search for: gpbaitelli46

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "gpbaitelli46".

2008 Apr 07
Translating NLMIXED in nlme
Dear All, reading an article by Rodolphe Thiebaut and Helene Jacqmin-Gadda ("Mixed models for longitudinal left-censored repeated measures") I have found this program in SAS proc nlmixed data=TEST QTOL=1E-6; parms sigsq1=0.44 ro=0.09 sigsq2=0.07 sigsqe=0.18 alpha=3.08 beta=0.43; bounds $B!](B1< ro < 1, sigsq1 sigsq2 sigsqe >= 0; pi=2*arsin(1); mu=alpha+beta*TIME+a i+b i*TIME;
2008 Jul 01
Orthogonal polynomials and poly
Dear All, I have found in the poly help this sentence: The orthogonal polynomial is summarized by the coefficients, which can be used to evaluate it via the three-term recursion given in Kennedy & Gentle (1980, pp. 343–4), and used in the predict part of the code. My question: which type of orthogonal polynomials are used by this function? Hrmite, legendre.. TIA Giovanni [[alternative HTML
2009 Jan 05
error message of RODBC...
channel <- odbcConnectExcel("nuova tabella terapia occupazionale mod.xls") > ## list the spreadsheets > sqlTables(channel) TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME 1 c:\\TABELLE DEFINITIVE\\nuova tabella terapia occupazionale mod <NA> 'emi tot 2006 OAI_60g TO FU1$' 2 c:\\TABELLE DEFINITIVE\\nuova