search for: merbe

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 279 matches for "merbe".

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2007 Nov 06
what did I do?
I''m following merb trunk. This morning I updated my gems, sync''d merb source and installed the merb gem from source. I don''t know if I did something wrong, or if a new gem messed things up, or if there was a merb change which broke something. Now I get this error: Request: REQUEST_URI: / (2007-11-05 20:27:04) Params: {"action"=>"index",
2007 Jan 19
Merb Init Script
I''m trying to emulate the mongrel_cluster_ctl but it takes a -c conf_file option... meaning I can run it from anywhere as long as I tell it where the conf file is. Merb doesn''t have that capability does it? (it has an additional/supplemental config like mup.conf etc) Do I have to be under the merb_app root /path/to/merb/app/ to be able to run merb? Let me know. Thanks,
2007 Jan 12
Rails session parasite...
All, I see this item on the merb-0.0.8 release notes Added rails session parasite mode. I am assuming merbs can piggy back off the rails current session. How does one achieve that ? Thanks Fernand -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jul 29
Merb test harness
Ezra, * test harness in new generated merb apps with helpers for testing merb without starting a server. * pin down plugin arch Seems to me that these two tasks go together unless you want to have rspec built in Merb. Regarding the test harness, my understanding is that: - a developer should be able to easily write specs against a merb application. - a developer should not need to start a merb
2007 Aug 29
Non-Erubis Templates
Trunk Issue: Because of the use of ''autoload'', template handlers other than Erubis are not loaded automatically (Haml, XMLBuilder). Either this should be fixed, or the documentation should be updated to instruct people how to use non-Erb template engines. Apparently the solution is to do something like this in merb_init.rb: ::Merb::AbstractController.register_engine
2007 Oct 31
Mongrel breaking Merb?
Has anyone had troubles from Mongrel > 1.0.1? Just curious, because the last time I tried to run Merb it gave me some Mongrel error about the wrong number of arguments, or something like that. I can post the exact message tonight when I get home. -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2007 Dec 19
Trapping custom exceptions in merb 0.5.0
Hi, I have the following setup: class Fred < Application class InvalidKey < Merb::ControllerExceptions::Unauthorized; end def blee raise InvalidKey unless key end end I have added a view exception template in views/exceptions/invalid_key.html.erb but I am not seeing the exception page being rendered ?? The request seems to correctly go to
2006 Dec 04
Merb on Win32 Platform
I''m trying to get Merb running on Windows XP SP2 and am experiencing some difficulties. I load http://localhost:4000/posts/new in my browser expecting to see the contents of new.herb rendered. However the following error is reported: Request: PATH_INFO: /posts/new Params: {"action"=>"new", "id"=>nil, "controller"=>"posts"}
2008 Jan 18
How do I pass form values from POST controller specs?
Hi there I just started my first Merb app and I''m running into some weird things in Specs. When I do: describe "create action" do it "should create a new project" do project_params = {:name => ''bekkunin''} Project.should_receive(:create).with(project_params) controller, action = post(''/projects'', :project
2007 Dec 30
Loading config YAML into merb process for the life of the process
Hey Chaps, Forgive me for not fully understanding the inner workings of merb, but I would like to read in a YAML configuration file once when the application is booted rather than reading it every time it is used (as presumably the overhead in doing that is significant?) - I had presumed this is how both Merb and rails do it for there database.yml config files (hence its a requirement
2007 May 14
Help a newb with 0.3.1
Hi, first off thanks Ezra for Merb - it''s certainly interesting and I''m keen to have a play. However, I''m having difficulties in getting started. I''ve followed the docs for setting up mrblog and everything seems to be installed correctly, and merb appears to start fine: $ merb you must install the markaby gem to use .mab templates you must install the
2007 Aug 04
How do you run an app on "edge merb"?
I didn''t quite see a direct answer to Matt''s question regarding running merb from SVN: In a merb application, is there something comparable to having rails in the vendor/ folder of a rails app? Thanks, Duane Johnson (canadaduane)
2007 Sep 21
RESTful route gives a 500 error when Content-Type is set
I have encountered a problem with a RESTful route, I have the simple route; r.resources :people With a corresponding controller, when I tried to access it using ActiveResource I get a server error, I have tracked this down to a problem where if the header ''Content-Type: application/xml'' is sent it errors out: > curl -H ''Accept: */*''
2008 Jan 16
Application generation
Hi All, Is anyone seeing this? $ merb merb_paste /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:69:in `parse_args'': uninitialized constant Merb::RELEASE (NameError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:785:in `initialize'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:67:in `new'' from
2007 May 31
Sample Merb App
I put together a sample app to help people learn Merb: I also blogged about it here: -- Zack Chandler
2007 Aug 31
Bootstrapping from SVN
Is there a simple way to bootstrap merb directly from the Subversion repository, rather than first installing it as a gem? I can do the following if I already have an old gem lying around: merb -g testapp # using an old gem cd testapp rake merb:freeze_from_svn Unfortunately, that means I''m using an old version of the generator. So for example, when I just tried this,
2009 Jun 15
Spork and Merb and rSpec
Andy Shipman wrote: > When running spork on a merb application, whenever a spec is run I get > the following error from the Spork server. > > /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-core-1.0.11/lib/merb-core/bootloader.rb:1358: > [BUG] rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 0x3c(0x2203d0) non object > ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [i686-darwin9] > > Which crashes the
2007 Nov 07
merb 0.4.0 session issue
Not sure if anyone else has had this problem. I was running on merb edge fine a few days ago. Last night I went to merb 0.4.0 via gem install and now any call to session[:foo] causes an error >> undefined method ''[]'' for nil:NilClass I have uninstalled and reinstalled merb with no luck. dependencies.rb use_orm :activerecord merb.yml :session_store: active_record Gems
2007 Mar 13
running merb locally
Stupid question, but is there a way to run merb locally, without installing it as a gem? I don''t mean freezing it into a merb app, but checking out merb and being able to run it without installing the gem first. The reason I ask is that I''m working on some debugging stuff and it''d be helpful to be able to modify the source code, run it, modify, run, and so on. (And yes,
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What