search for: gridfig

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "gridfig".

2005 May 31
Problem going back to a viewport with gridBase
I am setting up base plots -- one in viewport A and and one in B. This part works fine. But if I go back to A after having done B and add horizontal lines it seems to not use the correct coordinates. How do I tell it to resume using A's coordinates? I am already using par(fig = gridFIG()) but it seems that that's not enough to reestablish them. What happens is that when I go back to A it draws the horizontal lines as if its relative to B's coordinates rather than restablishing A's coordinates. As a result the horizontal lines are drawn near the bottom of the graph...
2005 May 31
Problem going back to a viewport with gridBase
I am setting up base plots -- one in viewport A and and one in B. This part works fine. But if I go back to A after having done B and add horizontal lines it seems to not use the correct coordinates. How do I tell it to resume using A's coordinates? I am already using par(fig = gridFIG()) but it seems that that's not enough to reestablish them. What happens is that when I go back to A it draws the horizontal lines as if its relative to B's coordinates rather than restablishing A's coordinates. As a result the horizontal lines are drawn near the bottom of the graph...
2009 Mar 31
viewport bug in 2.8.0?: Error: Cannot pop the top-level viewport (grid and graphics output mixed?)
...the following and then resize the window: X = seq (1,10) Y = X^2 opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE, mar = c(2.5, 3.1, 1, 2)) grid.newpage() pushViewport (viewport(x=0,y=0,width=1,height=1,just=c(0,0), name='base')) pushViewport (viewport(x=0,y=0.5,width=1,height=0.5,just=c(0,0))) par (fig=gridFIG()) # plot in top half of page plot (X,Y,col='black',xlab="",main='',cex.axis=.7) # get toplevel view seekViewport('base') # create lower viewport pushViewport(viewport(x=0,y=0,width=1, height=0.5, just=c(0,0))) par(new=TRUE,fig=gridFIG()) plot (X,Y,col='g...
2013 Aug 22
corrgram (package corrgram): how to plot multiple correlograms in the same page?
Hello, I am trying to plot a few correlograms on the same figure, with the function corrgram() from the package corrgram. However, the function does not seem to use the base graphic system, as setting out the multiple figure layout with, e.g., par(mfrow=c(2, 2,)) does not work. Does anybody know a workaround for this? Many thanks in advance for any advice best giuseppe -- Giuseppe Pagnoni,
2008 Jun 11
Problem when combining dotplot() and textplot() using grid
Hi everyone. I want to solve the following problem. I have a data.frame and I create a dotplot using lattice. Then I want to use the grid-package to create a combined graphic which contains the dotplot as well as a textplot() (using package gplots) of the data.frame next to the dotplot. Example code: library(lattice) library(grid) library(gplots) xx <- data.frame(f=factor(rep(1:5, each=5)),
2010 Mar 24
Multi-panel Pie Charts.
...border, lty = superpose.polygon$lty, ...) { stopifnot(require("gridBase")) superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon") opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(opar)) if (panel.number() > 1) par(new = TRUE) par(fig = gridFIG(), omi = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) pie(as.numeric(x), labels = labels, edges = edges, radius = radius, clockwise = clockwise, init.angle = init.angle, angle = angle, density = density, col = col, border = border, lty = lty) } piechart <- function(x, data = NULL, p...