search for: mycommands

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "mycommands".

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2011 Jun 29
Querying the path separator?
Hopefully this is a pretty easy fix -- I need to have R query the path separator for some code I'm trying to write (it involves using a system() call) -- the call requires a path and a wildcard, e.g.: command="mycommand /path/to/*.files" in the case of unix or, command="mycommand.exe C:\\path\\to\\*.files" on a windows box System.which is working correctly, so the
2011 Oct 14
"verbose source" command?
...'d like to be able to do is have them copy the commands they type at the R console into a text file, and then execute the text file to see the results. For instance, if their session looks like this: 3+4 [1] 7 factorial(10) [1] 3628800 I'd like for them to create a text file called "myCommands.R" with contents: 3+4 factorial(10) and then run it at the R console using source("myCommands.R"), and see this output: [1] 7 [1] 3628800 This would help with many things, including my grading their lab work. Unfortunately, if I/they do this using the source() command as it sta...
2011 Jul 13
use of MAILTO variable in crontab
I want to do something like this: 30 2 * * * MAILTO=testaddr at; echo "this should be mailed" I have searched extensively and from what I have read I believe that this should work. But evidently I misapprehend how cron and MAILTO is supposed to work as my example does not cause any mail to be sent as far as I can determine from maillog. How does one specify unique
2006 Oct 27
Waiting before executing System command
Hello, all! I'm having a problem with the following snippet that executes upon hangup: exten => h,n,Wait(5) exten => h,n,System(mv /some/file /some/other/dir/) Wait() doesn't want to seem to wait! So instead I tried: exten => h,n,System(sleep 5; mv /tmp/${CALLFILENAME} /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/) This only executes sleep, not mv. How can I make it wait before moving the
2009 Aug 16
good and bad ways to import fixed column data (rpy)
Recorded here so others may avoid my mistakes. I have a bunch of files containing fixed width data. The R Data guide suggests that one pre-process them with a script if they are large. They were 50MG and up, and I needed to process another file that gave the layout of the lines anyway. I tried rpy to not only preprocess but create the R data object in one go. It seemed like a good idea; it
2018 Mar 13
trashcan on dist. repl. volume with geo-replication
Hi Kotresh, thanks for your repsonse... answers inside... best regards Dietmar Am 13.03.2018 um 06:38 schrieb Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar: > Hi Dietmar, > > I am trying to understand the problem and have few questions. > > 1. Is trashcan enabled only on master volume? no, trashcan is also enabled on slave. settings are the same as on master but trashcan on slave is complete
2004 Oct 07
Re:How to create a R -application
Dear R- users and Helpers I am a beginner for R. I am using R to implement EM algorithm for treating Missing values. I would like to know how can save or compile my logical R commands to an application; so that the next time I could just execute the R- file. Example for calculating the mean of a data set x <- c(8,11,16,18,6,4,20,25,9,13) u <- mean(x) u Now I would like to save
2007 Nov 15
An extremely modest proposal: It would be nice if packages could have a FAQ and if faq( would produce this faq. And if, by default faq() FAQ() would produce the admirable R faq... Apologies in advance if there is already a mechanism like this, but didn't reveal anything. url: Roger Koenker email rkoenker at
2011 Nov 28
R CMD <custom>?
Hi, is it possible to add a custom script such that it is called via R CMD <custom>? Is R CMD searching for it elsewhere than R_HOME/bin/? I'm looking for an non-admin alternative, so copying the script to R_HOME/bin/ will not do (in case the user don't have enough permission to write there). /Henrik
2006 Jul 14
Export to LaTeX
Dear Everybody! I want to export data to LaTeX. As I want to employ the data as freely as possible I want to avoid the xtable-command and instead generate some List like \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Adam}{Auer}{17} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Bertram}{Bauer}{14} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Christoph}{Huber}{75} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Damian}{Dorfer}{69} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Emanuel}{Eder}{43} with \MyOwnPrittyCommand
2007 Feb 06
What I''m doing with Puppet
Hi all, Just reading through Luke''s interview on and I came across this statement: "This topic comes up on the list periodically, however, and most people are very tight-lipped about what they''re doing with Puppet." Being the chattermouth that I am, I''d like to take this opportunity to tell you all what we''re (that is, my