search for: modelfile

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "modelfile".

2013 Jan 18
problem that arises after using the new version of "BRugs"
...(allKnots, x, derivs = rep(drv, length(x)), outer.ok = TRUE)$design Z <- B %*% LZ attr(Z, "range.x") <- range.x attr(Z, "intKnots") <- intKnots return(Z) } BRugsMCMC<- function (data, inits, parametersToSave, nBurnin, nIter, nThin, modelFile) { if ((nBurnin < 100) | (nIter < 100)) stop("currently only working for chains longer than 100") if ((100 * round(nBurnin/100) != nBurnin) | (100 * round(nIter/100) != nIter)) warning("chain lengths not multiples of 100; truncation may o...
2011 Oct 27
glmmBUGS fails to accept higher level covariates
...ed Effects: (Intr) workDose -0.663 bgs.toteeg<-glmmBUGS(data=book, observations="totalEEG", covariates=list(MRN="AgeYrs", COURSE="WEIGHTKG", observations="workDose"), effects=c("MRN", "COURSE"), family="gaussian", modelFile="model.bug") however, this is failing with: Error in glmmBUGS(data = book, observations = "totalEEG", covariates = list(MRN = "AgeYrs", : unused argument(s) (observations = "totalEEG", covariates = list(MRN = "AgeYrs", COURSE = "WEIGHTKG&...
2010 Oct 15
Problem using BRugs
...ot;wo","wd","ww","mu","tau") inits<-function() {list(beta=beta0, rho_o=rho_o_0, rho_d=rho_d_0, rho_w=rho_w_0)} parameters<-c("beta", "rho_o", "rho_d", "rho_w") probit.sim<-BRugsFit(data,inits,parameters,modelFile="spatial.openbugs.txt",numChains=1,nIter=2000) # my model model { for (i in 1:676) { y[i] ~ dbern(p[i]) wwy[i]<- inprod(ww[i, 1:676] , y[]) woy[i]<- inprod(wo[i, 1:676] , y[]) wdy[i]<- inprod(wd[i, 1:676] , y[]) probit(p[i])<- rho_o * woy[i] + rho_d * wdy[i] + rho_w...
2010 Apr 13
.Fortran interface error
Hi all, I'm preparing a package which uses .Fortran to interface a Fortran 95 function. This F95 function simply receives the name of a file from R, opens this file and forwards its content to a F95 module, which, in turn, makes the real computation. The F95 module is a pre-existing one and I'm trying to use it in its actual state. Thus, data transfer between R and this F95 module is
2012 Jun 06
error calling Winbugs using R2WinBugs to run a multi-level model
...its=5, data.file="dir1\\data1.txt") # test the model runs fit = bugs(data=paste("C:\\Users\\User1\\Documents\\dir1\\data1.txt",dataFile,sep=""), inits=NULL,'par1','par2','par3'), model.file=modelFile, debug=TRUE, n.chains=3, n.iter=20, n.burnin=3, n.thin=1, digits=4) ## The trap incompatible copy BugsScript.Action.Do [00000436H] .a BugsScript.Action [025B6790H] .argNum INTEGER 0 .bugsCommands ARRAY 240 OF CHAR 7877X, 75A5X, 0B17X, 3701X ... .p ARRAY 3, 120 OF CHAR Ele...
2011 Jun 27
OpenBUGS and glmmBUGS package
...casedata) spplot(ontario, 'SMR') library(spdep) popDataAdjMat = poly2nb(ontario, ontario[["CSDUID"]]) library(glmmBUGS) forBugs = glmmBUGS(formula=observed + logExpected ~ 1, effects="CSDUID", family="poisson", spatial=popDataAdjMat, data=ontario at data, modelFile="model.txt") startingValues = forBugs$startingValues source("getInits.R") library(R2OpenBUGS) ontarioResult = bugs(forBugs$ragged, getInits, = names(getInits()), model.file="model.txt", n.chain=3, n.iter=100, n.burnin=10, n.thin=2) --------------...
2010 Apr 19
...p(0, Lgen-1)), a3<-c(NA, rep(0, Lrace-1)), a12<-matrix( c(rep(NA, 13), NA,rep(0, 12)), ncol=2), gam<-rep(1,Lstra), u<-matrix(rep(0, 30), nrow=2) ) } bi.bmi.model.parameters=c( 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a12') bi.bmi.model.bugs=BRugsFit(modelFile='bi.bmi.model2.txt',, inits=bi.bmi.model.init, numChains=1, para=bi.bmi.model.parameters, nBurnin=20, nIter=40) When I run this I get this message. model is syntactically correct data loaded array index is greater than array upper...