search for: initializecriticalsect

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "initializecriticalsect".

2007 Oct 21
...9;ve added some critical section methods to the Windows::Synchronize module in the windows-pr library (in CVS). Looking at the RUBY_CRITICAL macro from rubysig.h, it basically looks like this (in pure Ruby): def RUBY_CRITICAL(&block) critical_section = [0].pack(''L'') InitializeCriticalSection(critical_section) EnterCriticalSection(critical_section) LeaveCriticalSection(critical_section) end But, shouldn''t we ensure that we leave the critical section once entered, like so? # This is what''s currently in CVS def RUBY_CRITICAL(&block) c...
2009 Apr 22
ActiveX error when running an application(VB6 based)
...66003987 0009:Call ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection(6610f4bc) ret=66003994 0009:Ret ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection() retval=00000000 ret=66003994 0009:Call ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection(6610f49c) ret=660039a1 0009:Ret ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection() retval=00000000 ret=660039a1 0009:Call KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection(00d813e0) ret=66001f4a 0009:Ret KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection() retval=00000001 ret=66001f4a 0009:Call KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection(00d81400) ret=66001f4a 0009:Ret KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection() retval=00000001 ret=66001f4a 0009:Call KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection(00d81420...
2009 Apr 22
wine-users Digest, Vol 45, Issue 102
...66003987 0009:Call ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection(6610f4bc) ret=66003994 0009:Ret ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection() retval=00000000 ret=66003994 0009:Call ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection(6610f49c) ret=660039a1 0009:Ret ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection() retval=00000000 ret=660039a1 0009:Call KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection(00d813e0) ret=66001f4a 0009:Ret KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection() retval=00000001 ret=66001f4a 0009:Call KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection(00d81400) ret=66001f4a 0009:Ret KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection() retval=00000001 ret=66001f4a 0009:Call KERNEL32.InitializeCriticalSection(00d81420...
2005 Mar 21
Program Crashes on Startup
...f8,00000000) ret=77b79d68 0009:Ret ntdll.NtCreateMutant() retval=00000000 ret=77b79d68 0009:Call ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosError(00000000) ret=77b79d73 0009:Ret ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosError() retval=00000000 ret=77b79d73 0009:Ret kernel32.CreateMutexA() retval=00000064 ret=004e1bce 0009:Call kernel32.InitializeCriticalSection(0065c120) ret=0052f7a6 0009:Call ntdll.RtlInitializeCriticalSection(0065c120) ret=77b79576 0009:Ret ntdll.RtlInitializeCriticalSection() retval=00000000 ret=77b79576 0009:Ret kernel32.InitializeCriticalSection() retval=00000000 ret=0052f7a6 0009:Call kernel32.CreateMutexA(00000000,00000000,000...
2010 Nov 20
CRITICAL_SECTION hang my application
...WND__ *h_Edit = rtf_list->Handle; EnterCriticalSection(&cr_sec); CHARRANGE cr; cr.cpMin = 0; cr.cpMax = 0; // App hangs on this line SendMessage(h_Edit, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); //..... LeaveCriticalSection(&cr_sec); Before this I use: Code: CRITICAL_SECTION cr_sec; InitializeCriticalSection(&cr_sec); to initialize Critical Section.
2002 Mar 08
How to troubleshoot network woes with Wine?
The app which I am currently trying to get to work properly (Cinema4D network rendering client - it does work 90%, depending on how you look at it) does some weird things, like receiving jobs from a server, computing them, and sending the rendered scenes back to the server (actually I don't know if it's sending them back, or if the server is fetching them; I don't even know what the
2012 Jan 09
"timeGetTime“ function in winmm.dll
Dear Forum, I installed MetaTrader 4 with wine it is up and running everything works well, the best performers is with the new wine 1.3. BUT if I run some EA Experts Advisors I get on two of it problems and the application crashes. The EA`s with crashes have custom .dll (FCS300.dll) and I try to debug this errors. Code: 0028:Ret ntdll.RtlFreeHeap() retval=00000001 ret=7d7984a2 0028:Ret
2007 May 23
debugging an app
I'm trying to debug a program that page faults on me, and I'm actually quite keen to have a go at fixing it myself. Unfortunately, I seem to have fallen at the first hurdle: I can't make good use of the debug messages. Background: The program I am attempting to run is TrackLogs ( ). Installation went fine and on first run I got the licence key dialogue,
2006 May 11
world of warcraft doesnÄt work (sorry if double post)
if this is a doublepost please sorry bur the first post was blocked by spamfilter because of wrong timesettings on my local computer. i reaplyed to my original post and now im not shure if the mailserver thinks the message is corrupt because of reply to a non existing message. here is the originalmessage (again?) Hi everyone, thirst of all please forgive my bad english :) i have installed wine