search for: obrigado

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches for "obrigado".

2005 Dec 20
Overlaying lattice plots; Morning chaps, I have a little question for your capable minds... Say > I have an observed and predicted set of quants (in my case, length > frequencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice > plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel? > Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...) > Rich Hi Richard, If you want to plot both datasets on the same plot just make use of the xyplot for FLQuants, something like flqs <- FLQuants(list(pred=pred.quant, res=res.quant)) xyplot(data~age, data=flqs) now tune it the way you want and change the...
2005 Dec 20
Overlaying lattice plots; Morning chaps, I have a little question for your capable minds... Say > I have an observed and predicted set of quants (in my case, length > frequencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice > plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel? > Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...) > Rich Hi Richard, If you want to plot both datasets on the same plot just make use of the xyplot for FLQuants, something like flqs <- FLQuants(list(pred=pred.quant, res=res.quant)) xyplot(data~age, data=flqs) now tune it the way you want and change the...
2003 May 30
conversao para matriz
ol?, estou tentando converter a vari?vel b (abaixo) em uma matriz com duas colunas, sem muito sucesso, algu?m teria alguma sugest?o? muito obrigado, a<-outer(1:5,1:7,FUN="paste") b<- sample(a,10) [1] "4 2" "5 7" "3 3" "4 1" "4 5" "3 5" "5 2" "2 1" "3 7" "1 4" Matriz desejada: 4 2 5 7 ...... 3 7 1 4 ______________...
2006 Nov 27
Problema ao Logar no Dominio
...="ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=xxx" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=kcg-e84$))" Nov 27 12:55:50 xxxxx slapd[8298]: conn=178 op=25 SRCH base="ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=xxx" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=kcg-e84$))" Obrigado desde j?, abra?os.
2007 Jul 30
How to use 1 channel from TE110P for data transmission
...-- Esta mensagem (incluindo quaisquer anexos) pode conter informa??o confidencial para uso exclusivo do destinat?rio. Se n?o for o destinat?rio pretendido, n?o dever? usar, distribuir ou copiar este e-mail. Se recebeu esta mensagem por engano, por favor informe o emissor e elimine-a imediatamente. Obrigado. This e-mail message is intended only for individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, proprietary, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you believe you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by r...
2012 Mar 15
Erro na página
Nunca tive contato antes com Ruby on Rails. Temos um servidor aqui no serviço que foi configurado para receber aplicações Ruby. Na máquina local, o site estava funcionando perfeitamente. Agora existe este erro: Alguém já teve alguma experiência com esse tipo de erro e poderia me ajudar? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2012 Oct 05
Dúvida função Anova pacote car - Medidas repetidas
...que eu acho que esta função não está levando em consideração os dias, nem as réplicas. Como faço para introduzir isto na análise. Vocês conhecem alguma função correspondente não paramétrica para este teste? Tipo um teste de Friedman com dois grupos (tratamento e réplica) e um bloco (tempo)? Muito Obrigado Diego PJ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 11
rollback procedure requirements before asterisk upgrade
...-- Esta mensagem (incluindo quaisquer anexos) pode conter informa??o confidencial para uso exclusivo do destinat?rio. Se n?o for o destinat?rio pretendido, n?o dever? usar, distribuir ou copiar este e-mail. Se recebeu esta mensagem por engano, por favor informe o emissor e elimine-a imediatamente. Obrigado. This e-mail message is intended only for individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, proprietary, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you believe you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by r...
2012 Nov 14
indexing for Wilcoxon test (take 2)
...45, 2.65, 0, 2, 0, 5.2, 2, 2.65, 1, 2.83, 0, 1.73, 2.83, 0, 3.32, 3.61, 0)), .Names = c("id", "trial", "sex", "removed", "eaten", "scatter", "larder", "total"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -80L)) (Obrigado Rui!) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Dec 16
Some help for a beginner please: terser logging
Dear newfound friends, please be patient. For me reading and writing in English is more painful than dissecting IP traces :) I have tried reading through the FAQ but could not quite understand: I would like the logs to be terser. I think I can live without MAC, LEN, TOS, PREC, TTL, ID fields normally (maybe need them only in special situations). Could not understand if/how I can achieve this.
2020 Jun 22
SAMBA using existing users and passwords on Linux
On 22/06/2020 14:00, Fernando Gon?alves wrote: > Good morning Rowland. > > As you may have noticed, I am no expert in deploying SAMBA in an AD > domain. > Could you give me a link with a tutorial that explains in a simple way > the procedure for this? You could start here: > > Just to not leave
2020 Jun 22
SAMBA using existing users and passwords on Linux
...tps://>. <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2> Em seg., 22 de jun. de 2020 ?s 11:55, Fernando Gon?alves < fernandolmg at> escreveu: > Ok Rowland. > Muito obrigado por mais essa ajuda. > At? a pr?xima. > > > <> Livre > de v?rus. > <
2017 Apr 17
I added a linux server to the Active Directory domain, I realized that the samba-winbind package uses the smb.conf file, but I also need to use the same linux server with shares, if I install the samba package, this package use the smb.conf file. Is there a solution? Then i have problem with 2 services. Example systemctl services: smb.service winbind.service My system is Centos 7. --
2003 Dec 01
No subject
...I put the username greg and the greg's pass, it doesn't works. =20 Regards. =20 Schutz. =B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7= =B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7=B7= =B7=B7=B7=B7=B7 ___________________ =AE Obrigado! / /\ ---------------------=20 / //~~~ //~~~ / /\ =B7Fernando Sch=FCtz / //~~ //___ / /\ --------------------- =20 / // // / /\ Analista de Sistemas / =B7=B7 ~~~~~ / /\ --------------------- /_______________...
2007 Nov 22
Digium and Asterisk
Hi List; Is Digium the best telephony cards to be used with Asterisk? The prices are some how high, any suggestion? Regards Bilal ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
2017 Apr 17
...--------------------------------- > -------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > -- > To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the > instructions: > -- Obrigado Cordialmente Gilberto Ferreira Consultor TI Linux | IaaS Proxmox, CloudStack, KVM | Zentyal Server | Zimbra Mail Server (47) 3025-5907 (47) 99676-7530 Skype: konnectati
2013 Jun 26
DL380g8 - smart array B320i - CentOS 6.4
Gostaria de instalar o Centos 6.4 em um dl380e g8 com uma smart array b320i, na instala??o n?o possui drives por isso aparece que n?o h? discos dispon?veis, baixei os drives para red hat .dd do site da HP, como poderia carregar esses drives durante a instala??o? gravei eles em um pen drive. Obrigado. -- Sergio.Alex
2020 Jun 22
SAMBA using existing users and passwords on Linux
Ok Rowland. Muito obrigado por mais essa ajuda. At? a pr?xima. <> Livre de v?rus. <
2009 Sep 02
Xen nativo
Galera, boa tarde.Tô numa briga comigo mesmo tentando responder o seguinte: necessariamente preciso do linux instalado pra depois instalar o XEN ? Não posso usar um .ISO e já instalar o XEN direto ? Algum material que me mostre mais sobre esse assunto ? Obrigado desde já pela ajuda. Abraço. José _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2007 Oct 26
Fwd: Ajuda em R
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