search for: ovserv

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "ovserv".

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2012 Mar 12
Faceted bar plot shows wrong counts (ggplot2)
...1 0 0 1 2 And change the variables mapped in the previous plot: base <- ggplot(diamonds25, aes(fill = cut)) + geom_bar(position = "dodge") + opts(legend.position = "none") base + aes(x = cut) + facet_grid(. ~ color) I see all bars with height = 1. I have ovserved this problem (wrong bar heights, but not always = 1), in other cases when all counts are very small or zero. What's wrong here? Regards, Helios sessionInfo() R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29) Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Sp...
2002 May 09
Rsquared in summary(lm)
Hello, I'm doing some linear regression: >lm<-lm(osas~alp,data) >summary(lm) However, the Rsquared in the output of summary() is not the same as the "standard" Rsquared calculated by spreadsheets, and outlined in statistical guidebooks, being SSR/SSTO. The output says "multiple Rsquared", but it is no multiple regression... What's the difference? Thanks,
2002 May 11
Bug on Mac version of lm()?
...Estimate=as.vector(coeff), Std.Error=as.vector(std.err) ) cat("\n") print(t(z)) cat( "\nR-Square:", object at r.square, "\n\n" ) } ) ols1 <- function( y, x ){ size <- length(x) # number of ovservations xbar <- mean(x) ybar <- mean(y) Sxx <- sum( (x-xbar)^2 ) b <- sum( (x-xbar)*(y-ybar) )/Sxx # coefficient a <- ybar - b*xbar # interception e <- y - a - b*x # residuals # SSE (error sum of squares) SSE <- sum( e^2 ) # SST (total sum of squares) SST &l...
2017 Oct 02
System load problem with samba 4.4.2 caused by many ntlm auth client requests version installed or any change in configuration. The time before the load went up to 5 or 10 but not more. Now at semester break only about 120 users are active at a time, during semester there are usually about 300 active users. But even these 300 users did not cause a load of 50, that I can ovserve now a peek times. Does anyone have a idea what might be going on here with these large number of machine ntlm auth tries suddenly? Thank you very much Here is my smb.conf without shares: [global] workgroup = MYREALM domain master = no local master = no preferred...