ====================== These are a list of the current features
2006 Nov 04
weird problem with content type
Hey all, My site is working ok except for a page that displays as text instead of html. I tried to use this: puts "Content-Type: text/html" then it display the page as html normally but I still get that ugly part on top of my page: Content-Type: text/html Set-Cookie: _session_id=6356b18a24d56a0da01bfab791fa911d; path=/ Status: 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache here is the url: