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1999 Oct 05
problem with outer and image
I want to make a picture of a cos wave grating (pattern of fuzzy stripes). First I try to make a plot of a cos wave: x<-seq(1:100) y<- 10*cos(2*pi*x*3/length(x)+0)+300 plot(x,y) That works fine. 3 cycles of cos wave. Now try for grating. time<-seq(1:100) f<-function(x,time) 10*cos(2*pi*x*3/length(x)+0)+300 z<-outer(x,time,f) image(x,time,z) I get a vertical grating as expected, BUT
2007 Mar 09
MCMC logit
Hi, I have a dataset with the binary outcome Y(0,1) and 4 covariates (X1,X@,X#,X$). I am trying to use MCMClogit to model logistic regression using MCMC. I am getting an error where it doesnt identify the covariates ,although its reading in correctly. The dataset is a sample of actual dataset. Below is my code: > ####################### > > > #retreive data > # considering four
2005 Apr 15
Help with "MERGE" gratefully accepted
Hello How do I use function 'MERGE" to combine the FILE A and FILE B below to make FILE C? Thank you FILE A 140 151 167 30.1 11.4 40 FILE B 140 167 5.7 30.3 FILE C 140 151 167 30.1 11.4 40 5.7 NA 30.3
2010 Jul 12
Project Management Solutions
I need to implement a solution and not having ever used anything but MS Project I would be grateful for a reco on something good. The only hope would be that its web based but I am open to anything! Thanks! jlc
2013 Nov 06
Treatment effects on measurements through time: how to tell when (in time) treatment has a significant effect?
Hi, The data (attached) I am looking at consists of measurements of growth rate at different ages, for individuals in two treatments (control and infected). What I want to know is whether and when (what age) the growth rate of infected individuals is higher than the growth rate for control individuals. The simplest way to approach this question is to just do a t-test at each age, but because
2005 Dec 22
Centos cds in delhi
Dear Friends, I do require centos 4.2 x86_64 cds here in delhi,India. If anyone of you can arrange that for me i will be vary grateful. The requirement is urgent. Thanks for your time and effort. -- Regards Abhishek Jain -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at .
2007 Sep 12
Accidentally removed glibc & glibc-devel :: Help
...y by accident. *idiot* What are the steps needed to get glibc back onto my system. Absolutely nothing is working at the moment, rpm, yum, etc. I presume I'm going to have to boot from a rescue CD of some kind. If someone could outline how to do this, or point me to some docs I would be most grateful. (CentOS 4.3) LC.
2016 Apr 18
Fwd: How to apply the security patch ? start & stop Samba. > > 3 - My Samba domain controller will continue running smoothly? > Should do, what you are going to do, is what a distro package update would do, replace the Samba binaries etc with newer versions. I updated my two DCs on Sunday in this way. Rowland > Grateful! > > Alexsandro Oliveira > Note: I used Google Traslater am Brazilian. > > 2016-04-18 15:54 GMT-03:00 Rowland penny <rpenny at > <mailto:rpenny at>>: > > On 18/04/16 19:35, Alexsandro Oliveira wrote: > > Hello guys >...
2008 Jul 16
Labelling curves on graphs
Hi Folks, I'd be grateful for good suggestions about the following. I'm plotting a family of (X,Y) curves (for different levels of another variable, Z): say 6 curves in all but could be more or less -- it's a rather variables situation. I'd like to label each curve with the value of Z that it corresponds to....
2012 Aug 21
Iterative sampling with restrictions
Hi all, I'm working on a seemingly trivial problem that I can't figure out how to implement in R. I'd be most grateful for any help here. I want to do the following: first, randomly assign each of n units to one of g groups of size n/g. Then, randomly re-assign each of the n units to a different group (i.e., same as the first step, but the unit can't be assigned to a group to which it's already belonged)....
2013 Oct 01
Re: Bringing up a guest with network disabled
...the guest with network > disabled may be moot. > Thanks, looks really useful but unfortunately I don't have it on this particular machine, which is going to be decommissioned in a few weeks anyway. The cloned VM will only be used for testing purposes, and only for a short time. Would be grateful if someone could suggest a way to disable the networking in the cloned VM within the XML, if that's possible. Thanks again, James
2003 Apr 24
ext2 problem
Hello all, I know this question is (strictly speaking) off topic, but if someone could at least point me in the right direction, I would be most grateful. I have an older system (RH 6.2, overdue for upgrade) with an ext2 partition that was pushing 99% filled. I did some space recovery and I have it down to around 90% utilization now. I have rebooted the unit, and brought it up single-user and also booted it under a "Tom's rootboot&qu...
2010 Apr 18
confused with yearmon, xts and maybe zoo
...onverts this to "Dec-2008". Not such a worry for my example, but strange. Having converted to xts, i drop the first observation. The index shows jan 2009. But if i create a new variable with this index, it shifts the series back to dec 2008. No doubt i am doing something wrong. very grateful for any tips library(xts) z <- zooreg(1:24,frequency=12,start=c(2009,1)) # monthly data starting 2009 x <- xts(z,as.yearmon(index(z))) # starts Dec 2008 xx <- x[-1, ] # drop first obs (eg through na.omit) index...
2006 Mar 29
tagtools vs acts_as_taggable
tagtools and acts_as_taggable are both folksonomy tools for rails,any one who has used them both and can give a compare between them? Grateful! -- Posted via
2006 Feb 14
Fine grained access control
...lter to decide if the current user is allowed to execute this action with the given parameters. Anyway, if anyone could lend a bit of their experience, or possibly even better, recommend some resources which cover building larger permissions systems (books, articles etc...) I''d be very grateful. Thanks, Jonathan. -- Posted via
2004 Aug 10
Help with Normal Range Estimation for repated measures
I would be grateful if members of the list could point me in the direction of any code (preferably in R) that will allow me to estimate 95th percentiles from a set of repeated measurements. For example, we are interested in a clinical measurement where we have 3 measures for 14 subjects and 2 measurements on 24 subjec...
2007 Dec 11
matrix graph
...[,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] -0.154 -0.065 0.129 0.637 0.780 0.221 [2,] 0.236 0.580 0.448 0.729 0.859 0.475 [3,] 0.401 0.506 0.310 0.650 0.822 0.448 [4,] 0.548 0.625 0.883 0.825 0.945 0.637 [5,] 0.544 0.746 0.823 0.877 0.861 0.642 [6,] 0.262 0.399 0.432 0.620 0.711 0.404 will be very grateful for hints. rob -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Nov 03
Input correlation matrix directly to princomp, prcomp
Hello fellow Rers, I have a no-doubt simple question which is turning into a headache so would be grateful for any help. I want to do a principal components analysis directly on a correlation matrix object rather than inputting the raw data (and specifying cor = TRUE or the like). The reason behind this is I need to use polychoric correlation coefficients calculated with John Fox's hetcor fun...
2009 Apr 13
Factor to continuous
Hi I am really struggling with changing my factors into continuous variables. There is plenty of information on changing continuous to a factor which is the opposite of what i need to do. I would be soooooo grateful for any help Thanks Joe -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Jul 30
Function to standardize matriz?
Hi, this is probably a very basic question but I'm just learning R and i cannot find a function to standardize a data matrix.. I'll be grateful for any tips or help you can provide me. Thank you very much!