search for: haught

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "haught".

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2005 Oct 20
z-index and dragging
Hey Guys, I''m having trouble with getting my draggables to go over the top of other items on my page. For instance, if I drag an icon from ''lower'' in the page to a ''higher'' point then it slides underneath it visually. I have set the z-index to a very high number and that doesn''t seem to have any effect. Are there other things I need to
2005 Sep 21
Slider controls
Heya! Thanks to Marty Haught, (as of changeset 2281) now sports a new Control for horizontal and vertical sliders. See the functional test file (test/functional/slider_test.html) for information on how to use it. Basically, you do: <div id="track1" style="width:200px;background-color:#a...
2005 Aug 30
Java with Scriptaculous
I know that the prototype library was paired with Rails but I''m curious if anyone has used the ajax part (of the libraries) with java servlets? If so could you please point me to some examples or documentation. Cheers, Marty
2005 Sep 30
Converting text into a javascript array
Hey Guys, I know this isn''t specific to scriptaculous libraries but it''s something that I''m exploring as I use the ajax functions in prototype. My application server is not rails but java and I was thinking of returning a javascript array in the ajax response. When I get back my response is it, of course, text and I''m not sure how best to convert it into
2005 Sep 27
Too much recursion
Hey Guys, I''ve just encountered this error in Firefox will I pulled the latest scriptaculous rc into project. Sadly, I don''t have a linkable page for you to look over at the point. My question is what is this error exactly? My code before this never got it but now it does. My few searches suggest it''s the browsers way of keeping infinite loops from happening
2005 Aug 18
Extending a js class
It''s been a few days since I posted my last two emails (of which, no one replied to) so I''ve gone ahead and coded a working slider class as well as a ''resizeable'' class that allows a user to drag and resize the element. I also linked these two together as I want to have slider behavior that can resize the resizeable element. The end result is both the
2005 Aug 25
IE and the activeX security warning
I''ve been testing my page, which not only includes my new slider code but the drag and drop code as well. You can see it here: My issue is that in IE, I get the annoying security warning across the top saying ''IE has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer''. If I allow the
2005 Aug 22
Event keycodes
I''ve been looking for a list of all the keycode constants for the Event object. Does anyone have a link to one? Specifically I''m looking for the page up, page down, end and home keys. Cheers, Marty
2005 Sep 15
Scrolling Tables/Divs?
Is anyone working on a scrolling table or div such as the openrico livegrid demo? I''m looking to develop (much like smashbox''s scrolling images) a collection of thumbnails that you can scroll horizontally. I''ve got a non-prototype.js example but I wanted to check to see if anyone was closer than I to this. BTW, I will be finishing up my slider code shortly and
2006 Jan 04
Has anyone done any work on a "Resizeable" class they''d be willing to share? I''m looking to do some stuff that''ll need resizable divs, but I didn''t want to re-invent the wheel if I can avoid it. -Jerod _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Sep 25
14 1.5 release candidate 1 #2037 * Make scriptaculous.js work if a query strings are used when calling it * Fixed a bug with Safari and the InPlaceEditor with form submission. Add support for interpreting simple <BR>s into linebreaks. [Jon Tirsen] * New Control.Slider() for horizontal and vertical sliders [Marty Haught] * Autoapplying a ''layout'' on IE with Effect.Opacity on elements that have no Layout * Make Effect.Parallel render final frames and call beforeFinish/ afterFinish on included effects * Added focusing the text field or text area created when using Ajax.InPlaceEditor #2126 [thx...
2005 Aug 15
Scriptaculous - Sliders and resizing images
Hello, I''m new to Ajax and Web 2.0 development and I noticed that one of the things I want to hook up first are on the wish list for scriptaculous. Hopefully, I''ve sent my questions to the right place. Has anyone done any work so far on sliders with the prototype.js library? Also, I would like to resize an image/div on the page. I see we have some functions for resizing
2005 Aug 17
Hey All, I have a fairly basic question about the prototype.js library. First, I''ve been looking for documentation on this and I have yet to find it. If any of you know of any, please let me know. Since I''m new to both the scriptaculous and prototype libraries could someone explain why I would want to use the cumulativeOffset method and not to just grab the offset off