search for: overprinted

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "overprinted".

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2008 Oct 13
Using an image background with graphics
...ial photo as a background to plotting solid lines and text, and semi-transparent color contours, in base and lattice graphics. Plot coordinates need to be consistent with the georeferenced background. For example, a color contour plot would have an gray-toned aerial photograph as a background for overprinted semi-transparent color contours of some spatially dependent variable. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this? Thanks, Scott Waichler Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scott.waichler at
2006 Apr 28
How to get a grid behind a boxplot
I am using R 2.2.1 on a Windows 2000 PC. When I do a grid() after the boxplot it overprints the boxplot: > boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray") > grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL) > if I try the panel.first > boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays, col = "lightgray", + panel.first=grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL)) > I can see the grid flash
2003 Nov 04
more barplot presentation questions
Thanks to those who pointed me at the solutions to the legend overprinting the bars. I took the "easy" way of rescaling the y axis, picking the scaling factor for stacked bars is somewhat problematic but sufficient for my application. I have another couple of barplot questions: - Can I extend the major ticks on the Y axis across the page? Or both axes to form a grid? - A really
2005 Mar 30
Finding the "height of a line of text" for axis
I would like to draw only the ticks of an axis, but not the axis itself. I don't think this can be done using axis(), so I am trying to write a cut-down version in R, which only draws ticks. The point at which I am stuck is that the length of a tick is set by par("tcl") as a fraction of the "height of a line of text". So I would like to draw a line whose length is also
2010 Apr 08
Problem with mtext
Dear list I am experiencing a very annoying problem with mtext, although I have been using this command for many years. The following code prints "test" twice in the outer margin, once at .7 where it should be, and once at the bottom somewhere. I also notice that the command takes longer than normal to execute, and it seems to overprint many times. Can anyone reproduce this?
2007 Apr 27
Quadratcount() plotting in R spatstat
Hello, I am trying to plot a quadratcount object over a ppp object in the spatstat package. I ultimately want to get something like this See
2013 Mar 15
How to make the labels of pie chart are not overlapping?
I have the following dataframe: Product predicted_MarketShare Predicted_MS_Percentage A 2.827450e-02 2.8 B 4.716403e-06 0.0 C 1.741686e-01 17.4 D 1.716303e-04 0.0 ....... Because there are so many products,
2015 Feb 11
Another Fedora decision
On Tue, 2015-02-10 at 21:32 -0600, Valeri Galtsev wrote: > Indeed I should have said "allegedly pirated" not just "pirated". As I > don't care to go into details if it is or it isn't. I also would recommend > to finish this discussion and those who feel so get themselves some > fundamental book and go ahead with reading it. Which I'm going to do >
2009 Mar 01
probleme with savePlot (to eps)
Hi the list, I used savePlot to export some eps graph but it seems that the graph file hold a bug. I include the graph.eps in a LaTeX file. Running latex is ok. But the dvi file contain some mistake, the graph overprint on some text and hide it. Then, when I try to convert it to another format, I get : Ignoring remaining special text following unkown PS operator: "SDict" Remainder
2010 Jan 04
how to draw abline correctly?
Hello, I am frastruated with this graph, just cannot get what I need. Thank you for any suggestions or help. I really appreciate it. I wrote the following code, but there are 3 problems 1, the red line is added on the graph but without any marker on the y-axis. I want to display the number '.1361' on the y-axis. So people can easily tell 'method 2' gets a constant estimate, which
2003 Jan 09
Hello, I'm fairly new to R so please excuse me if I am asking something obvious. I have looked in the FAQ, Introduction, and help pages, and searched the archives, but I don't know much about graphics yet. I'm running Red Hat Linux 2.14.18 on a machine blessed with dual 1.5 Xeon processors and 3.7GB of RAM. I have a very large dataset with 27 variables, and in exploring the data
2009 Mar 10
dlstat for data link statistics
(Bcc''ed to networking discuss). Hi All, Have enclosed man page draft for dlstat(1M) herewith. This is part of the effort to gain better visibility into network traffic in light of crossbow features like virtual NICs, interrupt vs. polling modes etc. This in turn would greatly assist network performance analysis. It is also aimed at segregating link/flow configuration from
2012 Feb 03
[fields] image.plot abends with NAs in
summary: image.plot-ing two sets of netCDF data, with the second derived from the first. First plots to PDF as expected (title, data, legend). Second plots the data and title, but abends before drawing the legend, with > Error in if (del == 0 && to == 0) return(to) : > missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed > Calls: plot.layers.for.timestep -> image.plot -> seq ->
2012 Aug 15
boxplot help
Hi, im a newbie with very wobbly coding abilities. Tearing my hair out over getting the boxplot i want... I have a dataset called 'eagle' which consists of year (2011 or 2012), month (jan - dec), roof (TT6, TT13 or BARE) and temp (the continuous variable that i want to plot). So i want boxplots of the three roof treatments in every month organised in chronical order along x axis 2011 -