search for: householder

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 137 matches for "householder".

2009 Jan 22
Converting ddf/dct/sas data definition file to R
...file (such as a .dct file for stata, or .sas file for sas) into an R-script. Here is an example with a .sas file: <-- snipp VALUE HTYPE (default=32) 0 = "Not in household" 1 = "Married couple family household" 2 = "Male householder family" 3 = "Female householder family" 4 = "Male householder nonfamily" 5 = "Female householder nonfamily" 6 = "Group quarters" ; snapp --> This entry defines the variable...
2006 Apr 27
Removing a default value for a foreign key with not null set
Hi all, For various reasons I need to have foreign keys with not null constraints. Eg: create_table :people do |t| t.column :name, :string t.column :household_id, :integer, :null => false end create_table :households do |t| t.column :name, :string end add_foreign_key_constraint :people, :household_id, :households, :id So the people table has a foreign key into
2003 Aug 20
query on converting survey data from one structure to another
Dear R users, I am trying to convert a dataset from one format to several rectangular datasets. A consultant helped design the data entry program for our survey using Delphi/Pascal and for each household the information is stored in a file called "EA-HM-HH.TXT" where EA is the enumeration area number, HM is the homestead number and HH is the household number. Within this file the
2008 Aug 12
Problem with using read.csv with web address
Hello, I have a problem with using read.csv(). I want to read a table from the ONS neighborhood statistics website which has an address:
2007 Oct 27
[non-statistics question]methodological problem
Good afternoon! As mentioned in the subject, my question regards more the methodological part that accompanies survey design and the statistical part that is involved. So, I have the following data: a<-data.frame (id_hh=c(1:5), strata=c(1,1,2,2,1), Nhstrata=c(100,100,200,200,100), Nrmemb=c(2,4,2,5,4)) a$ocmemb1<-c("wk","jl","st","jl","st")
2005 Jul 14
Single-table inheritance and eager loading
I have a people table with four types of people: clients, spouses, children, and others all setup using single-table inheritance with a foreign key back to a household record. A Household has_one client and spouse, and has_many children and others. I want to use a single "Household.find(@session [:household_id], :include => [:client, :spouse, :children, :others])"
2007 Sep 07
R survey package again
Hi R-users!! I have some trouble with the survey pakage and i would be very glad if you can give me an advice. I have a sample from a survey where household were interviewed. The sample has 4 criteria on which the stratification was based: REGION, SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD, SIZE OF LOCALITY, AGE OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD. Since i don't have the whole information in each cell of the cross
2006 Jun 20
Create variables with common values for each group
Dear all, sorry, this is for sure really basic, but I searched a lot in the internet, and just couldn't find a solution. The problem is to create new variables from a data frame which contains both individual and group variables, such as mean age for an household. My data frame: df hhid h.age 1 10010020 23 2 10010020 23 3 10010126 42 4 10010126 60 5 10010142
2020 Oct 27
Creating unique code
Hello, I need some help in creating a new variable. I need to create a 'couple identifier', which gives a unique code for every couple/triple/... in a household. So, I can identify couples. To do this, I should use 4 variables: * SERIAL = a unique numeric code for each household * PERNUM = a unique numeric code for each person * SPLOC = the numeric code of the spouse in the
2005 Oct 09
enter a survey design in survey2.9
Hi dears, I expect that Mr Thomas Lumley will read this message. I have data from a complexe stratified survey. The population is divide in 12 regions and a region consist to and urban area and rural one. there to region just with urbain area. stratification variable is a combinaison of region and area type (urban/rural) In rural area, subdivision are sample with probabilties proporionnal to
2010 Aug 02
Any way around using only 1 render per action?
My program needs to use a render in a controller action. The problem is that the action makes a user list and sends it to wicked_pdf, which uses a render, causing an error if I use one also. Does anyone know a way around this, and is the render I''m using totally necessary?? Here is my controller code. @households = Household.find(:all, :order => "last_name, first_name")
2002 Nov 14
analysis of data with observation weights
Dear R-users, Recently I had to analyze a dataset from household survey. The sample design ensured, that each household in the population has the same probability of being sampled. However the data were gathered from only one adult individual in each household, who was randomly choosen by an interviewer (via "Kish grid"). To equalize the probabilities for each INDIVIDUAL a casewise
2006 Nov 06
neg-bin clustered analysis in R?
Dear All, I'm analysing a negative binomial dataset from a population-based study. Many covariates were determined on household level, so all members of a household have the same value for those covariates. In STATA, there seems to be an option for 'clustered analysis' for neg-bin regression. Does an equivalent exist for R(MASS)'s glm.nb or a comparable function? Many thanks for
2011 Oct 04
adding a dummy variable...
Hi all, I have a dataset of individuals where the variable ID corresponds to the identification of the household where the individual lives. rel.head stands for the relationship with the household head. so rel.head=1 is the household head, rel.head=2 is the spouse, rel.head=3 is the children. Here is an example to see how it looks like: df<-data.frame(ID=c("17100",
2010 May 26
error "variable names are limited to 256 bytes" when sourcing code
I've written a function that takes some input data output from a simulation model and creates some graphs. It's not very complicated code, and it works perfectly fine if I just run the code as is. But I have converted it into a function so we call it externally, and when I try to source the code to test the function, I get the error message "variable names are limited to 256
2012 Jan 24
PCA for assets based household income analysis (" hetcor" and "princomp")
I am doing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on assets data for household income prediction. The problem is that the assets data are rank ordered (usually binary ... possess car/don't possess car), so the normal correlation is inappropriate for the calculation of the PCA. Instead one has to use the polychoric correlation coefficient. It uses the "" package.
2012 Apr 17
random effects using lmer
Hi, I am trying to run a logistic regression to look at the risk of malaria infection in individuals. I want to account for intra household correlation and so want to include a household level random effect. I have been using the lmer command in lme4 package but am getting some strange results that are completely different to those I get using STATA. Can I just check that this is the correct
2012 Apr 03
Compare by row and insert previous row value (Or non Time Series Lag)
I have the following sample dataset (CSV input here: CSV output here: which I want to transform as follows. For each person in a household I want to create two new variables OrigTAZ and DestTAZ. It should take the value in TripendTAZ and put that in DestTAZ. For OrigTAZ it should put value of TripendTAZ from the previous row. For the first trip of every
2011 Oct 05
repeating categorical variable codes
I would appreciate help in knowing how to repeat categorical variable code given in column=A, by the number in a matching column=B. For example, I have a categorical variable code attributed to a household=A and want to replicate the code for all member of the household, as given in column=B. I would like to have one sequence of categorical variable codes for individuals in column C. I have ~9000
2007 Oct 28
calibration question
Good afternoon! I have the following data: a<-data.frame (id_hh=c(1:5), strata=c(1,1,2,2,1), Nhstrata=c(100,100,200,200,100), Nrmemb=c(2,4,2,5,4)) a$ocmemb1<-c("wk","jl","st","jl","st") a$ocmemb2<-c("wk","jl","st","wk","wk") where id_hh is a code of identification for the household (my