search for: mycommand

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "mycommand".

2011 Jun 29
Querying the path separator?
Hopefully this is a pretty easy fix -- I need to have R query the path separator for some code I'm trying to write (it involves using a system() call) -- the call requires a path and a wildcard, e.g.: command="mycommand /path/to/*.files" in the case of unix or, command="mycommand.exe C:\\path\\to\\*.files" on a windows box System.which is working correctly, so the "mycommand" vs "mycommand.exe" part is working fine. The issue is that the /path/to should be set to getwd(), but t...
2011 Oct 14
"verbose source" command?
...'d like to be able to do is have them copy the commands they type at the R console into a text file, and then execute the text file to see the results. For instance, if their session looks like this: 3+4 [1] 7 factorial(10) [1] 3628800 I'd like for them to create a text file called "myCommands.R" with contents: 3+4 factorial(10) and then run it at the R console using source("myCommands.R"), and see this output: [1] 7 [1] 3628800 This would help with many things, including my grading their lab work. Unfortunately, if I/they do this using the source() command as it st...
2011 Jul 13
use of MAILTO variable in crontab
I want to do something like this: 30 2 * * * MAILTO=testaddr at; echo "this should be mailed" I have searched extensively and from what I have read I believe that this should work. But evidently I misapprehend how cron and MAILTO is supposed to work as my example does not cause any mail to be sent as far as I can determine from maillog. How does one specify unique
2006 Oct 27
Waiting before executing System command
Hello, all! I'm having a problem with the following snippet that executes upon hangup: exten => h,n,Wait(5) exten => h,n,System(mv /some/file /some/other/dir/) Wait() doesn't want to seem to wait! So instead I tried: exten => h,n,System(sleep 5; mv /tmp/${CALLFILENAME} /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/) This only executes sleep, not mv. How can I make it wait before moving the
2009 Aug 16
good and bad ways to import fixed column data (rpy)
...o not only preprocess but create the R data object in one go. It seemed like a good idea; it wasn't. The core operation, was to build up a string for each line that looked like "data.frame(var1=val1, var2=val2, [etc])" and then rbind this to the data.frame so far. I did this with r(mycommand string). Almost all the values were numeric. This was incredibly slow, being unable to complete after running overnight. So, the lesson is, don't do that! I switched to preprocessing that created a csv file, and then read.csv from R. This worked in under a minute. The result had dimension...
2018 Mar 13
trashcan on dist. repl. volume with geo-replication
Hi Kotresh, thanks for your repsonse... answers inside... best regards Dietmar Am 13.03.2018 um 06:38 schrieb Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar: > Hi Dietmar, > > I am trying to understand the problem and have few questions. > > 1. Is trashcan enabled only on master volume? no, trashcan is also enabled on slave. settings are the same as on master but trashcan on slave is complete
2004 Oct 07
Re:How to create a R -application
Dear R- users and Helpers I am a beginner for R. I am using R to implement EM algorithm for treating Missing values. I would like to know how can save or compile my logical R commands to an application; so that the next time I could just execute the R- file. Example for calculating the mean of a data set x <- c(8,11,16,18,6,4,20,25,9,13) u <- mean(x) u Now I would like to save
2007 Nov 15
An extremely modest proposal: It would be nice if packages could have a FAQ and if faq( would produce this faq. And if, by default faq() FAQ() would produce the admirable R faq... Apologies in advance if there is already a mechanism like this, but didn't reveal anything. url: Roger Koenker email rkoenker at
2011 Nov 28
R CMD <custom>?
Hi, is it possible to add a custom script such that it is called via R CMD <custom>? Is R CMD searching for it elsewhere than R_HOME/bin/? I'm looking for an non-admin alternative, so copying the script to R_HOME/bin/ will not do (in case the user don't have enough permission to write there). /Henrik
2006 Jul 14
Export to LaTeX
Dear Everybody! I want to export data to LaTeX. As I want to employ the data as freely as possible I want to avoid the xtable-command and instead generate some List like \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Adam}{Auer}{17} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Bertram}{Bauer}{14} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Christoph}{Huber}{75} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Damian}{Dorfer}{69} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Emanuel}{Eder}{43} with \MyOwnPrittyCommand
2007 Feb 06
What I''m doing with Puppet
...e (preferably on demand only) - report-back framework (oh noes! client 375 had an error while trying to run manifest Foo, let''s have the puppetmaster mail the Sysadmin Donkey so he can fix it) - nagios integration (I can dream, can''t I?) - support for something like: exec { "mycommand with some arguments": unless => file { "/tmp/idonotexists": test => exists } } -- Kind regards, Tim