search for: no3

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2009 Apr 20
Fitting linear models
...not sure if this is an R-users question, but since most of you here are statisticians, I decided to give it a shot. I am using the lm() function in R to fit a dependent variable to a set of 3 to 5 independent variables. For this, I used the following commands: >model1<-lm(function=PBW~SO4+NO3+NH4) Coefficients: (Intercept) SO4 NO3 NH4 0.01323 0.01968 0.01856 NA and >model2<-lm(function=PBW~SO4+NO3+NH4+Na+Cl) Coefficients: (Intercept) SO4 NO3 NH4 Na Cl -0.0006987 -0.0119750 -0.0295042 0.0842...
2009 Jul 25
yaxp problem for more irregular time series in one plot
Good day, I'm trying to get more time series in one plot. As there are bigger differences in values of variables I need logaritmic y axis. The code I use is the following: nvz_3_data <- read.csv('/home/tomas/R_outputs/nvz_3.csv') date <- (nvz_3_data$date) NO3 <- (nvz_3_data$NO3) NH4 <- (nvz_3_data$NH4) date_p <- as.POSIXct(date, "CET") par(mfrow=c(2,1), ylog = TRUE, yaxp = c(0.01, 100, 3)) plot(date_p, NO3, log = "y", type = "l", col = "darkred", main = "NVZ-1", xlab = "time", ylab = &...
2002 Jun 06
covariance analysis model
Dear list users, I have trouble with covariance analysis. I measured nitrate concentrations in the soil (NO3) and the percentage of legumes (LEG, continuous), affected by 2 different CO2 concentrations (CO2, discrete). I suspect that CO2 has an effect on LEG and NO3, but also that LEG has an effect on NO3, so this is the formula I wrote to test this: NO3 ~ CO2 + LEG + CO2:LEG Will LEG be considered co...
2009 Sep 11
format (?) problems with data imported from postgres
...nn becomes an object which contains the DB connection: conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS", user="postgres", password = "*******") query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date, fe2, fe3, mn, nh4, no2, no3, o2, teplota as temperature from analystats where zdroj like 'Dunaj Kalinkovo'") watchem_duj_kal <- dbGetResult(query_duj_kal) My intention with the data is to create a time series by a following script: date <- (watchem_duj_kal$date) NO3 <- (watchem_duj_kal$no3) NH4 <- (...
2009 Sep 13
zoo plot: yearly marks on X-Axis
...into mine like this: - library(Rdbi) library(RdbiPgSQL) conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS", user="postgres", password = "******") query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date, fe2, fe3, mn, nh4, no2, no3, o2, teplota as temperature from analystats where zdroj like 'Dunaj Kalinkovo' order by date") watchem_duj_kal <- dbGetResult(query_duj_kal) date <- (watchem_duj_kal$date) date_p <- strptime(date, "%m-%d-%Y") no3 <- (watchem_duj_kal$no3) nh4 <- (watchem_duj_ka...
2011 Oct 09
...or all in cors=sapply(pred,cor,y=resp). I suppose that each column in pred has NAs in them. Is there some way to fix this? Thanks > str(pred) 'data.frame':   200 obs. of  13 variables:  $ mnO2: num  9.8 8 11.4 4.8 9 13.1 10.3 10.6 3.4 9.9 ...  $ Cl  : num  60.8 57.8 40 77.4 55.4 ...  $ NO3 : num  6.24 1.29 5.33 2.3 10.42 ...  $ NH4 : num  578 370 346.7 98.2 233.7 ...  $ oPO4: num  105 428.8 125.7 61.2 58.2 ...  $ PO4 : num  170 558.8 187.1 138.7 97.6 ...  $ Chla: num  50 1.3 15.6 1.4 10.5 ...  $ a1  : num  0 1.4 3.3 3.1 9.2 15.1 2.4 18.2 25.4 17 ...  $ a2  : num  0 7.6 53.6 41 2.9 14...
2011 Mar 07
png inside loop
...mbled over this strange behaviour (at least I am not able to explain the behaviour, therefore I assume it to be a strange behaviour): attach(water) # I know, this is not recommended names(water[3:10]) [1] "temp" "pH" "DO" "BOD" "COD" "no3" "no2" "po4" for (i in names(water)[3:10]){ fname<-paste("Henni/GFX/fem",i,".png",sep="") mname<-paste("Henni/GFX/mal",i,".png",sep="") png(fname,1000,1000) xyplot(N_female~eval(parse(t...
2011 Jan 10
Help with Data Transformation
...500 2295 LHR020GW-01E2 N WG ORG BRLS NONE A5310B DOC = 49330 2296 LHR020GW-01E2 N WG SN BRLS NONE E300 NO3 = 792 2326 LHR020SD-00E2 N SE MET BRLS METHOD E1630 MEHG = 4.28 2327 LHR020SD-00E2 N SE MI BRLS METHOD...
2011 Feb 27
accessing variables inside a function, inside a loop
...;-read.csv("Henni/water-abundance2.csv",sep="\t",header=T) source("functions.R") attach(water) names(water): [1] "site" "sample" "temp" "pH" "DO" "BOD" [7] "COD" "no3" "no2" "po4" "N_male" "N_female" vars<-names(water)[3:10] par(mfrow=c(4,2)) for (i in vars) { comp.plot(i,N_male,DATA=water) } comp.plot<-function(parameter,y,DATA){ #this is actually in functions.R x<-DATA[[paramet...
2007 Oct 03
Hi, my name is Luis, and I have a problem with a dataset. Its name is algae and count the collection of data in a lake and respective proliferation of algae. The parameters that it has are: "mxPH", "mnO2", "Cl", "NO3" "NH4", "oPO4", "PO4", "Chla" and "a1" all numerics. a1 - algae1 If I try to do SVM with him, it doesn't generate a square matrix, why? If I try to do same thing in another dataset as Glass of the package "mlbench" with the data...
2010 Jul 12
Error in storage.mode(test) <- "logical"
...ct values HGlt102009=dataset[,6] HGBL10_F_2007 =dataset[,11] HGmt122009=dataset[,7] HGBL12_F_2007 = dataset[,16] URRmt65Perc2009 = dataset[,3] URRG65_F_2007=dataset[,22] yes1=HGlt102009-HGBL10_F_2007 no1=HGlt102009-2 yes2=HGmt122009-HGBL12_F_2007 no2=HGmt122009-26 yes3=URRG65_F_2007-URRmt65Perc2009 no3=96-URRmt65Perc2009 Analysis2009 <- transform(dataset , HGBlt10_Natl_Ave_or_Facility = recode(HGBL10_F_2007,"0:2='National'; else='Facility'") , HGBmt12_Natl_Ave_or_Facility = recode(HGBL12_F_2007,"0:26='National'; else='Facility'") , URRmt65...
2013 Jan 11
Using square brackets in a ploted expression
Dear Users, I have the following text plotted inside a graphic: text(16200, 2.8*0.97, expression(NH[3]==0.33-1.1 %*% 10^-5 %*% day), adj=c(1,1)) I need to include square brackets in the expression around the ammonia to have it plotted like that: [NO3-]. I tried instinctively to use %[% to plot the brackets, but it did not work. Does anybody of you know what is the correct syntax to plot square brackets inside an expression? Thank you in advance, José [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jan 13
Help with Data Transformation - RESOLVED
...t;DOC","FE","Hg","HG","HGACIDLAB","HGEXTINO","HGEXTORG","HGNONMOB""HGSEMIMOB","K", "MEHG","MG","MN","MO","NH3N","NI","NO2N","NO3","NO3N","PB""PO4","S","SB","SE","SO4", "SOLID","SSC","TL","TOC","V","Zn","ZN" - These are currently stored in the "PARLABEL" column. *...
2008 Jan 31
winbind problem
Hi everyone, I recently bought a qnap TS-209Pro []. This embeds samba 3.0.23d.I configured it to connect to our Active Directory, but as soon as I set winbind enum users and winbind enum groups to "yes" in the /etc/smb.conf file, winbindd uses 100% of CPU. I've googled the problem and found a lot of problems, less solutions... Does anybody have a clue on this ? I have
2005 Dec 08
'mean' and 'sd' calculations do not match;. But they are defined from the same values, -9999. I used the code below. Below the code are parts of the results. Cheers, Ulrich Data import: chemicS <- read.table("ChemieUlli_4_Quellen.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",",na.strings = "-9999") Count EC NO3 NO2 NH4 3504 630.0000 33.00 0.001 0.01 3505 NA 26.66 <NA> <NA> 3506 NA 0.72 <NA> <NA> 3507 NA NA <NA> <NA> 3508 NA NA <NA> <NA> 3509 NA NA <NA> <NA> 3510 1210...
2011 Nov 29
Why Numeric Values Become Factors in Data Frame
...|'CO3'|'HCO3'|'Alk-Tot'|'As'|'Ba'|'Be'|'Bi'|'Ca'|'Cd'|'Cl'|'Co'|'Cr'|'Cu'|'DO'|'Fe'|'Hg'|'K'|'Mg'|'Mn'|'Mo'|'Na'|'NH4'|'NO3-NO2'|'Oil-grease'|'Pb'|'pH'|'Sb'|'SC'|'Se'|'SO4'|'Sr'|'TDS'|'Tl'|'V'|'Zn' 'D-1'|'2007-12-12'|0.000|0.106|1.000|231.000|231.000|0.011|0.000|0.002|0.000|100.000|0.000|1.430|0.000|0.006|...
2011 Oct 31
reshape2: Lost Values Between melt() and dcast()
...3rd Qu.: 27.000 Max. :20450.000 NA's : 2134.000 and summary(winters.melt) site sampdate param variable WC :601 Min. :1987-07-23 As : 96 quant:1189 WC-2 :327 1st Qu.:1994-06-15 TDS : 79 WC-1 :261 Median :1995-07-27 NO3-N : 74 BC-0.5 : 0 Mean :1997-05-15 pH : 72 BC-1 : 0 3rd Qu.:1996-07-29 SO4 : 69 BC-1.5 : 0 Max. :2011-06-06 Cl : 64 (Other): 0 (Other):735 value Min. : 0.00 1st Qu.: 0.05 Median : 7.59 Mean : 79.20 3rd Qu.:...
2002 Jan 22
...0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 15, 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 11, 0, 0, 3, 4, 21, 0, 16, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 93, 1, 17, 0), .Names = c("Lead1.no1", "Lead1.no2", "Lead1.no3", "Lead1.no4", "Lead1.no5", "Lead1.no6", "Lead1.no7", "Lead1.no8", "Lead1.no9", "Lead1.no10", "Lead1.no11", "Lead1.no12", "Lead1.no13", "Lead1.no14", "Lead1.no15", "Le...
2009 Feb 03
non linear regression with nls
...first time I'm using the R-help list... I hope I'm in the right place, if not: Sorry!! I need to do non linear regressions on a data set which columns are: "" "Portata" "PTG.P" "PO4.P" "NT.N" "NH4.N" "NO3.N" "BOD5" "SiO2" I need to predict every variable (PTG, PO4, NT, ..., which are concentration of substances in water) starting from the "Portata" variable (which is the water flow) The functions that I'm using are: > fz1<-function(Portata, a, b)...
2013 Jan 08
bagging SVM Ensemble
...ediction4<- predict(modeltan,newdata=testset, decision.values=F) no1<-sum(prediction1==0) yes1<-sum(prediction1==1) vote1<-c() if(yes1>no1) vote1<-1 else vote1<-0 no2<-sum(prediction2==0) yes2<-sum(prediction2==1) vote2<-c() if(yes2>no2) vote2<-1 else vote2<-0 no3<-sum(prediction3==0) yes3<-sum(prediction3==1) vote3<-c() if(yes3>no3) vote3<-1 else vote3<-0 no4<-sum(prediction4==0) yes4<-sum(prediction4==1) vote4<-c() if(yes4>no4) vote4<-1 else vote4<-0 tab1 <- table(pred = prediction1,testset$class) tab2 <- table(pre...