search for: merch

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "merch".

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2006 Oct 29
scriptaculous: fade out then in.
...d scriptaculous, but I know what I want to do. I want to make it so that when a person clicks a link, the previous content of the div fades out, and the new content fades in. This is what I''ve got for my function: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function loadmerch(im) { new Element.Fade(''full-merch''); Element.hide(''full-merch''); new Effect.Appear(''full-merch''); ajaxpage(''merchpic.php?im=''+im, ''full-merch''); } //]]> </script> Then when the use clicks the link:...
2006 Jun 06
Swat lets everybody into the "good stuff"
...Nutwork Neighborhood in Winders, but the users are [gasp!] fairly competent and getting them to mount the share via the IP address really shouldn't be much of a problem; therefore I'm not really worried about it. ;-) I have the full smb.conf file available here: I don't want to keep it there _forever_ but I'll leave it up for 7 days or so. Yes, I've googled. Yes, I've scanned the last few months of the archives. No, I've not been able to figure this out - anyone out there have a clue-by-4 with my name on it? ;-) Than...
2012 Mar 03
Problem running stepAIC within a function.;- factor(s1$emp) newfull <- rep(0,5120) #set weighting if (weight==1){w <- s1$weight/sum(s1$weight)} else {w <- rep(1/nrow(s1),nrow(s1))} #do regression if (opt==1){ fit <- lm(stepAIC(lm(new~-1+SIC,s1,weights=w),scope=list(upper=~1+SIC+turn+exturn+new+exnew+hand+excise+merch+exmerch+tob+rub+water+turn1+exturn1+new1+exnew1+hand1+excise1+ merch1+exmerch1+tob1+rub1+water1+turn2+exturn2+new2+exnew2+hand2+excise2+merch2+exmerch2+tob2+rub2+water2,lower=~-1+SIC), direction="both")) sigdata <- cbind(new=s1$new,SIC=s1$SIC,s1[,coeffs[which(summary(fit)$co...
2005 Dec 10
Paginate - Count(*) Broken or Am I Cheating?
I have the following paginator setup: @merch_pages, @merch = paginate :merch_item, :per_page => 15, :select => ''DISTINCT, mi.merch_image, mi.created_at, mi.artist_id, mi.item_description, art.sort_name'', :join => ''as mi JOIN merch_formats mf ON = mf.merch_item_id JOIN artists art ON mi.artist_id...
2014 Oct 02
Centos laptop support
Today I found myself in need of a laptop to run Centos on. And that simple statement led to an all-day odyssey. My original plan was to purchase a laptop and install Centos 6 on it. I went to Staples and tried booting it on every model of laptop that they had in the store. They all come with Windows 8 installed, and for the edification of anyone who doesn't know this (I didn't until