search for: negtive

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "negtive".

Did you mean: negative
2010 May 30
How can I fit a fixed-effect linear model or generalized linear model with method="ml"?
...I fix this problem? Of course, it's not necessary to be "glm" or "lme", I am just looking for commands which allow me to fit a linear model (without any random effect) with "ml" method. And later I may also need to fit generalized linear models (probit, gamma and negtive binomial) with method "ml". Any suggestions? Thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 03
distance coefficient for amatrix with ngative valus
Hi, I need to run a PCoA (PCO) for a data set wich has both positive and negative values for variables. I  could not find any distancecoefficient other than euclidean distace running for the data set. Are there any other coefficient works with negtive values.Also I cannot get summary out put (the eigen values) for PCO as for PCA.   Thanks. Dilshan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]