search for: mtex

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "mtex".

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2002 Apr 16
passing ", betrayed by the non-vanishing \
mtex[3]<-"I need\'s a \"double quote\" with no backslash" mtex[3] [1] "I need's a \"double quote\" with no backslash" so how is it done? Thanks in advance, graham lawrence _________________________________________________________________ -.-.-.-.-...
2008 Jul 08
Multiple Plots and y Axis Labels
...96, frequency=12) fire<-ts(scan("fire.csv"),start=1996,frequency=12) op<-par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), oma=c(2,5,3,1), mfrow=c(2,1)) xl <- c(1996,2008) plot(rain, xlim=xl, axes=F, col="blue"); axis(2, las=1); axis(1, labels=F); box(); abline(v=1996:2008, lty=3) mtext("Rainfall", side=2, line=line1, cex=mtex); mtext(expression(paste("mm ",month^{-1})), side=2, line=line2, cex=mtex); plot(fire*100, xlim=xl, axes=F, col="red"); axis(2, las=1); axis(1, labels=F); box(); abline(v=1996:2008, lty=3) mtext("Fire", sid...
2012 Apr 24
Positioning main title
...t;par" to make some room in the left: par(mar=c(0, 17, 3, 0), oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0)) barplot2(prueba, main = l, col=colores, horiz=TRUE,las=1, cex.names=.7) My problem is that main text appears justified to the plot. I want to put it in the middle of the image, and find a way to sort it out with mtex par(mar=c(0, 17, 3, 0), oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0)) barplot2(prueba, col=colores, horiz=TRUE,las=1, cex.names=.7) mtext(l,side = 3, at = -70, line = 0.8) But I will have to adjust this "at =-70" to his plot, depending on the length of the title. I wonder if I can't find a way to place it in...
2009 Aug 04
[PATCH] Log ~/.ssh/authorized_keys comments when using LogLevel=VERBOSE adds them to the already existing verbose() call. I find it useful e.g. on shared accounts where it's sometimes not enough to have the key fingerprint in the log file. Can this be applied? -- Fernando Vezzosi qw(MDAx MTAw MDEw MDEx MDAw _5 MTEw _6 _1 _5 _5 _4 _2 _2 _6 MTEx _1 _5 _5 _4 _5 _2 _6 _1 _1 _2 _2 _3 _5 _5 _6 _1 _1 _2 _5 _4 _3 _5 _2 _5 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 MA==) -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: OpenSSH_log_key_comment.diff Type: text/x-diff Size: 1384 bytes Desc: not available URL: <http://lists.mindrot...
2004 Sep 19
MFC compile problem
...pp src/filex.cpp src/fixalloc.cpp src/inet.cpp src/inetcall.cpp src/isapi.cpp src/isapimix.cpp src/list_o.cpp src/list_p.cpp src/list_s.cpp src/map_pp.cpp src/map_pw.cpp src/map_so.cpp src/map_sp.cpp src/map_ss.cpp src/map_wo.cpp src/map_wp.cpp src/mtcore.cpp src/mtex.cpp src/nolib.cpp src/objcore.cpp src/occcont.cpp src/occddx.cpp src/occddxf.cpp src/occdlg.cpp src/occevent.cpp src/occlock.cpp src/occmgr.cpp src/occsite.cpp src/oleasmon.cpp src/olebar.cpp src/olecall.cpp src/olecli1.cpp src/olecli2.cpp src/olecli3.cpp src/olecn...