search for: nastring

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "nastring".

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2008 May 07
RODBC sqlSave with multiple schema in DB2
...3.html where it was suggested to set schema prior to sqlSave. This does not work. Below is the error as well as traceback(): > sqlSave(myConnection,merged,tablename="PCCSLANOTMETBYSEVERITY",append=T,rownames=F,colnames=F,verbose=T,oldstyle=F, safer=TRUE,addPK=F,fast=F,test=FALSE,nastring="") Error in dimnames(x) <- dn : length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent > > traceback() 3: `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("COC_ID", "ACCOUNT_ID", "COMPETENCY", "SERVICE_LINE", "WORKSTREAM_ID", &quot...
2011 Dec 21
Looping over files
...ob.fvd" "chr17.chunk10.prob.fvi" And I am using the *.dose files to convert the data into a text file. For a singlefile, the following works: chr17chunk1dose <- databel("chr17.chunk1.dose") databel2text(databel=chr17chunk1dose, file="chr1_chunk1.dose.txt", NAString="NA", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, transpose=FALSE) I am trying to do the conversion inside a loop for all the files at a time but can't figure out how to do it. Any hep is appreciated. #### I am trying something like this: flies <- list.files(pattern="dose")??? fo...
2004 May 10
sqlSave with underscores in table fieldname
...frame to a table (RODBC). I use colnames(temp6) <- c("ind_id","ser_id","period_id","year","calc","mean") sqlSave(channel, temp6, tablename = "series_indices_test",append= TRUE, rownames=FALSE, verbose = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = -999999, fast = FALSE) This is giving me an error: Error in sqlSave(channel, temp6, tablename = "series_indices_test", append = TRUE, : unable to append to table %sseries_indices_test My table definition is: ind_id smallint(3) ser_id smallint(4) period_id tinyint(2) year...
2008 Feb 25
Exporting a dataframe from R to Excel
...493957 [5,] 1 0.08894066 1.036830 1.000000 0.5270633 1.0901834 into a named are in Excel of the correct size, but I do not want to export the rownames as well. I've tried using RODBC sqlUpdate: sqlUpdate(channel=channel, dat=Duration_summary, index = NULL,verbose = FALSE, test = FALSE,nastring = NULL, fast = TRUE) Error in sqlUpdate(channel = channel, dat = Duration_summary, index = NULL, : cannot update 'Duration_summary' without unique column Please help... The disclaimer also provides our corporate inf...
2009 Oct 16
RODBC sqlSave does not append the records to a DB2 table
...w, three-column data.frame (se2) I want to insert into a DB2 table. > sqlSave(channel, se2, tablename = "STORAGE.TEST_APPEND2", append = TRUE, + rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, + verbose = TRUE, + safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE, + fast = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL) Query: INSERT INTO STORAGE.TEST_APPEND2 ( "MACRONAME", "MACROUSER", "MACRO_RT" ) VALUES ( 's_ej_mach_config_vz', 'jones2', 5 ) > I don't get any error message, but when I check the table row count, the record has not been added to the t...
2010 Sep 06
xlsReadWrite v1.5.2
Natively read and write Excel (.xls) files. Supports Windows 32-bit only (atm). A new version has been released: -- changes -- o read.xls - new arguments 'checkNames' - recognize NA values according to a new 'naStrings' argument - recognize NaN values - recognize 'true', 'false' (not case-sensitive) as logical when determing a class for data.frame column; when the value in the first cell is an integer, a numeric will be assumed nevertheless - colnames are more consistent with R usag...
2010 Sep 06
xlsReadWrite v1.5.2
Natively read and write Excel (.xls) files. Supports Windows 32-bit only (atm). A new version has been released: -- changes -- o read.xls - new arguments 'checkNames' - recognize NA values according to a new 'naStrings' argument - recognize NaN values - recognize 'true', 'false' (not case-sensitive) as logical when determing a class for data.frame column; when the value in the first cell is an integer, a numeric will be assumed nevertheless - colnames are more consistent with R usag...
2012 Dec 04
error reading xlsm file with read.xls
Dear all, I cannot reading a .xlsm file using read.xls. I executed: read.xls("resultados.xlsm", colNames = TRUE, sheet = 1, type = "data.frame", from = 1, rowNames = NA, colClasses = "character", checkNames = TRUE, dateTime = "numeric", naStrings = NA, stringsAsFactors = F) Error: Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, : Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for 'ReadXls' If I just write read.xls("resultados.xlsm") It give me the same error. Regards, Sebastián. [[alternativ...
2010 Aug 13
some helpful tips on using RODBC
...###################################################### db.populate <- function(dataSet=NULL, dbTable=NULL, primeKey=NULL, db="blah", check.names=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, safer=TRUE, fast=TRUE, test=FALSE, nastring=NULL) { iAm <- "db.populate" if (is.null(dataSet) | is.null(dbTable)) stop(paste(iAm,": Both \"dataSet\" and \"dbtable\" variables must be", " provided.", sep="")) ### connect to the database & que...
2012 Dec 04
leer .xlsm con read.xls
...e R. Estoy tratando de leer un archivo excel con read.xls usando la siguiente sentencia: read.xls("resultados.xlsm", colNames = TRUE, sheet = 1, type = "data.frame", from = 1, rowNames = NA, colClasses = "character", checkNames = TRUE, dateTime = "numeric", naStrings = NA, stringsAsFactors = F) Pero me da el siguiente error: Error en .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, : Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for ''ReadXls'' Si utilizo directamente: read.xls("resultados.xlsm") Me d...
2002 Dec 31
...umented on the R site, or in the RODBC docs, I have missed it. 2) So if I create a file with chars and ints in MS SQL it seems to work OK -- until I have missing data in the data frame (e.g. int NAs). I have not yet hit upon the way to write nulls to the receiving system. I have played with "nastring=" and each time I get: "[RODBC]Failed exec in Update22005 0 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid character value for cast specification " In my defence, I have spent many hours trying to sort these issues out. What am I missing? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Rob...
2009 May 29
RODBC sqlSave with DB2
...he same DB2 table. I get an error: sqlSave(channel, newdta, tablename = storage.testappend_slt, append = TRUE, + rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, + verbose = FALSE, oldstyle = FALSE,, + safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE, typeInfo, varTypes, + fast = TRUE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL) Error in sqlSave(channel, dta, tablename = storage.testappend_slt, append = TRUE, : object 'storage.testappend_slt' not found I've tried variations on the table name including dropping the schema, using all uppercase, adding the tablespace name, etc., all without success....
2012 Mar 15
Importing multiple worksheets from one Excle/ csv file into R
...m and put them in the following code... ----------------- data1<-read.xls("Z:/WORK_2012/Data/test.xls",colNames=TRUE,sheet=1, type="data.frame",from=1,rowNames=TRUE,checkNames=TRUE,dateTime="isodate", naStrings=NA,stringsAsFactors=TRUE) Error in .Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, : Incorrect number of arguments (11), expecting 10 for 'ReadXls' ---------------- It would be great if anyone can let me know where the code went wrong and any suggestion on how t...
2009 Jun 09
RODBC sqlSave does not append the records
...hteen-column data.frame I want to insert into a DB2 table. sqlSave(channel, recs, tablename = "testappend_slt", append = TRUE, + rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, + verbose = TRUE, oldstyle = FALSE, + safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE, + fast = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL) Query: INSERT INTO "testappend_slt" ( "RECORDNO", "HEADERID", "SITE", "TESTER", "TESTCELL", "PRODUCT", "OPERATION", "OPNUM", "PRODMODE", "VERSION", "REVISION", "UUT&...
2009 Jun 02
How to convert blanks to NA
Hi R-helpers, I have imported data from Excel using the following code: library(xlsReadWrite) data <- read.xls(data,colClasses=c("character")) and this results in all of the empty (blank) cells in the imported Excel file also being empty (blank) in the resulting dataframe. I am not used to having blanks (rather NAs) and I think these are caused by the colClasses argument. I would
2007 Apr 24
new version of seqinR
...e coordinates of the exons, along with the name of the CDS to which they belong. o After an e-mail by Marcelo Bertalan on 26 Mar 2007, a bug in oriloc() when the gbk argument was NULL was found and fixed by Anamaria Necsulea. o Functions translate() and getTrans() have gained a new argument NAstring to represent untranslatable amino-acids, defaulting to character "X". o There was a typo for the total number of printed bases in the ACNUC books: 474,439 should be 526,506. o Function invers() has been deleted. o Functions translate(), getTrans() and comp() have gained a new argu...
2007 Apr 24
new version of seqinR
...e coordinates of the exons, along with the name of the CDS to which they belong. o After an e-mail by Marcelo Bertalan on 26 Mar 2007, a bug in oriloc() when the gbk argument was NULL was found and fixed by Anamaria Necsulea. o Functions translate() and getTrans() have gained a new argument NAstring to represent untranslatable amino-acids, defaulting to character "X". o There was a typo for the total number of printed bases in the ACNUC books: 474,439 should be 526,506. o Function invers() has been deleted. o Functions translate(), getTrans() and comp() have gained a new argu...
2010 Nov 29
Updates for xlsReadWrite (1.5.3) and xlsReadWritePro (1.6.1/3)
...cols must be inside Excel data area, to/from can be outside - TRUE: rows/cols/to/from must all be inside Excel data area - FALSE: rows/cols/to/from are allowed to be outside the Excel data area - values which cannot be converted become NA (for double it was NaN before) o write.xls - naStrings the DEFAULT CHANGES from NA to '', i.e. cells will be cleared o read.xls/write.xls - rows/cols arguments can be used together. This is kind of subsetting Excel: 'ExcelSheet[<rows>, <cols>]', i.e. 'ExcelSheet[c(3, 4, 6), c(2, 4)]' - colNames - support...