search for: jscriptproperty_setproperti

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "jscriptproperty_setproperti".

2011 Nov 23
Program Crashing in wine
Hey Everyone, Firstly, I'm still a wine/linux noob; only been using the platform for a few months. Working hard to learn; but bear with me! I'm running on OpenSuse 11.4, Kernal 2.6.37. Wine 1.3.12. This issue is happening to 4 other linux users that I know personally on various flavors. The program is Bitwine; which is a program we use for our work. A program I'd consider simple.
2010 Dec 09
Adobe Director issues
Hi again. I'm trying to run Adobe Director 11.5, I made a search and it's not in the AppDB. I knew beforehand it almost obviously would not work before doing some tweaks. However, I take a look at the console's log, and I have no clue about it. Code: User at linux-e9or:~/Downloads/AdobeDirector115> WINEPREFIX=~/director wine Setup.exe fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff
2010 May 25
Errors running IVONA Voices on Wine.
Installed IVONA Voices (, which seemed to run OK. Required SAPI5 installation with Wine in Windows ME emulation mode beforehand. Added another Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine (Demo of Text Aloud) to test, and it worked, using one of IVONA's voices. Copy is, of course licensed, although the demo has same results. I got the following errors when I run IVONA, can anyone help
2010 Mar 15
interesting fault.. how? (autocad 2008)
step 1 [Image: ] step2 [Image: ] What can i do?
2010 Jun 15
MBTrading Navigator
Hi, I could use some help with this. Thank you. MB Navigator is a program that connects to servers to execute trades but the program resides on your computer. When attempting to execute a trade the program closes down. If you have any idea how to fix this please let me know. Here is the log text: jcgg at sabayonx86-64 ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/MBTrading/MBT Navigator $ wine MbtNav.exe
2012 Feb 15
UBUNTU 11.10 - wine 1.4-rc2 - AUTOCAD 2004LT
hello, I'm experiencing Autocad 20004 LT and Wine. The test results are not good ... maybe after 20 hours of hard work... Till now I have experienced wine 1.2.3 and also wine 1.3.38 with the same negative result. Is there someone that can help me to understand what is missing? log will follow: fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f55c,0x00000000), stub! fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW
2011 Mar 15
Photoshop cs4 do not work with Wine 1.3.15. HELP
Hi, I have a problem when i try running setup.exe of photoshop cs4. I have tried everything likz putting amtllib.ddl or an other in system32, i update wine twice and reinstall it 5 times, but nothing. Ubuntu 10.10 ( my pc config is perfect for running ubunutu and wine) wine 1.3.15. here the problem i get when i try to lunch setup.exe with wine. [Image:
2009 Jul 03
I can't install Photoshop CS4 Extended
Hi, how you can read in the title, I can't install Photoshop CS4, but here you can see that Photoshop CS4 works. Why can't I do it? I use Wine 1.1.17 because there is a screenshot where Photoshop is installed under Wine 1.1.17 and run under Wine 1.1.20. This is the outpute when I write wine
2008 Nov 26
Cybermotion v13
Hi I am brand new to Linux and Wine and so far have found getting everything working has been very easy. My only problem has been with my favourite 3D program - Cybermotion v13. I see from the apps database that version 12 worked okay but I am having problems getting the latest version to run. When run the splash screen appears but problems occur when the main display loads. Everything looks
2012 Feb 06
Probleme index file copy failed .....
Bonjour, J'essais de lancer une application nomm? mitchell on demand sur mon serveur linux avec wine, l'installation a reussi, je lance l'application sans aucun probleme aussi. Par contre, lorsque jessais d'installer les data de l,application voici se que ca me donne. [Image: ] quelqu'un peu m'aider ?
2009 Jul 02
Cannot write to disk - Pro/E
Hi, Trying to run Pro/E Wildfire Ver-4 on wine. The installer failed to failed to create the main directory in Program files. After this was created, it had no problems and installation continued with the auto creation of many sub-dirs. When starting the program, it spews lot of error, (as expected), and main window comes up. I'm unable to proceed further, as Pro/E creates a log file by
2011 Jan 26
Need help with TEXT and SPACE error using WINE
I have installed paltalk (chatting client) and it is working properly when it comes to hearing and talking. However, whenever I try to write, if I type one word no speace like "hello" i will have no problem. But if I was to type two words with as much as single space like "hello world" paltalk gives me the error below: Code: Alert: Your last text message was not sent because
2009 Jul 11
Graphical text error in game (MI5)
Hi, have recently bought MI5 (Tales of Monkey Island), and I am currently trying to run it under wine in Ubuntu 9.04 and I am running the latest development version 1.1.25. I am running this over the latest stable version due to less graphical errors when trying to run the game. To get the game running I followed this guide posted on the telltale's ( the creators of the game) forum >
2010 Aug 22
What packages/libraries do I need to squash these bugs?...
I'm trying to install Adobe After Effects CS4 but I'm having some problems/errors. It seems like there are some calls to missing classes/objects and also some incorrect arguments being passed for these classes/objects. So, I figure if I install the right libraries, everything will be fine! Is this true? If so, which libraries do I need? Check it out, here's the errors: Code: