search for: model_select_response

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "model_select_response".

2006 Feb 07
Help needed with conflicting EventObserver
...// Set the make for (var i=make.options.length-1; i>=0; i--) { var m = make.options[i].value; if ( makere.test(m) ) { make.selectedIndex = i; var modelAjax = new Ajax.Updater({ success: ''model''}, ''/util/model_select_response'', { parameters: ''make=''+m, onComplete:setModel } ); } } } function setModel() { var model = document.getElementById("model"); model.disabled = false; var modelre = /thunderbird/; // Set the model for (var i=model.options.len...
2006 Feb 09
Ajax.Updater not populating element - please help
...#39;, getYears, false); setMake(the_make); getModels(); /* if (the_model != null) { getModels(); setModel(the_model); } if (the_year != null) { getYears(); setYear(the_year); } */ } function getModels() { var url = ''/util/model_select_response''; var pars = ''make=''+escape($F(''make''))+'',onComplete:setModel''; var target = ''model''; var modelAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: ''get'', parameters: pars}); var model = $(&...
2006 Feb 08
Autocomplete and Firefox
Having problems with the autocomplete on my linux box and firefox. When I use form tags it breaks, without form tags everything works fine. Exact copy of the example provided, but I added form tags.. The initial search and select works but then the box sort of "locks up" and I can''t change it at all, If I do try to type something nothing changes but a second later the whole