search for: joehesse

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "joehesse".

2014 May 15
Set static IP
Hello, I want my CentOS 6.5 computer to have a static IP. Currently I get the IP I want because I have my router assign it on the basis of mac address. I placed the following file as: /etc/sysconfig/networking-scripts/eth0 DEVICE="eth0" BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=00:1F:D0:9E:AE:67 ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet USERCTL=no IPV6INIT=no PEERDNS=yes NETMASK= IPADDR=
2014 Feb 20
Monitor Wireless Networks OT
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Joseph Hesse <joehesse at> wrote: > Hi, > I am having interference with my neighbouring wireless networks. > Is there a linux tool that enables me to monitor the ESSID, channel, > power output and other information for neighbouring wireless networks? > I am especially interested in the channe...
2014 May 16
Mother board recommendation
Hello, I want to build a lightweight server and install centos. Does anyone have a recommendation for a suitable motherboard? Thank you, Joe
2013 Oct 23
Should I upgrade Samba 3.6 to Samba 4.1
Hi, I just installed Samba on my Centos 6.4 computer. Smbstatus says my version is 3.6.9-151.el6-4.1. My smb.conf file only has a [global] and [homes] section. My configuration works, as expected, from a Win7 Virtual Box computer and a Win8 Virtual Box computer. I can see the share from the Windows file explorer and can map the share to a network drive. The Samba server is not virtual.
2013 Aug 13
Problem with "yum update"
Hi, I am trying to update my system with yum and I keep getting this error message. Thank you, Joe Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * rpmforge: * rpmforge-extras: * rpmforge-testing: *
2014 Jan 25
Permissions for LAMP
I am running a Lamp server on a CentOS 6.5 box. It works fine, I am concerned that I may have the wrong file/dir permissions. The directories /var and /var/www are root:root and 755. For /var/www/html and all directories underneath I have apache:apache and 770. For all files under /var/www/html I have apache:apache and 660. Are these these permissions OK? Thank you, Joe
2014 Feb 14
RSync Problem
I use an external USB drive and rsync to back up everything in /home. The USB drive has an entry in fstab and I mount it with "# mount /mnt" The rsync command I use is: rsync -av --delete --include='.thunderbird' --include='.filezilla' --include='.putty' \ --exclude='.*' --exclude='Desktop' --exclude='VirtualBox*' /home/* /mnt/home/
2014 Feb 20
Problem with wireless router
Hello, I am using wireless N on a DLink-655 wireless router. It is the "A" hardware version with the latest firmware. I am using a channel that no one in my vicinity is using, according to iwlist. I checked the Statistics from the router web interface and they are shown below for a period of less than an hour. It looks like the errors are excessive, especially the "RX Packets
2014 May 12
Change server name in postfix configuration
Hi, A consultant, long gone, set up postfix, dovecot, amavisd and squirrelmail for my wife. It works fine but my wife wants to change the server name from to so the name is more appropriate for her business. My approach would be to use sed to change all occurences of to Specifically, I used grep to identify the following files where I should make the changes.
2014 Jul 31
Dual boot with 2 drives
Hi, I have a laptop with 2 hard drives. The first has Fedora 20 (no windows or anything else) and the second is unused. I would like to install CentOS7 on the unused drive so I can dual boot with the choice of the 2 OS's on the Grub menu. I am comfortable in partitioning drives and installing Linux distributions. I am afraid I may mess up the MBR and/or set up Grub incorrectly so I
2014 Feb 06
Virtual Hosts question
I am running Wordpress on a CentOS 6.5 server which is behind a router. The private IP is, the public URL is (name changed). I have two virtual hosts in my httpd.conf file. The second one, listed below, is for Wordpress and it is accessed with or They work fine. Actually, not show, I have more Wordpress virtual hosts, and they are
2013 Jul 06
fstab, unusual behavior of "missing UUID"
I have the following as the last line of my /etc/fstab file on a computer running CentOS6.4.. UUID=3b550884-8d05-41a5-a205-17b6d7269dd1 /mnt ext3 rw,suid,dev,exec,noauto,nouser,async 0 2 The UUID refers to an ext3 partition of a removable USB drive. If the USB drive is not plugged into the computer the computer will not boot. It seems that this is the incorrect behavior since
2013 Oct 26
CentOS 6.4, LAMP, MariaDB
Hi, I am trying to install a LAMP stack using MariaDB on CentOS 6.4, 64 bit. I have installed MariaDB by using the MariaDB repository configuraton tool. I installed php by itself. Both MariaDB and php individually test fine. I know that php-mysql has to be installed to complete the LAMP stack installation. From lots of googling I understand that there is a php-mysql and a php-mysqlnd.
2013 Dec 19
Hi, I just upgraded from 6.4 to 6.5. In 6.4 I had a scanner program "simple-scan". I can't seem to get it for 6.5. I tried the elrepo and forge repositories but they are not available there. I tried to rebuild it from source but that didn't work. Any suggestions would be appreciated. FYI: My Fujitsu scanner is not TWAIN compliant but it works with
2014 Feb 20
Monitor Wireless Networks
Hi, I am having interference with my neighbouring wireless networks. Is there a linux tool that enables me to monitor the ESSID, channel, power output and other information for neighbouring wireless networks? I am especially interested in the channel so I can choose a different one. Thank you, Joe
2014 Feb 23
Problem with cron
I have a root cron job that powers down my server every day at 1am and 6pm. The output of '# crontab -l' is shown below. * 1,18 * * * poweroff Last night, after the server powered down at 6pm, I decided I wanted to use the server so I started it with the power button. The server, after a minute or so, powered itself down. This behaviour happened repeatedly until I waited past 7pm.
2014 Feb 26
Dual Band Wireless
Hi, Because of heavy interference in the 2.5GHz range in my neighbourhood, I want to switch to wireless dual band (5GHZ) and wireless ac. Do you have any suggestions for USB wireless adapters for CentOS 6.5 that work with dual band and ac? Also, if you have any suggestions on wireless routers for these bands I would like to hear about them. Thank you, Joe
2014 May 12
Samba problem
Hello, My only hard drive failed on a private server so I had to replace it and reinstall Centos 6.5 and Samba. My smb.conf file is OK according to "testparm". I configured smb and nmb, with chkconfig, to start when the system boots. After the system boots if I do "service nmb status" I get the response "nmbd dead but pid file exists". I can delete the pid file
2013 Jul 04
sda and sdb reverse order with an external USB drive
Hello I am using 64 bit CentOS 6.4 on an i7 laptop with one sata drive and a CD drive. I installed CentOS by manually partitioning sda as: sda1 as /boot, sda2 as swap, sda3 as /. The booted system works great. When I insert an external USB drive, formatted as ext3, the hard drive on the laptop and the USB drive are either sda or sdb, depending upon the order on which I insert the USB drive
2013 Oct 04
Samba problem
Hello, I am trying to learn how to use Samba. I first just want to get it to work, then I'll make it better. I am not concerned about security since everything is on a private network. I am following the material in "CentOS 6 Linux Server Cookbook" by Jonathan Hobson. I am using two virtual computers with Virtual Box running on Fedora 19. Both virtual computers have bridged