search for: inventoried

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 388 matches for "inventoried".

Did you mean: inventories
2012 Feb 10
Discrete Event Simulation problem
Hi All, I am attempting to simulation an inventory model on R and I am having some problems. I believe the problem is when I define my demand rate is stays constant throughout so when I do need to reorder the model does not recognise it as I have the initial supply arrival time set to infinity at the start as no order has been played but I have an if statement saying, if the level falls below a
2006 Aug 15
Set up a default route
Phlip wrote: > Can I fix it by adding a view called ''inventories''? That worked, because I have a sufficiently late version of MySQL. Next question. What does "Set up a default route" mean? When I read... reminds me of the Apache documentation for mod_rewrite. I hope someone appreciates the candor of my
2007 Nov 16
Newb - variable returns # sign?
Hi Gurus- I want to return the variety from the species table based on the active record link to inventory table class Species < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :inventories end class Inventory < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :species (this is the singular and the plural, so that''s OK) end My inventory_controller looks like: def show @inventory =
2006 Apr 18
''wrong number of arguments'' for text_field?
This is probably something very simple but I can''t seem to figure out why I keep getting the ''wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)'' error with the following code when I try to create a new record. If anyone can see what is going wrong here please help! new.rhtml ------------------------------------------------- ... <%= start_form_tag :action =>
2012 Dec 12
puppet dashboard inventory
I have a puppet master install which uses puppetdb. I also have puppet dashboard installed with the inventory service running. I want multiple puppet masters using a single puppetDB server. Puppetdb is installed on separate vm. How can I get the dashboard inventory to use the puppetdb server to get the inventory records? Where do I configure the dashboard inventory so it uses puppetdb? I
2013 Oct 10
What's the best way to approach reading and parse large XLSX files?
Hello, I''m developing an app that basically, receives a 10MB or less XLSX files with +30000 rows or so, and another XLSX file with about 200rows, I have to read one row of the smallest file, look it up on the largest file and write data from both files to a new one. I just did a test reading a few rows from the largest file using ROO (Spreadsheet doesn''t support XSLX and
2011 Jul 23
Dashboard not retrieving inventory
Hi All, Puppet-dashboard appears to be having some trouble. Under inventory, it says: "Could not retrieve facts from inventory service: Permission denied - certs/dashboard.private_key.pem" When I run: curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/host.domain I get the expected dump of facts. Versions: puppet-dashboard is 1.1.0 (using passenger) puppet-master
2006 Aug 15
try creating a table for your model
Railers: Greetings from the low end of the learning curve. I have installed all the prerequisites on Win32, including a lite MySQL database with a table in it called Inventory. Then I run this command line... ruby script/generate ajax_scaffold Inventory ...and I get this error message: error Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a table for your model
2012 Dec 12
puppet dashbaord inventory
I have a puppet master install which uses puppetdb. I also have puppet dashboard installed with the inventory service running. I want multiple puppet masters using a single puppetDB server. Puppetdb is installed on separate vm. How can I get the dashboard inventory to use the puppetdb server to get the inventory records? Where do I configure the dashboard inventory so it uses puppetdb? I
2011 Mar 18
Inventory service and dashboard 1.1.0 rc1
I just set up the latest dashboard release candidate in hopes of trying out the new inventory service. After modifying the puppet- dashboard config to use the inventory service and after changing my auth.conf I gave it a whirl but ran into some issues.. I initially tried using fact_terminus = yaml and was able to do some queries via curl. I''m currently using storeconfigs so setting up
2011 Feb 07
Puppet CA Inventory and Serial # file... unique format?
I''m working on a system for auto-resigning certificates for our clients and Iv''e basically got it working .. but I notice that Puppet uses an inventory file and a serial # file that seem to be differently formatted than the openssl toolkit uses? The serial number file that puppet generates has a 4 digit number starting with 0000... but openssl tracks its serial numbers in a hex
2016 Jul 09
New package 'forestinventory: Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories'
Dear R users, We are happy to announce that the R package 'forestinventory: Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories' is now on CRAN ( The aim of our package is to provide global- and smallarea estimators for twophase and threephase forest inventories under simple and cluster sampling. The
2016 Jul 09
New package 'forestinventory: Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories'
Dear R users, We are happy to announce that the R package 'forestinventory: Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories' is now on CRAN ( The aim of our package is to provide global- and smallarea estimators for twophase and threephase forest inventories under simple and cluster sampling. The
2011 Nov 15
Adding power devices support to Fusion Inventory
Dear Fusion Inventory fellows, I've been thinking about working on adding power devices knowledge to inventory systems for years. Following the last Ubuntu Developer Summit, I know have an "excuse" to do so: My below proposition is related to the above blueprint. So please keep in mind that the
2012 Jul 04
Identifying host OS in an ENC
Hi all, We have a mixed Linux and Windows environment and have so far just been using Puppet on our Linux servers. Having configured the inventory service, we''ve got an auditing script that uses the data to report on things like OS version, RAM, etc. This is all so nice that we''d like to extend it to auditing our Windows infrastructure. However, at this point in time, we have
2009 May 25
RPGWO - no item images in inventory tab
RPG World Online is a 2d mmorpg, which was coded in Visual Basic. Therefore it requires the VB60 runtime to install and run. The most obvious bug is, that most of the item images in the inventory tab are not being displayed correctly or not at all. Thou while clicking on one of the inventory space holders which should contain an item, we get a name of the item displayed and items can be used
2011 Apr 12
connecting dashboard to facts/inventory service.....
I''m having all sorts of trouble getting our new puppet-dashboard install to connect/get the facts/inventory from the puppet master. These are separate boxes, and I''m getting (testing): root@puppetdash puppet-dashboard]# curl -k -H "Accept: yaml" https://puppet:8140/production/facts/ Forbidden request:
2005 Oct 04
newbie questions - looping through hierarchial datafille
Dear List, Im new to R - making a transition from SAS. I have a space delimited file with the following structure. Each line in the datafile is identified by the first letter. A = Inventory (Inventory) X = Stratum (Stratum_no Total Ye=year established) P = Plot (Plot_no age slope= species) T = Tree (tree_no frequency) L = Leader (leader diameter height) F = Feature (start_height finish_height
2013 Nov 25
Independent variable dependent on offset in GLMM
...a is inventories of birds (species richness and abundance) at the scale of whole farms. Thus, each observation has a different inventory area which I am accounting for in the model as: offset = log(INVAREA). However, as a fixed effect in the model I’ve got the number of different crop types in the inventoried area. As this variable is also affected by inventoried area, I would like to account for this in some way, but I find it difficult to know the best way to do so. Right now, I have made a linear quadratic function (using lm) of crop number ~ inventoried area + inventoried area^2 to describe how cro...
2017 Nov 09
Possibly [OT] ansible vmware inventory plugin
Yeah, it's the Extras repo Ansible package. So, my next (probably stupid) question, is there a way to get the vmware_inventory plugin setup on my system? <> Virus-free.