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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2978 matches for "jabbered".

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2012 Jun 15
Google Voice / Jabber auth problem
asterisk- iksemel-1.4 I have a client who setup a gvoice account using their domain in the login name: username=client at This appears to have caused a problem with authentication. I've tried escaping the @ and quoting the login string, etc. but it simply won't authenticate. I don't believe my configuration is bad as the same server /
2009 Jul 06
Asterisk & Jabber : WARNING: res_jabber.c aji_recv_loop: JABBER: socket read error
I have installed gnutls and gnutls-devel from RedHat repositories [root at asterisk asterisk]# yum install gnutls gnutls-devel I have installed iksemel with gnutls support : [root at asterisk asterisk]# cd /usr/src/iksemel-1.3/ [root at asterisk asterisk]# ./configure --with-gnutls --prefix=/usr [root at asterisk asterisk]# make [root at asterisk asterisk]# make check [root at asterisk
2008 Jan 12
Discover Asterisk 1.4 :: Google Talk, XMPP and Jabber Integration!
I've written a new article about Asterisk 1.4's Jabber integration. Check it out at /Olle
2005 Mar 21
Asterisk, SER & Jabber
Hi all, I was wondering if someone could explain the relationship of Asterisk, SER & Jabber (XMPP) to me. I understand that there are facilities within Asterisk to use jabber to notify of incoming calls via XMPP clients, however I'm trying to work out exactly where the SER server would sit in all of this and what it's actual role would be. This might seem like a silly
2008 Feb 22
FW: jabber
Hi all, Do some one experiencing running jabber applications (jabberstatus...) in asterisk? I do experinced Asterisk 1.4.18 and wish to start it, however I got such result. IBM*CLI> help jabber No such command 'jabber'. IBM*CLI> help jabberstatus No such command 'jabberstatus'. Any one can help me on this, or may be I miss out somethings that cause jabber applications
2004 Aug 06
[Fwd: Re: [JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re: Videoconferencing with speex and jabber]
Hi Ulrich, <p>you distroyed my evening today ;-). Im only sitting here and follow the videoconferencing thread ;-)). > due to the ongoing discussion on both lists, i simply respond to both > lists. it's hard crossposting, but it's for both roups relevant (i > think). Yes, this was right. There is a great discussion and perhaps we got some points more yet. > +After
2006 May 29
Jabber Powered Rails Chatroom
For those who cant access IRC, or just looking for a quick browser based alternative, i started an open jabber powered webchat for rails. Hopefully this will be a nice alternative for people to go to ask questions, get some help, offer some help, etc. I hope the community enjoys it, just trying to give a little back for all the hard work. It can be accessed here
2007 Jul 19
Gtalk/Jabber connect issues in 1.4.8
I've included my jabber.conf below. I'm betting the following errors: [Jul 18 21:05:22] ERROR[28166]: res_jabber.c:609 aji_act_hook: JABBER: Node Error [Jul 18 21:05:22] WARNING[28166]: res_jabber.c:1537 aji_recv_loop: JABBER: Got hook event. jabber test [Jul 18 21:04:16] WARNING[32691]: res_jabber.c:1421 ast_aji_send: JABBER: Not connected can't send User: bferrell at
2009 Jun 24
Asterisk + Jabber
I want to use JabberSend in my dialplan, but I saw that my Asterisk does not support Jabber. Also I have nowhere a module So I thought I'd rebuild my Asterisk. In menuselect I saw that res_jabber was dependent of 'iksemel' and 'gnutls'. In my yum repositories I can find a gnutls.i386, but what is this iksemel-beast ??? There is info to find via google on
2007 Feb 09
asterisk 1.4 FC5 and Gtalk
JABBER: gtalk_account OUTGOING: <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' to='' version='1.0'> localhost*CLI> jabber show tes JABBER: gtalk_account INCOMING: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream from=""
2007 Feb 03
Google Talk without gmail accout?
Hello all, I am having trouble getting gtalk to work with my account which is not using a email address. When I do this there an error from the Jabber module: [Feb 3 20:51:17] ERROR[6286]: res_jabber.c:573 aji_act_hook: JABBER: Node Error [Feb 3 20:51:17] WARNING[6286]: res_jabber.c:1495 aji_recv_loop: JABBER: Got hook event. JABBER: gtalk_account INCOMING:
2011 Feb 10
Gtalk/Jabber Issue
OK, im pulling my hair out, everything looks configured right, deleted, and started over, etc, etc. but can't seem to get this to work Gtalk.conf [general] context=google-in allowguest=yes [guest] context=google-in disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=g729 connection=jp_jabber jabber.conf [general] debug=yes
2009 Jan 29
GTalk Channel
Hello all, It used to work on calling my GTalk ID from another GTalk user. But now that I tried calling it again, the caller hears only a ringtone and disconnected after a few rings. The messages on my Asterisk- are the following: [Jan 29 10:37:51] ERROR[1303]: rtp.c:1945 ast_rtp_new_with_bindaddr: Unexpected bind error: Cannot assign requested address [Jan 29 10:37:51] WARNING[1303]:
2004 Aug 06
[Fwd: Re: [JDEV] Videoconferencing with jabber / Re: Videoconferencing with speex and jabber]
Hi Carsten, due to the ongoing discussion on both lists, i simply respond to both lists. it's hard crossposting, but it's for both roups relevant (i think). <p>+After having thought about control structures, it makes sense to me to do the extra work and merge this creamed cake into a jabber server component. Otherwise a control channel to the server component would have to be
2007 Feb 16
Jabber/Asterisk Integration
Started playing with 1.4 and I'm curious what uses people have come up with for the Jabber integration? So far I can think of presence based call routing, but I'm sure there are other ideas. How are YOU using the new Jabber features in 1.4? :) -- Kyle Sexton
2010 Apr 01
Request format from jabber simple to openfire server
Hi All, In order to enable chat functionality with gmail in my rails application i used "Jabber" and "xmpp4r/simple" and finished the chat functionality well and fine. Now i was asked to enable the chat functionality with other services like "MSN","Yahoo","AOL" etc which requires a third party server to act as mediator between the service(like
2006 Nov 06
asterisk 1,4 and google talk
hi fellow asterisk enthusiasts, i've configured jabber.conf and gtalk.conf as descibed on ( i see these messages on the CLI now, and i haven't been able to get Asterisk-Gtalk connectivity to work. *CLI> [Nov 3 22:17:01] WARNING[30878]: res_jabber.c:1504 aji_recv_loop: JABBER: socket read error *CLI> JABBER:
2009 Feb 03
What's the difference between the Jabber Client Mode And Component Mode?
Hi All, I am doing some research on the intergration of Jabber and Asterisk. I have tried Jabber Client Mode. It's cool and works fine. But there's few information on the Component Mode. What's the difference between these two mode? I finished the configuration on jabber.conf and I am using openfire. What shall I do in the openfire to make them intergrated? Looks forward to your
2004 Aug 06
Videoconferencing with speex and jabber
Hi all, <p>i have send a mail to the jabber mailing list and ask them how to send speex data with the jabber instant messaging protocol. I have added the mail adter this one. If someone here has any experience with jabber and speex please let me know. Thanks, <p><p>Carsten Breuer ====================================================== Hi all, im new on this list, so i want to
2007 Apr 01
No Audio with Gtalk
I configured my * with the instructions found here to work with gtalk. The Phone rings and connects - but no audio! I am using a self-compiled asterisk 1.4.2 There is a lot of output on the CLI but I can't make sense of it. Perhaps somebody can help? Michael Output from the CLI: JABBER: gtalk_account OUTGOING: <iq