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2002 Jul 17
Maximum File Size on Ext2/3
I need to find out what the maximum file size in an ext2/3 file system. It appears from the definition of the ext2_inode structure that since the i_size field is a 32 bit integer that the file would be limited by that. Thanks, Jason
2007 Oct 16
respond_to API
I''ll probably do my respond_to API rewrite, as discussed here: sometime this week, unless someone has come up with a better API. I''ll also work in at the same time. Any serious objections?
2007 Sep 22
skeleton and configs
Hi people, just thought I''d mumble out my thoughts on merb''s apps directory structure and config concepts and see what other people are feeling... the app dir: mvc/application is layed out as expected....maybe without the mailer by default (another discussion) the config dir: I really think that it''s confusing to have such a mixture of ways to configure some
2007 Oct 27
merb_has_flash 0.0.1 - Rails-style flash
I ripped the flash stuff from merb and stuck it in a plugin, for folks who want a Rails-style flash. It''s on Rubyforge: And will maybe have a little homepage: Try it out, please send bug reports to me via email for now.
2003 Aug 21
make check fails 1.7.1 with R-release patch in regression tests (PR#3868)
Full_Name: Kevin B. Hendricks Version: 1.7.1 patched with R-release.diff OS: Linux x86-64 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, Built from R-1.7.1 source with R-release.diff patch attached on a RedHat 9 system for Linux x86-64 (dual Opteron system) runing in 64 bit mode. Build completes fine. But "make check" fails (R is killed because Out-Of-Memory) during reg-tests-1.R. I
2007 Nov 16
The original: Send your submissions to me by email or on #merb. I''ll blog it, and pick a winner. The winner does not mean it makes it into Merb, just means I personally like it best. But it might make it into Merb. # Scenario: # You have a simple application that lists all the monkeys at the zoo. # Every monkey has a
2007 Aug 12
[PATCH] merb-rakefile-more-dist-byebye.diff
In rev 410, "rake db:migrate" doesn''t run because the Rake tasks are still looking for dist/ This patch removes all the references to dist/ that I could find. Ez, consider this a full copyright transfer from me to you on this and future patches; I''ll sign something official if you need it. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was
2012 Mar 29
How to get the most frequent value of the subgroup
Dear Members of the R-Help, While using a R function - 'aggregate' that you developed, I become to have a question. In that function, > aggregate(x, by, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE) I was wondering about what type of FUN I should write if I want to get "the most frequent value of the subgroup" as a summary statistics of the subgroups. I will appreciate if I can get
2012 Jan 30
One of my servers wont boot today
Hi All, One of my servers upon a restart today comes up with an error checking filesystems: fsck.ext3: no such file or directory while trying to open /dev/VolGroup-1/Logvol00. /dev/VolGroup-1/LogVol00. The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then
2009 Nov 09
CentOS 5.4 logrotate and syslog
Anyone having problems with logrotate and CentOS 5.4? Although I have /etc/logrotate.d/mail (contents below) to rotate my maillog file, it fails to do it automatically: /var/log/maillog { compress dateext maxage 365 rotate 60 size=+1024k missingok postrotate /etc/init.d/MailScanner restart endscript } ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ logrotate.conf:
2007 Dec 07
mrblog rake task fails
Hi all, I''m trying to run the mrblog sample application but somehow the rake task fails: -- Los-Angeles:~/Projects/mrblog Ulf$ rake db:schema:load --trace (in /Users/Ulf/Projects/mrblog) rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''db:schema:load'' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.3/lib/rake.rb:1472:in `[]''
2007 Sep 20
Proposed API change for respond_to
Ez (or someone) asked on #merb tonight whether respond_to was the right API for what it does. After some discussion and pasties, I offer the following proposed API for content negotiation and response format selection: First, what does respond_to do right now? I see at as performing 3 distinct operations: 1. parse params[:format] and the accepts header to find out what format the
2007 Aug 29
Non-Erubis Templates
Trunk Issue: Because of the use of ''autoload'', template handlers other than Erubis are not loaded automatically (Haml, XMLBuilder). Either this should be fixed, or the documentation should be updated to instruct people how to use non-Erb template engines. Apparently the solution is to do something like this in merb_init.rb: ::Merb::AbstractController.register_engine
2016 Feb 01
How to build CentOS 7 AMI
I'd like to revisit the thread about how the CentOS 7 AMIs are created ( and see if the process can be published in the repository or another relevant location. With CentOS 7 AMIs only being available in the Marketplace, all resulting EC2 instances have the Marketplace
2007 Nov 12
Sessions broken in 0.4.0 (includes hotfix)
We''ve gotten several reports on #merb that each request gets a new session ID in 0.4.0. I quickly tested and verified. scoundrel tracked it down, and I think it''s fixed. If you need to apply this by hand to your 0.4.0 install, it''s a 1 line fix: Index: /trunk/lib/merb/controller.rb =================================================================== ---
2007 Aug 12
[PATCH] [TINY] make scripts executable
Super simple patch to chmod 755 the scripts dir in the generator -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: merb-executable-scripts.diff Type: application/octet-stream Size: 510 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2007 Aug 26
class reloading
Ezra, what''s the plan for class reloading in dev mode? I was thinking of tackling that as a project, if no one else is working on it.
2007 Aug 30
Plugin Manager changes
I just committed some stuff in PluginManager to actually load the Gem- based plugins from the manifest. Merb::PluginManager.load_plugins is what goes in merb_init to load them all. For every plugin in the manifest, ''theplugin'' is required, and then we try and require ''theplugin/merb_init'' and, if that fails, we try ''plugin/init''
2006 Aug 30
Rubyists of Second Life Meeting on RESTful Routes | 08/31/2006
The virtual user group Rubyists of Second Life will meet this Thursday, August 31, and next Thursday, September 7, at 6:00 pm PST. This Thursday, Theodore Polonsky will be presenting on simply_restful and the new RESTful routes in Rails Core, and Polypus Watts will be presenting on DRP: evolutionary/social programming for interactive/design tasks in Ruby. Second Life is a virtual 3D world and
2007 Aug 11
Rubyists in Lower Alabama?
I''ve been at the Ruby Hoedown in Raleigh, and have had a fantastic two days. I finally decided to get off my butt and really try to organize a LowerAlabama.rb ... Soooooo...... If you''re in Baldwin or Mobile counties in AL, or Pensacola FL, or Eastern MS...go sign up! I''m sure I''m not the only one down here. My plan