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2020 Jan 07
admin console interface that serve up an m3u file give you file with the "wrong" URL in it. So, I have icecast on port 8000. My streams are available on http://my.url.tld:8000/jake-radio.mp3 but that 8000 gets blocked by corporate firewalls sometimes so I want to be able to get to http://my.url.tld/jakemusic instead. My apache config looks like: -------- 8< -------- ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass /jakemusic http://localhost:8000/jake-radio.mp3 ProxyPassReverse /jakemusic http://localhost:8000/jake-radio.mp3 -------- 8< -------- You need a ProxyPass and ProxyPassRever...
2019 Apr 08
Question about replacing the web interface with an audio stream
...lable/serve-cgi-bin.conf ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Require all granted </Directory> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass /jakemusic http://localhost:8000/jake-radio.mp3 ProxyPassReverse /jakemusic http://localhost:8000/jake-radio.mp3 ProxyPass /carlymusic http://localhost:8000/carly-radio.mp3 ProxyPassReverse /carlymusic http://localhost:8000/carly-radio.mp3 ProxyPass /dnbmusic http://localhost:8000/dnb-radi...
2019 Apr 08
Question about replacing the web interface with an audio stream
Okay, but you’d have to be able/willing to employ a dedicated IP to that, plus run Icecast as root. What are the negative technical implications of running icecast on port 8000 (suitable for most users) and then running a reverse proxy to accommodate public wifi with port restrictions? > On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:31 PM, Yahav Shasha <yahav.shasha at> wrote: > > Just bind