search for: onlyif

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches for "onlyif".

2011 May 02
exec resource: negate onlyif condition
Hi, today I''m stupid. How can I negate the test for execs onlyif? I want to run the exec onlyif command returns 1. regards, Andreas -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppe...
2013 Apr 15
Using onlyif for Windows exec
Hello, I am in the process of "trying out" Puppet, and so far, it is going really well, and I can see a clear line of how we can use it internally. I do have one question though with regard to the using the onlyif parameter of the exec command (as per here Ideally, what I would like to do is to only run a PowerShell exec command, if a web page doesn''t currently exist on the server (i.e. the PowerShell script is responsible for deploy...
2012 Apr 25
exec's onlyif parameter fails for a bash one-liner
I would like to ''exec'' an installation script ''onlyif'' an installation directory is empty. I tried using following bash one-liner however it didn''t work: <code> exec{$one_install_script: require => File[$one_install_script], onlyif => "[ \"$(/bin/ls -A $one_location)\" ] && exit 1 || exit...
2012 Aug 29
augeas and cron.allow
...etting it to add the name once. augeas { "check_mk_cron.allow" : context => "/files/etc/cron.allow", # changes => "set line[last()+1] $name", changes => "set 1[last()+1] $name", # onlyif => "match /files/etc/cron.allow/* include ALL", onlyif => "match *[.=''$name''] not_include $name", # onlyif => "get 1[.=''ALL''] == ALL", } The line '' changes => "set...
2007 Mar 18
A wish or possible?
Hi, One thing I''d like to be able to do is this... define sedfile ( $file = '''', $target = '''', $pattern = '''', $options = ''-i -n'' , onlyif = '''' ) { case $file { '''': { err ( "Require valid filename: ''$file''" ) } } case $target { '''': { err ( "Require valid target directory: ''$target''&qu...
2008 Oct 08
Puppet Augeas Plugin
...t;sysctl_conf"], } } define sysctl::config ($ensure) { augeas { "sysctl_conf_$name": notify => Exec["sysctl"], context => "/files/etc/sysctl.conf", changes => "set $name $ensure", onlyif => "get $name != $ensure" } } poking around in augeas.rb I noticed that "onlyif" is only processed if the result is not nil. Is this intended behavior? I propose that if the return value is nil it should be treated as an empty string so comparisons can still h...
2013 Nov 06
augeas onlyif problem
...t;: context => "/files/home/user/.ssh/config", changes => [ "ins IdentityFile after /files/home/user/.ssh/config/IdentityFile[last()]", " set /files/home/user/.ssh/config/IdentityFile[last()] ~/.ssh/user2nd_rsa", ], onlyif => "match /files/home/user/.ssh/config/IdentityFile not_include ~/.ssh/user2nd_rsa", } However it adds the line every puppet run. I''m wondering what I might be doing wrong. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet...
2011 Apr 21
ssh_authorized_key fails when home directory doesn't exist
..."billys key": ensure => present, key => ''billys sshkey'', name => "super duper key", type => ssh-rsa, user =>"billy", onlyif => "test -d /home/${user}" } I am assuming that I can refer to the user with ${user} and that onlyif is a valid parameter. Is this possible? Corey -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To...
2009 Mar 02
Using Augeas type to update sshd_config's AllowGroups
...share/augeas/lenses/sshd.aug:20.7-.37:Short split for concat err: //Node[testnode]/ssh/Ssh::Sshd_conf_group[sshuser]/Augeas[sshd_conf_group_sshuser]/returns: change from need_to_run to 0 failed: Save failed with return code false notice: Finished catalog run in 9.46 seconds I also want to add an onlyif to that type so that it only adds the sshuser group if it doesn''t already exist, but none of these seem to work: onlyif => "match /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowGroups/* != sshuser" onlyif => "match /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowGroups/ != sshuser" onlyif =&g...
2009 Dec 17
unless & onlyif for the exec
Hello, Can I specify multiple onlyif''s and/or unless''s in an exec statement? A quick look through the recipes didn''t find any... Thanks, -Roy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to puppet-users@goog...
2010 Jun 30
augeas and sudo woes
The following function is based on code I found here in an earlier thread. define sudoer() { augeas { "sudo${name}": context => "/files/etc/sudoers", changes => [ "set spec[last() + 1]/user ${name}", "set spec[last()]/host_group/host ALL", "set spec[last()]/host_group/command NOPASSWD: ALL", "set
2010 Feb 18
Augeas pam.d argument checking
I''m trying to change the password complexity requirements in pam.d/system-auth using augeas. I can append the values (lcredit=-1, ucredit=-1, etc) onto the correct place, but if another value is already present (i.e. lcredit=-2), the onlyif match statement doesn''t seem to support checking regular expressions inside of strings. How do I check that any numeric value exists in the argument?? define passwordcomplexity($lowercase = "1", $uppercase = "1", $numeric = "1", $special = "1&quo...
2012 Jul 03
Using onlyif
Here''s what I''m using: exec { "cert-fix": command => "curl -o /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", onlyif => "test -e /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", } But it keeps on failing: > [default] Running Puppet with /tmp/vagrant-puppet/manifests/acid.pp... > Parameter onlyif failed: ''test -e /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt'' is > both unqu > alifed and specifie...
2007 Mar 29
some questions regarding inhert, unless/onlyif and notify on recursive objects
...> "/tmp", path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin", command => "if test ! -f /var/lib/aide/ ; then /usr/bin/aide.wrapper --init; fi", creates => "/var/lib/aide/", onlyif => "test ! -f /var/lib/aide/", subscribe => Exec["update-aide.conf"], notify => Exec["cp /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db"], } exec { "cp /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/ai...
2010 Dec 23
Multiple AllowGroups entries in sshd_config with Puppet and Augeas
...}": context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config", require => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"], notify => Service["sshd"], changes => "set AllowGroups/*[last()+1] ${name}", onlyif => " match AllowGroups/*[.=''${name}''] size == 0"; } } } Then on a node, I can use this: node "webserver" { ssh::server::config::addallowgroup { ["test1", "test2", "test3"]: } } Sadly, the "changes" a...
2009 Oct 26
Relation to DMTF's CIM
I was wondering how Puppet relates to the DMTF''s CIM. AFAICT there is a clear connection between the two, but I see very little discussion on the topic on the list. Thanks, Cameron. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Dec 29
Puppet and augeas - onlyif conditions; overwriting default values
...quot;: provider => "augeas", context => "/files/etc/sysctl.conf", changes => [ "set fs.aio-max-nr 1048576", "set fs.file-max 9000", ], notify => Exec["load-sysctl"], onlyif => "match #comment[1] != ''MODIFY_FLAG''", } exec { "load-sysctl": command => "/sbin/sysctl -p", refreshonly => true, } ... #################################################### 2. custom puppet module to adjust adjus...
2012 Jul 31
Long processing time using Augeas
...''set *[file = "/home"]/dump 0'', ''set *[file = "/home"]/passno 0'', ], onlyif => ''match *[file = "/home"] size > 0'', } augeas { ''optLV'': context => ''/files/etc/fstab'',...
2008 Jul 30
Refreshonly question
Does anyone have a technique for performing an exec the first time puppetd runs but then reverting to refreshonly => true state for subsequent runs? The basic idea is: file { "/etc/foo": notify => Exec["bar"] } exec { "bar": command => "Do stuff to /etc/foo", refreshonly => true } Should I use a fact that is unset based on a
2010 Aug 31
Executing check times out
...9;test \! -d / dir'' debug: Executing ''test \! -d /dir'' [...] Here it hangs for several minutes, executin the statement manually works of course. The manifest: exec { "create dir": command => "mkdir -p /dir", onlyif => "test \! -d /dir", } What am I missing? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to puppet-u...