search for: inventorytrackers

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "inventorytrackers".

2009 Aug 01
jasperreport and rails
Hi everybody, I have a rails application and a report designed by iReport. I want to combine rails and jasper to obtain a pdf document.. Sincerly, i followed the tutorial in and i haven''t obtain a result because i coud''nt understand where i put these codes.. I knocked in this door and i hope to obtain your
2010 Jul 02
Update multiple fields with onclick
We''ve all seen the checkout forms with Bill To: and Ship To: I''d like to have a button that says "Ship to Bill To:" and if we click it, it copies all the Ship To: fields across such as phone, email, etc. I''ve been looking at link_to_function, is that the right path? I''ve done observe_fields before but that went to a controller action whereas here we
2010 Feb 06
observe_field example of two related selects
I''ve done the ''Googling'' for days now to find an example of using two dependent select statements on a form where the user selects the parent record value and the observe_field ''kicks in'' to create another select that shows parent.children offerings. Is there anyone I can pay to provide me with the simplest example? If so, please contact me by email.
2009 Apr 27
ruby jasper report
Hi, I am trying to create a pdf using ruby jasper. For this I am referring this url:- I have done everything whatever is in that link. Still I am not able to get the pdf. I am not getting any error in log file. My log file is:- "Processing AccountController#customer_report (for at 2009-04-27 13:19:34) [GET]
2009 Jul 05
Deploying without capistrano, using git pull?
I''m NOT working on an enterprisey big time rails application; just something for my personal site. I''ve been deploying via local> git push origin master remote> git pull origin remote> sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart Trying to decide if this is sufficient, or if learning capistrano and setting that up will give me any advantages over this? Thanks, Dave
2009 Feb 19
Can't seem to instantiate
I am unable to instantiate the on one development machine ( Windows ) and upon my CentOS server. When I run the same code on my Ubuntu 8.10 VMWare machine, everything runs great? In the Builder documentation ( ) it shows to put this at the top of the controller; require ''rubygems'' require_gem ''builder'' but
2009 Mar 23
Bounding width when we give users' TinyMCE or FCKEditor?
I finally got TinyMCE to work beautifully and now am trying to understand how I will bound my users'' from not pushing the HTML beyond the borders that I grant them. For example, if I type; 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 It goes off the edge of the <div> space I have defined for this element. Is there a