search for: limberger

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 57 matches for "limberger".

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2013 Jan 23
footnote:id, colons and jquery
I just received a [bug report] for Python-Markdown complaining that colons are used in the ids of footnotes. For reference, we [output] the same format at PHP Markdown Extra. The general complaint is that the colon in the id attribute (`id="fnref:1"`) causes jquery to choke when referencing that id from javascript because jquery uses colons to indicate pseudo elements (as does CSS). As
2009 Apr 07
Python-Markdown 2.0 Final Released!
I am happy to announce the release of Python-Markdown 2.0 final. We have versions for Python 2.3-2.6 and Python 3.0! See the release notes here: Download from PyPI here: -- ---- \X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\| Waylan Limberg
2008 Apr 01
HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding
We recently received the following bug report for the python-markdown implementation: > The "&" are escaped in URLs. > > An example: > [Link]( > > Should output: > <a href="">Link</a> > > Currently outputs: > <a
2007 May 21
coefficients regression
Hi, I would like to calculate a polynomial regression with R, but I don't get the same coefficients as when using SPSS. Is there a way to transform the coefficients? I use: regression <- lm (biomass ~ poly (temperature, 2)) Thank you, Romana Limberger ------------------------------------------- Versendet durch aonWebmail (
2009 Feb 18
Disambiguate List Item Followed by Code Block
Howdy, Quick question: Since list items with multiple paragraphs need to be indented four spaces, and code blocks are also indented four spaces, is there any way to disambiguate a list followed by a code block? Example: * This is a list item. * And so is this. Is this a second paragraph in the second list item, or a code block? It looks like and discount
2004 Oct 01
samba 3.0.7 + OpenLDAP + smbldap-tools-0.8.5
...assdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_search_one_group(1873) ~ ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: (Timed out) Do you have any suggestions? I googled the messages and found out, that this errors should been solved since samba 3.0.2. ... :-( nice greetings, Andi - -- Andi Limberger Limberger Handelsges.m.b.H. Schmiedgasse 16 A-4822 Bad Goisern Tel: 0664 - 1437614 Fax: 06135 - 7978 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3-nr1 (Windows XP) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - iD8DBQFBXLtu6E2r941QJAcRAkgOAKDVVr2T9NmFWNQLifjWiqu5KwrFxQCg...
2012 Aug 07
Footnote output not valid.
I just received a report [1] that the footnote output we use in Python-Markdown (an exact copy of PHP Markdown Extra [3]) is not valid HTML [3]. If you notice he's using HTML5. At least the footnote syntax does valid on XHTML1 or HTML4. Anyway, any suggestions on how the various footnote implementations want to move forward with this? [1]:
2011 Apr 07
ol start with a specific number?
We recently received a request and working patch for Python-Markdown which adds support for starting an ordered list with the number given on the first line. For example: 3. Foo 4. Bar would result in <ol> <li start="3">Foo</li> <li>Bar</li> </ol> I'm not opposed to adding this, but I noticed that no other implementation
2006 Nov 22
Know ye of such a beast ?
// hoping this is sufficiently on-topic // php-driven, markdown-aware, open source wiki/cms that has some degree of version control, a flexible system for privs/access control, is installable (or buildable) on OS X and has an easy installer for windows ?
2010 Mar 01
multiline header
Hi, first of all thanks for such a great syntax, so far it's the best I know! I have a document with quite long titles and I was wondering if it was possible to hard-break them: e.g.: This is a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrry long title ======================================================= would be This is a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrry
2008 May 12
Fenced-Code-Blocks in Python-Markdown
I'd like to announce a beta release of the Fenced-Code-Blocks Extension for Python-Markdown. <> The latest code for Python-Markdown and packaged extensions are now available on Gitorious. <> The same syntax is used as the just released PHP Markdown Extra 1.2. I
2008 Mar 15
Javascript in URLs (was: Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML)
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Michel Fortin <michel.fortin at> wrote: > > "Safe mode" you say? Yeah, well, I didn't paint that bike shed. > > PHP Markdown also has a no-markup mode which would filter script tags > and any other HTML tags. But this doesn't prevent anyone from > inserting their own script on the page. Do you know you can
2008 Jan 05
replacing " with &quot;
Python-markdown currently replaces all straight quotes (`"`) with the html entity (`&quot;`). Someone recently complained about this in a [bug report][]. As it turns out the quote was the symptom that brought the real problem to light[^1]. In any event, the reporter pointed out that does not replace straight quotes with the html entity. I know John Gruber has mentioned before
2008 Feb 13
Syntax for extensions
Hello, I need to to slightly extend the markdown syntax. (place an image (img tag) in text which URL has not yet been determined). Therefore I want to define something like $[Alt text](img.jpg) which would be replaced by my pre-processor with ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) and then sent to markdown. Is there any special syntax that should be used for such 3rd party extensions? How would you do
2009 Jun 21
Query about emphasis
Hello List, Firstly, I was very impressed when I tried markdown 2.0 recently. Fantastic work all! I have a query about the treatment of emphasis. I realise that the horse has bolted, and changes to currently supported functionality are unlikely to attract support. However, there does seem (at least in my tiny mind) to be a mis-match between the following stated goal and the present
2009 Sep 09
tables with Unicode box drawing characters?
Hello, I read David Wheeler's table proposal[1] for Markdown and very much agree with his conclusion and PostgreSQL-inspired proposed format. I also read the mailing list archives for 2009 but did not find any clear concesus on whether DW's format was officially accepted (I hope it is soon!). However, I want to ask: has anyone considered taking these simple ASCII table drawings to the
2012 Jun 22
Definition list as image caption
recently though about image captions, then i realized that this could be achiebed by Markdown Extra's definition list feature: ![alttext]( : here goes the *caption* What do you think? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Nov 14
definition lists?
Any way of writing definition lists? Andreas -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3147 bytes Desc: not available Url : <>
2008 Nov 20
Links and Message URIs
Here is a OS X message URI in angled brackets: <message://%3cE1KzXg9-0000Qb-3G at> Markdown yields: <p><message://%3cE1KzXg9-0000Qb-3G at></p> Shouldn't it have given instead: <p><a href="message://%3cE1KzXg9-0000Qb-3G at">message://%3cE1KzXg9-0000Qb-3G at
2009 Mar 09
Python-Markdown 2.0 Release Candidate
I am pleased to announce that after much hard work, a Release Candidate for Python Markdown version 2.0 is now available for [download][]. Please, download it, install it, test it, beat it... and report any [bugs][]. Assuming no major bugs, we will release 2.0 final approximately one month from today. Until then, the project [site][] will continue to document version 1.7. Updated documentation is