search for: ocupied

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "ocupied".

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2004 Dec 28
Varying x-axes ticks
Dear R Users, I have the following situations to plot. x-values (times) : range from 0 to 104 (in weeks) y-values (hazards) : range from 0 to 0.5 Now I want to make a plot of time versus hazards such that in the time axis (i.e x-axis) the values 0-24 occupies half of the axis and the values 25-104 ocupies the rest of the axis. In other words I want to emphasize on first 24
2011 May 17
Queues.conf Language Agents
...ks, I have a litle problem here, i did not run into this problem yet, but it will be in the future! Let think! I have 8 agents, 2 of them speak english and Portuguese. Now i have many clients most of them speaking english... And we send all users to the queue app. Now lets thinks all Agents are ocupied, and have 6 other english speakers at waiting line end now one portuguese speaker gets into to the line, is there an way that he "cut" the line and only be waiting for those two agents? Did i was clear? Sorry but as you can see english is not my first language! Thanks to all! []'sf....