search for: mittel

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "mittel".

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2018 Jan 09
...mes(trap) names(climate) Hecke<-trap[trap$station=="FiBL_Hecke",] m<-Hecke[Hecke$m_w=="m",] w<-Hecke[Hecke$m_w=="w",] par(mar=c(5,4,4,10)) barplot(rbind(m$trapcatch, w$trapcatch), ylim=c(0,350)) axis(1, 1:52) par(new=T) plot(climate$Week,climate$Frick_Temp.mittel, type="n", axes=F, ylim=c(0,25), ylab="", xlab="", xaxt="n") lines(climate$Week, climate$Frick_Temp.mittel, lty=2, lwd=2, col="blue") axis(4,las=1, cex.axis=0.8, col="blue") mtext(side=4, line=2.5, "Mittlere Temperatur (?C)", cex...
2018 Jan 09
Hi, Sibylle, since you write '"mathematically" add', does barplot(rbind(m$trapcatch, w$trapcatch)) do what you want (modulo layout details)? Hth -- Gerrit --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Gerrit Eichner Mathematical Institute, Room 212 gerrit.eichner at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Tel:
2018 Jan 09
Dear R users aim Barplot of insect trap catches (y variable trapcatch) at one specific station (variable FiBL_Hecke) from week 1-52 ( x variable week). It works well using the function tapply (sum trapcatch per week, males and females not separated), however, I intend to separate the y variable trapcatch in males and females (variable m_w: m and w) problem I used the function "add" to
2006 May 08
Ruby on Rails on Linux - Any suggestions/Help?
...on Rails. I''m trying to do it on Linux Debian, but somehow, I always get this Error: Application Error - Rails application failed to start properly This was running on Debian Linux, Apache2, Mysql and FastCGI. The Tutorial I used: -2-unter-debian/ (German) Well, I installed everything as described in one of those many tutorials on the net, but I don''t get it to work. Maybe someone has some tips I schould do to get it work? Or maybe someone might tell me what Setup might be the best on Li...
2004 Jun 11
Einlesen von Daten unter R
...Ruckstuhl) ein R-Programm zur Auswertung von IR-Spektren (line-shape-Analyse zur quantitativen Analyse von Gasmischungen) entwickelt. Die Daten werden einer Excel-Tabelle entnommen. Bisher werden die spektroskopischen Daten ??ber den Inhalt von 64 Kan??len ??ber die RS232-Schnittstelle seriell mittels eines Labview-Programmes in eine Excel-Tabelle eingelesen. Die Verwendung der beiden Programme Labview und R ist unpraktisch. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, ob serielle Daten auch ??ber R eingelesen werden k??nnen oder ob das R-Programm in ein Labview-Programm eingebaut werden kann. Ich w?...
2013 Mar 14
error: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
...dn?t write this script myself. What is meant with 'closure' and how can I solve this? I started also another script (this time by myself) but for sure it is much more work to do this in comparison to the other script: # con (condition) #1: Standart-hoch #2: Standart-niedrig #3: Standart-mittel #4: Ringe-hoch #5: Ringe-niedrig #6: Ringe-mittel #7: Fitness-hoch #8: Fitness-niedrig # dye #A: Hoechst42 #B: Hoechst80 #C: Vio #D: Vibrant Orange gating 1 #E: Vibrant Orange gating 2 #F: NID APC #G: NID PerCP #H: DraQ #I: Syber Green 1000 #J: Syber Green 2000 #K: Syber Green 5000 #L: Acridin O...
2005 Jun 02
net setlocalsid for doimain doesn't work as wanted
Hallo Herr Trapp, ich bin am verzweifeln. Haben Sie eine L?sung gefunden, um mittels setlocalsid die Dom?nenSID zu ?ndern? Ich weiss, es ist schon l?nger her. Ich soll einen alten SAMBA 2 durch eine neue Maschine mit SAMBA 3 ersetzen. Der Server l?uft gut, aber mit net setlocalsid, dem Kommando profiles (es ersetzt mir die USER und GRUPPEN-ID in der NTUSER.dat, aber nur im Output...
2010 Apr 13
Interesting One Way Audio
I have an Asterisk box, 1.4.30 with a PRI. A Mitel 3300 is connected to the Asterisk box via SIP trunking. When a user calls from the Mitel through the Asterisk box the user can speak but can not hear the far end. But - when I route the Mitel user to echo() it works, send and receive. The Mitel user also can record and playback greetings. One thing I have noticed is that when the Mitel user
2006 Apr 30
Mongrel 3.15, Ubuntu and Park place (S3)
Hello. I installed under Ubuntu (Dapper) Park Place. I followed the instructions given at the RedHanded site. I get the following mongrel error when launching the application: ** Please login in with `admin'' and password `pass@word1'' ** You should change the default password or delete the admin at soonest chance!/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-