search for: imaginaries

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 361 matches for "imaginaries".

2009 Aug 02
Inaccurate complex arithmetic of R (Matlab is accurate)
Dear All, Hans Borchers and I have been trying to compute "exact" derivatives in R using the idea of complex-step derivatives that Hans has proposed. This is a really, really cool idea. It gives "exact" derivatives with only a minimal effort (same as that involved in computing first-order forward-difference derivative). Unfortunately, we cannot implement this in R as the
2024 Mar 25
Needing a < , > comparison for imaginary numbers
2006 Jan 18
function 'eigen' (PR#8503)
Full_Name: Pierre Legendre Version: 2.1.1 OS: Mac OSX 10.4.3 Submission from: (NULL) ( I am reporting the mis-behaviour of the function 'eigen' in 'base', for the following input matrix: A <- matrix(c(2,3,4,-1,3,1,1,-2,0),3,3) eigen(A) I obtain the following results, which are incorrect for eigenvalues and eigenvectors 2 and 3 (incorrect imaginary portions):
2013 Sep 18
getParseData() for imaginary numbers
Hi, The imaginary unit is gone in the 'text' column in the returned data frame from getParseData(), e.g. in the example below, perhaps the text should be 1i instead of 1: > p=parse(text='1i') > getParseData(p) line1 col1 line2 col2 id parent token terminal text 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 NUM_CONST TRUE 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 expr
2010 Dec 13
1.8.1: playing imaginary sound files
............ -- Executing [s at incoming-pstn-line:5] VoiceMail("DAHDI/4-1", "100 at default,u") in new stack -- <DAHDI/4-1> Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/100/unavail.gsm' (language 'en') .......... But there is no /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/100/unavail.gsm', indeed no unavail.gsm on the machine. [asterisk at
2023 Apr 14
Possible inconsistency between `as.complex(NA_real_)` and the docs
Hi all, Surprisingly (at least to me), `as.complex(NA_real_)` results in `complex(real = NA_real_, imaginary = 0)` rather than `NA_complex_`. It seems to me that this goes against the docs of `as.complex()`, which say this in the Details section: "Up to R versions 3.2.x, all forms of NA and NaN were coerced to a complex NA, i.e., the NA_complex_ constant, for which both the real and
2010 Oct 07
Forecasting with R/Need Help. Steps shown below with the imaginary data
1. This is an imaginary data on monthly outcomes of 2 years and I want to forecast the outcome for next 12 months of next year. data Data1; input Yr Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec; datalines; 2008 12 13 12 14 13 12 11 15 10 12 12 12 2009 12 13 12 14 13 12 11 15 10 12 12 12 ; run; I converted the above data into the below format to use it in R as it was giving error: asking
2010 Aug 16
parkcall: How to remove announcement.
Hello all, I want to park calls using the callpark application, but I don't want to hear the saydigit when the called is parked. To resolve this issue I use the following instruction in the dialplan: exten => _8XX,1,ParkAndAnnounce(|1000|local/10 at default|) Because local/10 at default is not defined to a peer I get a lot of warnings. :( Is there a better way to resolve this
2012 Feb 07
Help need
I have mad a for loop to try and output values which i have named spectrum. However, I cannot seem to get the answers to come out as a vector which is what i need. They come out as separate values which I am then unable to join together. Thank you for(f in seq(0,0.5,0.1)) { sigmasqaured <- 1 i = complex(real = 0, imaginary = 1) spectrum <-
2008 Sep 30
fft inverse display help
I have a a simple function that generates a time series square wave: genseq <- function() { x <- numeric(4*365) s <- seq(as.Date("2005-01-01"), as.Date("2008-12-31"), by="month") ob <- as.vector(s[c(10,22,34,46)] - as.Date("2005-01-01")) oe <- as.vector(s[c(11,23,35,47)] - as.Date("2005-01-01")) for(.index in 1:length(ob))
2007 Sep 01
Friday question: negative zero
The IEEE floating point standard allows for negative zero, but it's hard to know that you have one in R. One reliable test is to take the reciprocal. For example, > y <- 0 > 1/y [1] Inf > y <- -y > 1/y [1] -Inf The other day I came across one in complex numbers, and it took me a while to figure out that negative zero was what was happening: > x <-
2006 Oct 31
ZFS thinks my 7-disk pool has imaginary disks
Hi all, I recently created a RAID-Z1 pool out of a set of 7 SCSI disks, using the following command: # zpool create magicant raidz c5t0d0 c5t1d0 c5t2d0 c5t3d0 c5t4d0 c5t5d0 c5t6d0 It worked fine, but I was slightly confused by the size yield (99 GB vs the 116 GB I had on my other RAID-Z1 pool of same-sized disks). I thought one of the disks might have been to blame, so I tried swapping it out
2019 Aug 29
Complex proposal v2
All, Here is the second revision of the proposal for a complex type in LLVM. It clarifies a few things that came up during discussion and adds additional operations for complex types. -David Proposal to Support Complex Operations in LLVM ---------------------------------------------- Revision History v1 - Initial proposal [1] v2 - This proposal - Added complex of
2019 Jul 01
RFC: Complex in LLVM
Hey all, I volunteered to put together a proposal regard complex in LLVM. Consider the following to be a strawman meant to spark discussion. It's based on real-world experience with complex but is not expected to cover all use-cases. Proposal to Support Complex Operations in LLVM ---------------------------------------------- Abstract Several vendors and individuals have proposed
2003 Jan 09
fft(x, inv=TRUE)
I started out with a real vector b and then obtained its Fourier transform thus B<-fft(b) When I did F<-fft(B, inv=TRUE) I expected that F would be the inverse FT of B but it still has imaginary components. Should the inverse FT not be purely real? Am I missing something? Thanks, Peter.
2011 Feb 22
regsubsets {leaps}
Hi, I'd like to run regsubsets for model selection by exhaustive search. I have a list with 20 potential explanatory variables, which represent the real and the imaginary parts of 10 "kinds" of complex numbers: x <- list(r1=r1, r2=r2, r3=r3, ..., r10=r10, i1=i1, i2=i2, i3=i3, ..., i10=i10) Is there an easy way to constrain the model search so that "r"s and
2013 Aug 15
format bug and patch
Dear R-team, I've been using R for a while and decided to contribute some bug fixes. The first bug I tried to solve was I have attached a patch with the fix to the bug and would love to hear comments about its quality. Also, while testing this bug I found another related issue: > format(complex(real=10, imaginary=4), digits = 1);
2010 Mar 27
Calculate variance/covariance with complex numbers
Anybody knows what functions can be used to calculate variance/covariance with complex numbers? var and cov don't seem to work: > a 1 V1 0.00810014+0.00169366i V2 0.00813054+0.00158251i V3 0.00805489+0.00163295i V4 0.00809141+0.00159533i V5 0.00813976+0.00161850i > var(a) 1 1 1.141556e-09 Warning message: In var(a) : imaginary parts discarded in
2020 Nov 18
Complex proposal v3 + roundtable agenda
Krzysztof Parzyszek via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> writes: > Examples of complex instructions? Sorry, I was referring specifically to this statement: >> Without intrinsics it may be hard to use such instructions especially >> because of the arithmetic simplifications. I was asking the question in the context of intrinsics vs. a first-class complex type.
2016 Dec 13
LLD status update and performance chart
> On Dec 13, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Rui Ueyama <ruiu at> wrote: > > On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Mehdi Amini <mehdi.amini at <mailto:mehdi.amini at>> wrote: > >> On Dec 13, 2016, at 10:06 AM, Rui Ueyama <ruiu at <mailto:ruiu at>> wrote: >> >> On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Mehdi