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2010 May 30
Data Frame as Hash Table
I'm interested in using a data frame as if it were a hash table. For instance if I had the following, > (d <- data.frame(key=seq(0.5, 3, 0.5), value=rnorm(6))) key value 1 0.5 -1.118665122 2 1.0 0.465122921 3 1.5 -0.529239211 4 2.0 -0.147324638 5 2.5 -1.531503795 6 3.0 -0.002720434 Then I'd like to be able to quickly retrieve the "value" of "key" 1.5
2010 Apr 25
Determining Index of Last Element in Vector
Hi, Is there a way to specify the last element of a vector, similar to "end" in MATLAB? v[end] would be MATLAB for v(length(v)) in R. While `v(length(v))' does yield the last element, that approach fails in the following, rep(v, each=2)[-c(1,length(v))] which is meant to duplicate all elements of `v' except for the first and last. (I.e., if `v <- 1:4', then
2005 Dec 06
how to get or store the intermediate v?lues while running a function
Dear all, While running a function I伌m getting only the final output of the function. Bit if I like to store or recover some values that are intermediate in the function calculations which command I have to use for storing those values..... hope u understand..... for eg........ a<-function(a,b,c,d) { k=a+b l=c+d m=k+l } in this example the function will return only the value of "m&quot...
2010 May 26
Avoiding Loops When Iterating Over Statement That Updates Its Input
Since `for' loops are slow in R, and since `apply' functions are faster, I was wondering whether there were a way to use an apply function?or to otherwise avoid using a loop?when iterating over a statement that updates its input. For example, here's some such code: r.seq <- 2 * (1 / d$Dt[1] - 1) for (i in 2:nrow(d)) { rf <- uniroot(bdt.deviation, interval=c(0, 1),
2011 Apr 16
Dear R users, I am quite new to R, so most of the problems I've encountered working with it are technical, absurd or simple things. Sorry. Despite this, I am struggling with cajolst function for a day and still nothing. The problem is that I can't get an estimate for the break point (which is in the slot "bpoint") by using cajolst function. Finally, I've tried Johansen and
2006 Aug 17
putting the mark for censored time on 1-KM curve or competing risk curve
Hi All, I'm trying to figure out the cumulative incidence curve in R in some limited time. I found in package "cmprsk", the command "plot.cuminc" can get this curve. But I noticed that there is no mark for the censored time there, comparing with the KM curve by "plot.survfit". Here are my codes (attached is the data): ----------------
2008 Nov 07
Updating Packages with Personal Library
I'm having trouble running `updates.packages()' and installing into a personal library. Setup: 1. .Renviron file contains: R_LIBS_USER="~/lib/R/%p-library/%v" 2. Hence "personal library" is: ~/lib/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6/ 3. Library path upon starting R: > .libPaths() [1] "/home/johnny/lib/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6" [2]
2005 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] LLVM built on VS C++ 2005
...rly under Cygwin and will also try MinGW. This is what >> I'll >> do next. > > Ok I am having problems installing GCC 3.4.3 under CygWin, got the path (the easy bit) but not the include and library directory paths, having problems knowing how to install it over 3.3.3. Any clues welcome. Anyway I put a Q on the newsgroup. This *should* be easy. Unfortunately my GNU is a bit on the limited side, still really a WindoZer as they say. If I can get LLVM compiled under CygWin and MinGW then I can 'play' with LLVM a bit and get to know its tools. Cheers, A...
2010 Oct 22
Random Forest AUC
...omial) train.predict <- predict(fit,newdata = iris,type="response") library(ROCR) plot(performance(prediction(train.predict,iris$Species),"tpr","fpr"),col = "red") auc1 <- performance(prediction(train.predict,iris$Species),"auc")@y.values[[1]] legend("bottomright",legend=c(paste("Logistic Regression (AUC=",formatC(auc1,digits=4,format="f"),")",sep="")), col=c("red"), lty=1) library(randomForest) fit <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=iris, ntree=50) train.predict &l...
2005 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] LLVM built on VS C++ 2005
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Aaron Gray wrote: >>> I thought Whidbey would really be upto the job, obviously not. >> >> Well, we don't know until someone tries. > > Oh, well we have got a bug to report to Microsoft then ! > > I still may carry on implementing any mods on the VS2003 port over to 2005 > so we know where we are with that. There may well be a second
2019 Sep 09
Error join samba 4.10.7 to samba 4.4.5 4.10.7 and then join 4.10.7 to update DC to 4.10.7 and then works, bu first I need to add a second controller to ensure no downtime. some questions: 1) Why I receive this error? Replicating critical objects from the base DN of the domain Partition[DC=DOMAIN-TEST,DC=com] objects[98/98] linked_values[762/0] Missing parent while attempting to apply records: No parent with GUID cdee5b31-365 d-4c8f-9368-4115b6307a19 found for object remotely known as CN=Domain Users,OU=Gru ps,DC=DOMAIN-TEST,DC=com Failed to commit objects: WERR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT --> not sure if can be related with this i...
2005 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] LLVM built on VS C++ 2005
>> I thought Whidbey would really be upto the job, obviously not. > > Well, we don't know until someone tries. Oh, well we have got a bug to report to Microsoft then ! I still may carry on implementing any mods on the VS2003 port over to 2005 so we know where we are with that. There may well be a second beta so it would be good to get any problems in and reported to Microsoft in
2009 Sep 10
De-duplication before SXCE EOL ?
Can anyone answer if we will get zfs de-duplication before SXCE EOL? If possible also anser the same on encryption? Thanks -- This message posted from
2010 Nov 05
rendering Markdown automatically
I made this thing. Some of you may find it useful. I'm using it for documentation at work. It could also be handy if you run Apache on your desktop machine and want to share files (for display purposes only) that way. -- Rob McBroom <>
2008 Nov 20
Math Expression in 3D Plots
Is there anyway to label axes in 3D plots with mathematical expressions? In the code below, I want to replace "delta_yrsed" with what "\Delta \widehat{yrsed}" represents in TeX, but the [xyz]lab parameters of title3d appear to only accept character strings. require("rgl") <- function(dist, delta.dist,
2014 Mar 27
editing screen/menu colours?
On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:34:00 -0400 Gene Cumm <gene.cumm at> wrote: > > Say, this is about.txt I'd like to display: > > > > ###### > > [clear screen character, ctrl+l equivalent] > > This is a sample help message. > > Press <red>F1</red> to see about. > > Press <red>F2</red> to see more help. > > ##### >
2020 Aug 03
Orc JIT v2 breaks OpenMP in 11.x branch?
Greetings, Lang and other JITters, Last week I moved our Orc v2-based app from top-of-tree to the new 11.x branch, and it no longer handles C++ code containing OpenMP directives correctly. More specifically, if I JIT compile a function containing OpenMP parallel/for pragmas, using a release version of LLVM, the code compiles and seems to work, but if I try to write the module's bitcode to
2005 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] LLVM built on VS C++ 2005
Aaron Gray wrote: >> GCC is smart enough to realize it doesn't return. That's because the >> declaration of abort() is decorated with __attribute__((__noreturn__)). >> >> So is GCC smarter than VC++? As it turns out, in VC++ the >> declaration of abort() is decorated with __declspec(noreturn). >> >> Whidbey is not stricter than 2003, it is
2001 Mar 16
Some Users Work - Some don't (fwd)
----- Forwarded message from Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO ----- >From Thu Mar 15 23:17:00 2001 From: Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Message-Id: <> Subject: Some Users Work - Some don't In-Reply-To: <> from Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO at
2020 Aug 10
Orc JIT v2 breaks OpenMP in 11.x branch?
Hi Geoff, Nothing in that backtrace leaps out at me. Based on the stack trace and description my first guess would be a clang misconfiguration rather than a JIT bug. How is that clang invocation being made? Is it from inside a callback from ORC, or is it before you add your module to the JIT? -- Lang. On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 5:41 AM Geoff Levner <glevner at> wrote: > Here,