search for: lauri

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 383 matches for "lauri".

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2007 Mar 10
barplot, for loop?
...8 Hannu skrinnareita 4 Hate madekoukkujen suojelupyhimys 3 Hate matka aikaan joka ei enää palaa 3 Hate munat puoliks padassa 6 Hate pyynikki 2 Hate vailla armeerausta 2 Lassi ajatelkaa, jos Häntä ei olisikaan 2 Lassi elämän viiva 7 Lassi pedot 1 Lassi portsan kundi 3 Lauri hipö 3 Lauri jääpuut 5 Lauri kökar 3 Lauri lumipuu 9 Petteri harmaaleppä 5 Petteri viileä harakka 2 Teemu harppi 2 Teemu Homo sapiens angelus 3 Teemu kainostelua 1 Teemu pinnalla 5 Teemu portinvartija 6 Teemu puikot 1 Teemu verkkovaja 3 I have done this:...
2007 Mar 11
recoding question
...rame like this: photographer category picture points Hannu kalat limamikko 1 Teemu kalat verkkovaja 3 Hate kalat munat puoliks padassa 6 Hannu kalat isokala 8 Teemu kasvit, sienet ja muut eliöt harppi 2 Hate kasvit, sienet ja muut eliöt pyynikki 2 Petteri kasvit, sienet ja muut eliöt harmaaleppä 5 Lauri kasvit, sienet ja muut eliöt lumipuu 9 Teemu linnut kainostelua 1 Petteri linnut viileä harakka 2 Lauri linnut hipö 3 Teemu linnut pinnalla 5 Lassi linnut elämän viiva 7 Lassi nisäkkäät pedot 1 Teemu nisäkkäät Homo sapiens angelus 3 Hate nisäkkäät madekoukkujen suojelupyhimys 3 Lassi nisäkkäät port...
2005 Aug 24
scriptaculous: Draggable and table rows
...</table> </body> </html> I can drag the image out of row one, but can''t drag the table row at all (dragging greys it out, but it stays in place.) I''m using 1.1beta1 w/ the prototype 1.4.0_pre2 distribution from scriptaculous. Any hints appreciated! L. -- Laurie Harper Open Source advocate, Java geek: Founder, Zotech Software: -- Laurie Harper Open Source advocate, Java geek: Founder, Zotech Software:
2005 Sep 18
Attaching effects during onload
...e onclick handler fires, ''filter'' always refers to the last thing it was set to during doOnLoad() due to Javascript''s lexical scoping rules. I''ve managed to work around it by using the ugly parentNode.parentNode... construct, but is there a better way? -- Laurie Harper Open Source advocate, Java geek: Founder, Zotech Software:
2005 Sep 14
Effects.Scale and form input elements
...t;[Variant]"/> </span> <script> new Effect.Scale($(''UiLocaleSelect''), 100, { scaleContent: true, scaleY: false, scaleX: true, scaleFrom: 0}); </script> -- Laurie Harper Open Source advocate, Java geek: Founder, Zotech Software:
2005 Oct 18
Ajax.Request / XmlHttpRequest details
...happening; I''d like to be able to update a progress bar as the AJAX request is processed. So, ideally, I''d like onComplete to called every so-many-bytes of response data, so I don''t have to compare the length of responseText to the Content-length header ;-) L. -- Laurie Harper Open Source advocate, Java geek: Founder, Zotech Software:
2008 Jan 14
Ceiling to the nearest ten?
R-users, Is there a function for ceiling to the nearest ten? a <- 1:10*4 a [1] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 The resulting vector should look like this ("ceiling to the nearest ten") [1] 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 40 40 40 Thanks in advance Lauri
2008 Feb 21
How to get names of a list into df:s?
...a $b x var1 1 4 a 2 5 a 3 6 a $c x var1 1 7 a 2 8 a 3 9 a And I would like to have $a x var1 1 1 a 2 2 a 3 3 a $b x var1 1 4 b 2 5 b 3 6 b $c x var1 1 7 c 2 8 c 3 9 c How should I modify my lapply clause to achieve this? Best regards, Lauri > sessionInfo() R version 2.6.1 (2007-11-26) i386-apple-darwin8.10.1 locale: C attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
2007 Mar 20
Select the last two rows by id group
Hi R-users, Following this post , how do I get last two rows (or six or ten) by id group out of the data frame? Here the example gives just the last row. Sincere thanks, Lauri [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 08
Data separated by spaces, getting data into R using field lengths
I have a text file similar to this (separated by spaces): x <- "DF12 This is an example 1 This DF12 This is an 1232 This is DF14 This is 12334 This is an DF15 This 23 This is an example " and I know the field lengths of each variable (there is 5 variables in this data set), which are: varlength <- c(2, 2, 18, 5, 18) How can I import this kind of data into R, using the varlength
2008 Jan 02
Find missing days
...ata.frame(lev=lev, date1=date1, y=y) I would like to produce a new data.frame with missing days in df$date1 in each df$lev, like this: lev date1 1 lev1 2007-09-03 2 lev1 2007-09-04 3 lev1 2007-09-15 4 lev2 2007-09-01 5 lev2 2007-09-02 etc. How can I do this? Thanks, Lauri FRCBS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 May 18
Simple programming question
...","mid","low","high","mid","low","low","high","mid","low","low")) dfr The question is how I do this programmatically in R (i.e. if I have 2000 rows in my dfr)? I appreciate your help! Cheers, Lauri [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 20
Random sequence of days?
...chives but couldn't find any. I would like sample sequence of ten days from vector d d <- seq(as.Date("2007-02-12"), as.Date("2008-08-18"), by="days") so that the days follow each other (sample(d, 10) is not the appropriate solution). Any ideas? Best regards, Lauri
2007 Sep 10
plot legend: combining filled boxes and lines
...mean(x2), col = "green", lty = 2, lwd = 2.5) legend(3, 0.45, legend = c("x1", "x2", "mean(x1)", "mean(x2)"), col = c("orange", "green"), fill=c("orange","green", 0, 0), lty = c(0, 0, 2, 2), merge = T) Thanks Lauri
2007 Oct 15
Variable which has the maximum value of DF
...3 3 " DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), skip=1) names(DF) <- scan(textConnection(Lines), what = "", nlines = 1) How do I find the name of the variable which has the maximum value of the data.frame? In this example the answer is "var3" (22). Best regards, Lauri
2007 Aug 07
Number of days in each month
Hi R-users, What is the best way to achieve a table which contains all days and months between years 2007-2020? I would like to calculate number of days in each month within those years (to data frame). Regards, Lauri [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 May 20
Number of NA's in every second column
...of NA's in a row of every second column in my data frame? As a starting point: dfr <- data.frame(sapply(x, function(x) sample(0:x, 6, replace = TRUE))) dfr[dfr==0] <- NA So, I would like to count the number of NA in row one, two, three etc. of columns X1, X3, X5 etc. Thanks in advance Lauri [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 18
How to get week of the year, scale 1-52?
...1 to 52 for each year. How do I do that? Now I get 00-53 using format(days, "%W") > range(format(days, "%W")) [1] "00" "53" I have read "Date and Time Classes in R" (R news 01/04 by Gabor Grothendieck and Thomas Petzoldt) with no help. Thanks Lauri
2008 Jan 11
How to add rowSums into list?
Hi R-users, I have a list a <- list(one=matrix(rnorm(20), 5, 4), two=matrix(rnorm(20, 3, 0.5),5,4)) How to add rowSums (calculated using lapply) to corresponding matrix in this list lapply(a, function(x) rowSums(x)) ?? -Lauri
2008 Oct 28
How to export text into separate text files
...", as.character(r[![,i]), i]), "\n")) cat("-----------------------------------", "\n") } So, each of these columns (results between --- and ---) should be exported into separate text files e.g. file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt etc. Any ideas? Thanks, Lauri