search for: gr2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "gr2".

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2004 Jun 22
[LLVMdev] Linearscan allocator bug?
...g which looks like a bug in linearscan allocator. Of course I can't be 100% sure it's not some unobvious mistake on my part, so I'd like to hear your opinion. First, I attach two files -- LLVM asm and the asm for my target. The problem with assembler is: on line 171 it uses register gr2, which is copied from gr6 above, on line 161. The only predecessor of this basic block is jump on line 90. The problem is that gr6 is not initialized in the interval from the function entry till the jump. I also attach the debug dumps from my backend. The basic block in question is shortcirc_...
2007 Feb 06
Questions on counts by case
...y of "1"'s in "x" for each person by group "gr". So, "mike" will have freq=2/3, as he has two "1" and one "0" in 3 groups. Thanks a lot, Serguei Kaniovski The data looks like: person;gr;x mike;gr1;1 jane;gr1;0 bill;gr1;0 jack;gr2;1 mike;gr2;1 jane;gr2;0 bill;gr2;0 alex;gr2;1 james;gr2;1 mike;gr3;0 bill;gr3;1 jane;gr3;1 ___________________________________________________________________ Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) Name: Serguei Kaniovski P.O.Box 91 Tel.: +43-1-7982601-231 Arsena...
2008 Sep 02
two lattice graphs in one object
...t returns the graph, as in do.graph <- function(x, y, ...) { require(lattice) return(xyplot(y~x, ...)) } My question today is this: If I want two graphs on one page, one way of achieving it is to print the objects into defined areas, as in gr1 <- xyplot(rnorm(111) ~ runif(111)) gr2 <- xyplot(runif(111) ~ runif(111)) print(gr1, pos=c(0, 0, 1, 0.5), more=T) print(gr2, pos=c(0, 0.5, 1, 1), more=F) Instead of using the print method, can I create a single trellis object that contains those two "sub-graphs"? I do not think so, given what I know about the design of the...
2004 Jun 22
[LLVMdev] Linearscan allocator bug?
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Vladimir Prus wrote: > First, I attach two files -- LLVM asm and the asm for my target. The problem > with assembler is: on line 171 it uses register gr2, which is copied from gr6 > above, on line 161. The only predecessor of this basic block is jump on line > 90. The problem is that gr6 is not initialized in the interval from the > function entry till the jump. Okay, I see the problem. You need to tell the compiler that the conditional b...
2009 Nov 25
Possible bug in "unsplit" (PR#14084)
...C [5] LC_TIME=Norwegian (Bokm?l)_Norway.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] tools_2.10.0 > ## a reproducable example: dff <- data.frame(gr1=factor(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2), levels=c(1,2,3,4)), gr2=factor(c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3), levels=c(1,2,3,4)), yy=rnorm(11)) # note that the two groups "gr1" and "gr2" have defined levels which not occur in the data. dff2 <- split(dff, list(dff$gr1, dff$gr2), drop=TRUE) # I dont want empty objects, so I use drop=TRUE # now I wan...
2011 May 19
problem with optim()
...) { x1 = x[1:ncol(X)] x2 = x[(ncol(X)+1)] x3 = matrix(x[(ncol(X)+2):(ncol(X)+1+ncol(X)*ncol(Y))],nrow=ncol(X),ncol=ncol(Y)) x4 = x[(ncol(X)+1+ncol(X)*ncol(Y)+1):length(x)] gr1 = rep(0,ncol(X)) gr4 = rep(0,ncol(Y)) gr3 = matrix(0,nrow=ncol(X),ncol=ncol(Y)) gr1.b = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(X)) gr2.b = rep(0,nrow(X)) eta = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(Y)) d.eta.3 = array(0,dim=c(nrow(X),ncol(X),ncol(Y))) d.eta.4 = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(Y)) gr3.b1 = array(0,dim=c(nrow(X),ncol(X),ncol(Y))) gr4.b1 = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(Y)) $B!!(B #Gradiant of alpha and beta for (i in 1:...
2004 Nov 16
[LLVMdev] changes
...low the use of the RegisterGroup class to specify aliases directly in register definitions. and I could not find any discussions in the archives. Why the change was necessary? Writing: def gr0 : Register<"gr0">; def gr1 : Register<"gr1">; def gr2 : Register<"gr2">; def gr3 : Register<"gr3">; def gr4 : Register<"gr4">; is a bit boring and it's very easy to make a mistake. How the names are used? - Volodya
2003 Mar 06
anova subhypotheses
Hello all, A really noddy question for you all: I''m trying without success to do some subhypothesis testing. Using simple anova model, with a toy dataset from a book. I have four factors A,B,C,D, and wish to test mu_C = mu_D. This is what I have tried: > contrasts(infants$group,how.many=1) <- c(0,0,1,-1) > contrasts(infants$group) [,1] A 0 B 0 C 1
2004 Nov 16
[LLVMdev] changes
On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, Vladimir Prus wrote: > and I could not find any discussions in the archives. > > Why the change was necessary? Writing: > > def gr0 : Register<"gr0">; > def gr1 : Register<"gr1">; > def gr2 : Register<"gr2">; > def gr3 : Register<"gr3">; > def gr4 : Register<"gr4">; > > is a bit boring and it's very easy to make a mistake. How the names are used? To be honest, I don't remember any more. :) I think it was a combi...
2012 May 02
Hmisc's latex: na.blank and grouping not working as expected
Dear expeRts, Why does na.blank=TRUE not replace the NA's in the following LaTeX table? x <- matrix(1:72, ncol=4, nrow=8) colnames(x) <- c("gr1.sgr1", "gr1.sgr2", "gr2.sgr1", "gr2.sgr2") rn <- apply(expand.grid(beta=c(0.25, 0.75), n=c(100, 500), d=c(10, 100))[, 3:1], 2, rmNames) x <- cbind(rn, x) # append columns containing the row labels x[2,5] <- NA stopifnot([2,5])) require(Hmisc) latex(x, file="&quot...
2004 Aug 17
...I then take the sum, this is not the chisq R gives. Two questions: - How is Chisq calculated in R? - What does the column (O-E)^2/V mean? What is V, and how does this possibly relate to the calculated Chisq? The syntax would be something like this: gr1<-c(1,2,3,4,5) gr <-rep(1,length(gr1)) gr2<-c(6,7,8,9) gr<-c(gr,rep(2,length(gr2))) surv<-c(gr1,gr2) event<-rep(1,7) event<-c(event,0,0) mydatafile<-cbind(surv,gr,event) mydatafile <- data.frame(mydatafile) mydatafile$gr<-factor(mydatafile$gr) library(survival) mydatafile.LR<-survdiff(Surv(surv,event)~gr,data=my...
2024 May 24
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
...=3)) df_test? <-? df_test %>% dplyr::group_by(gr) %>% ? group_modify(.f=function(.x,.y){ ??? print(paste0("Nom du groupe : ",.y[["gr"]])) ??? switch(as.character(.y[["gr"]]) ?????????? , gr1 = {.x[,"x1"] <- .x[,"x1"]+1} ?????????? , gr2 = {.x[,"x1"] <- 0} ?????????? , gr3 = {.x[,"x1"] <- .x[,"x1"]+2} ?????????? , {stop(paste0('The group ',.y[["gr"]]," is not taken into account"))} ??? ) ??? return(.x) }) %>% ungroup() df_test
2004 Jun 23
[LLVMdev] Linearscan allocator bug?
Chris Lattner wrote: > On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Vladimir Prus wrote: > > First, I attach two files -- LLVM asm and the asm for my target. The > > problem with assembler is: on line 171 it uses register gr2, which is > > copied from gr6 above, on line 161. The only predecessor of this basic > > block is jump on line 90. The problem is that gr6 is not initialized in > > the interval from the function entry till the jump. > > Okay, I see the problem. You need to tell the compile...
2024 May 24
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
...have just used your anonymous functions in the list, but of course you could have used already existing functions instead. ## your example df_test <- data.frame( x1=1:9, x2=1:9, gr=rep(paste0("gr",1:3),each=3)) ## function list with the relevant names funcs <- list(gr1 = \(x)x+1, gr2 = \(x)0, gr3 = \(x)x+2) ## Alternatively you could do this if you had many different functions: ## funcs <- list(\(x)x+1, \(x)0, \(x)x+2) ## names(funcs) <- sort(unique(df_test$gr)) ## note that sort() is unnecessary in your example, but I think that it would ## be helpful if you had a lot o...
2008 Jun 11
Problem when combining dotplot() and textplot() using grid
...grid-package to create a combined graphic which contains the dotplot as well as a textplot() (using package gplots) of the data.frame next to the dotplot. Example code: library(lattice) library(grid) library(gplots) xx <- data.frame(f=factor(rep(1:5, each=5)), gr= rep(c("gr1", "gr2", "gr3", "gr4", "gr5"), 5), val=rnorm(25)) grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2))) pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=1)) p <- dotplot(f ~ val, groups=gr, xx, cex=1.7, pch=20) print(p, newpage=FALSE) popView...
2008 Jun 19
R web site-Useability & finding varous bits of documentation
I was starting to write a note to a prospective R-user and came to the point of explaining how to get useful introductory information on R. After mentioning the Into and the FAQs I went on to try to explain how to use a lot of the contributed information. However I realised that there seems to be no direct way to get to Other Publications or Contributed Documenation. The best I have seen is
2024 May 25
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
...have just used your anonymous functions in the list, but of course you could have used already existing functions instead. ## your example df_test <- data.frame( x1=1:9, x2=1:9, gr=rep(paste0("gr",1:3),each=3)) ## function list with the relevant names funcs <- list(gr1 = \(x)x+1, gr2 = \(x)0, gr3 = \(x)x+2) ## Alternatively you could do this if you had many different functions: ## funcs <- list(\(x)x+1, \(x)0, \(x)x+2) ## names(funcs) <- sort(unique(df_test$gr)) ## note that sort() is unnecessary in your example, but I think that it would ## be helpful if you had a lot o...
2004 Oct 02
[Bug 938] "AllowGroups" option and secondary user's groups limit
...h-bugs at ReportedBy: coil93 at Linux Suse 9.1, nss_ldap version 215, pam_ldap version 169, openldap version 2. 2.17 OpenSSH can't handle more than 5 groups via pam_ldap authentication. For example: user john has primary group gr1 and belongs to secondary groups gr2,gr3,gr4,gr5 in LDAP database. sshd_config: AllowGroups 5 UsePAM yes /etc/pam.d/sshd auth required # set_secrpc auth required auth required account required account required password r...
2014 Jan 02
Dovecot doesn't seem to read userdb for the first delivery
...n6jYSNlhLY2640Qg vPC9xg0lhH/LJLEMMK+oSDnOmF+Hjtm/IMctOVDiTnPfdbvoC9oE4RWnKlL0 /couQQHQKjh2L2mqN50buROjUQyR+pQXGNfVGS+jq74S30299/VnH+gWPUSV xYRb1i6wuKVGCCNRF3vJHZs1eCiEFKpvC4LUiI5yarclCUE4mCtRO97Iadu/ GTaXn3euy5/5dyZEiPvld5IcGJ0BMC5RJiHb89EpN7A5J+4MvlMNUdcPYgcF j+ilwsOCpchj1AfjLnosnpCJRysin8aYj9mxGC+gR2/fAIm242qBNrVpnLQM IjP8G1pKhxKzQx2jFnENvhTKaxDSIWva0u/CSxSiCE3Kepj1b39qsjFlM8k7 0/EzoWf1rxzy0kQQ1qNeoz1Ta93D2cWQkTj6AK6kVmtmt9iaqzjGU+n7w3ae n+hoYs19r8LnhqSrlAX/N10h7/B++SRJG81EUB4tJF+LtRknFJa1qyr7Guh/ mOieUupr9Ks5WlPYaZ77t61FZauI0bK716p+J5C/f75EdWMrUInVumGletk/ FIaILS6nhq+D6SvrqiVseKvhjc+6p4HoeNVot...
2012 Mar 15
Bar graph with 2 Y axis
...currently I am using is below.     ==================================================   means<-matrix(c(2.3, 2.0, 0.0, 3.0, 2.5, 40), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) SEM<-matrix(c(0.3, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4, 0.3, 10), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)   CIL<-means-SEM CIU<-means+SEM rname<-c("Gr1", "Gr2") cname<-c("day1", "day2", "day3") rownames(means)<-rname rownames(CIL)<-rname rownames(CIU)<-rname colnames(means)<-cname colnames(CIL)<-cname colnames(CIU)<-cname   library(gplots)      barplot2(means, beside = TRUE, angle = c(30, 45), dens...