search for: padres

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "padres".

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2018 Nov 25
Variables: non-numeric argument to 'pairs'
Hola a todos Estoy cargando una base de datos a R llamada "Base", desde excel. A la hora de utilizar funciones como: >pairs(Base) Error in pairs.default(Base) : non-numeric argument to 'pairs' Una forma de arreglar este problema es utilizando la funcion as.numeric(), pero me toca hacerlo variable por variable: >Base$Variable1<-as.numeric( Base$Variable1)
2014 Oct 19
Warnings en GLMM (lme4)
Hola, Soy nuevo manejando R y no tengo mucha experiencia. Estoy intentando modelar una función que me relacione el nº de cebas (nº de presas que los padres traen a los pollos) con el tamaño de parche de un bosque (factor categórico; 2 niveles= grande y pequeño). Al ser un conteo (nº de cebas) he pensado utilizar familia= poisson con link= logarítmico. He construido un GLMM con: Nº de cebas (variable respuesta), Duración del video (esfuerzo de muestreo...
2016 Sep 06
igraph edges busqueda
Estimados Tengo una duda E([[inc('LoQueBusco')]] + 20/6795 edges (vertex names): E([E($Cosa=="'LoQueBusco'"] + 78/6795 edges (vertex names): La primer forma es 20/? la segunda 78/? ¿Los resultados no tendrían que ser idénticos? Estos datos son pocos pero me desarman la cabeza. Desde ya muchas gracias. Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
2013 Apr 25
Superposición de matrices pre nlme o lmer
Hola a todos, mi consulta va relacionada con los paquete nlme o lmer. Mi idea va relacionada a correr un modelo lineal mixto en el cual una de las matrices de incidencia (Z), sea previamente formada por la suma de dos matrices o por su puperposición (Z1+Z2=Z) dentro de esas funciones. Con un ejemplo creo que me explicaré mejor outputF<-lmer(formula=ALT~ (1|MADRE)+(1|PADRE)+(1|FAMILIA),
2006 Feb 26
Question abour Draggables & Droppables
Hi, What I need to know is how to change revert:true to revert:false from a draggable after I drop it on a droppable so it doesn''t return to its original place. Something like: [CODE] <!-- Draggable image --> <img alt="Product" id="item" src="icon.png"> <script type="text/javascript"> new
2023 Feb 13
Atender porfavor
M?s de 111,459 empresas registradas ante el padr?n de servicios especializados ser?n sometidas a la Auditoria REPSE ?Por qu? est?n realizando la Auditoria REPSE? Este 17 de febrero se llevar? a cabo para todas las empresas un seminario Online y poder prepararse para una Inspecci?n de arriba a abajo ante la secretar?a de trabajo. Perm?tame mandarme toda la informaci?n de este evento para que
2013 Jul 29
duda reemplazar valores en data frame según condición
Estimados quería realizarles una consulta: Trabajo con una tabla con 23 registros, la cual tiene en la columna "*ar4*" valores de una variable llamada ranking para cada registro, y una columna "percentil" donde le voy a colocar el nivel de percentil en el que se encuentra ese valor (ar4) de cada uno de esos 23 registros. La tabla es la siguiente:: código padre n ar4
2009 Aug 05
reading and frequency analysis of Spanish text
For an historical paper I'm working on, I have some Spanish plaintext, presently in the form of a Word .doc file, and also some ciphered text from the same original source. The ultimate goal is to use some frequency analysis of letters and word lengths in the plaintext to help decode the
2007 Oct 05
Replacing NA values when building matrix using tapply
...quot;row","column")],function(x) {ifelse(,0.0,x)}) I can always do this: m <- tapply(d[,"value"],d[,c("row","column")],c) m[] <- 0.0 But it's wasteful to process the table again. Any ideas? -- Christopher D. Long, San Diego Padres, 100 Park Boulevard, San Diego CA Score: 0, Diff: 1, clong killed by a Harvard Math Team on 1
2018 Jun 22
Bug in as.Date or strptime?
Hello, This just came up in SO, sessionInfo() at the end. # example 1 # not even the month is right as.Date(x = 1, format = '%j', origin= '2015-01-01') #[1] "2018-07-21" # example 2a # nonsense output as.Date(x = 1, origin=
2010 Jul 13
RODBC and Excel 2010 xlsx
Hi List, just to know if the issue is only a problem of mine or if it is a general issue due to the new MS Office pack. I'm using R 2.11.1 32 bits in a Windows 7 x64 with the MS office 2010 x64 installed. I can import .xls files normally (the same way I did with my Excel 2007 32 bits). But the function odbcConnectExcel2007 isn't able to import .xlsx files now that I have the new version of
2014 Mar 12
Lectura de texto
Hola Jorge, Algo pasa con el fichero... He abierto el link de Dropbox, y he salvado el texto como "txt.txt" en local. Pruebo a abrirlo en R y...: > scan(file="txt.txt")Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : scan() expected 'a real', got 'ÿþM'> getwd()[1] "C:/Users/xIs12136/Downloads" Pruebo a abrirlo
2010 Apr 18
OT: Los “mejores” paquetes de R
Hola, ¿qué tal? Envío un mensaje que está ligeramente fuera de los objetivos de la lista y, en particular, de esta lista, pero que puede resultar de interés. Y es que a raíz de la lectura de un artículo de SAS sobre el análisis de marcas en redes sociales he emprendido un estudio análogo sobre cuáles son los "mejores" paquetes de R. "Mejor" lo defino como "más
2010 May 30
New package RSQLite.extfuns and minor upgrade for RSQLite
RSQLite.extfuns provides SQLite extension functions for use with RSQLite. The package is a wrapper of extension functions written by Liam Healy and made available through the SQLite website ( You can make the extension functions available on a per db connection basis like this: library("RSQLite.extfuns") db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname =
2003 Sep 14
estimating quantiles from binned data
Suppose I have a set of binned data, counts exceeding a series of arbitrary thresholds, a total N, a minimum and maximum, those sorts of things. Is there a "standard" method for estimating arbitrary quantiles from this? My initial thought is that the counts and min/max give me solutions at various points along the empirical cdf. As the data are roughly log-normal, I thought maybe I
2010 May 30
New package RSQLite.extfuns and minor upgrade for RSQLite
RSQLite.extfuns provides SQLite extension functions for use with RSQLite. The package is a wrapper of extension functions written by Liam Healy and made available through the SQLite website ( You can make the extension functions available on a per db connection basis like this: library("RSQLite.extfuns") db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname =
2004 Dec 14
Problems with samba
Hi,i have the following problems with a try print a document using cups/samba to print in windows 2000 machine. When i try print the file, i have the following error: E [14/Dec/2004:16:45:29 -0200] [Job 6] Unable to connect to SAMBA host, will retry in 60 seconds...ERROR: SMB tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED E [14/Dec/2004:16:45:57 -0200] [Job 5] Unable to connect to SAMBA host, will
2006 Apr 06
Run away samba, and free() errors
Hi, I'm running samba 3.0.22, and have reproduced this issue in 3.0.14a as well. I am trying to access a network share with a large number of long directory names (up to around 80 characters), with around 1100 of these directories. Some times it works, but most of the time, the windows machine (running windows server 2003) never gets the listing. It seems to try to reconnect, and samba starts
2003 Oct 27
variance component analysis for nested model
Given a set of data: > names(data) [1] "city" "house" "visit" "value" I am looking for a way to compute the variance components of the nested model (ie, visit 1 at house 2 at city 3 isn't related to visit 1 and house 2 at city 4), but different houses in the same city may be related, and different visits to the same house are probably
2006 Dec 07
samba is solution or always a problem?
Hi, I really need help(for God). After that I installed the version 3.0.x (actual: 3.0.23d) I am have many problem. when I create an file inside of exported area of samba, where exist ACL?s fo group of the Solaris, the samba do not respected these ACL?s. I can to create files, edit it, but I do not can to rename or to erase/cancel this file. (always said problem acess denied) Please, help me.