search for: girds

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "girds".

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2009 Apr 25
Changing gird marks in ggplot2
Hi, When I zoom into a graph created in ggplot2 with the coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0,5)) option, I have no values labelled on my y-axis. For this graph ggplot2 only puts labels the y-axis at intervals of 10 (i.e. 0, 10, 20, ...). However, the major portion of the graph I am interested in is located between the values of 0 and 5 on the y-axis (thus why I am zoooming). How can I coerce ggplot2 into
2011 Aug 03
expand.gird with constraints?
Hi, R users, Here is an example. k <- c(1,2,3,4,5) i <- c(0,1,3,2,1) if k=1, then j=0 from i if k=2, then j=0, 1 from i if k=3, then j=0, 1, 2, 3 from i if k=4, then j=0, 1, 2 from i if k=5, then j=0, 1 from i so i'd like to create a list like below. > list k j 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 2 1 4 3 0 5 3 1 6 3 2 7 3 3 8 4 0 9 4 1 10 4 2 11 5 0 12 5 1 I tried expand.grid, but I
2004 Oct 22
MySQL auth
Before I gird my loins and consider getting my fingers very dirty; in the interests of not reinventing the wheel... Is anyone working on a set of auth_mysql_*() routines to match the auth_htpasswd_*() ones in auth.c?
2011 Aug 26
kernlab: ksvm() bug?
Hello all, I'm trying to run a gird parameter search for a svm. Therefore I'M using the ksvm function from the kernlab package. ---- svp <- ksvm(Ktrain,ytrain,type="nu-svc",nu=C) ---- The problem is that the optimization algorithm does not return for certain parameters. I tried to use setTimeLimit() but that doesn't seem to help. I suspect that ksvm() calls c code that
2006 Apr 30
latest cvs head makes api more strongly typed
In previous versions the following would work as you expect with a dynamic language like Ruby. Method signature of wxGrid::SetRowLabelSize void SetRowLabelSize(int width) ex. gird = grid.set_row_label_size(some_value*0.5) which Ruby translates to gird = grid.set_row_label_size((some_value*0.5).to_i) In the latest cvs head you get this error:
2009 Apr 27
Formatting numbers
I've been trough the R documentation for about half an hour and it's not clear to me how to do this: I need to format to character a series of integers from 1 to 1000, and I like them to look like "0001" "0002", "0059", "0123" and so on. Padded with zeroes to have four digits. Cheers! Mario. r-help-request at wrote: > Send
2013 Mar 02
Raster images and saving with original pixel dimensions in tiff, jpeg, or png perferablly.
Hello R-Help, I want to be able to read in a raster image, plot it with grid.raster or rasterImage and save the image with one pixel per a pixel element from my array. Saved preferably in a common image format. The real goal of my question is to eventually read in images with text on them, manipulate them with my controlled functions, save them without changing the image dimensions, and perform
2000 Jun 28
BMP to matrix
Hi all, is there any R function that loads a bmp file, or any other format, and converts its grid of pixels into a matrix or data frame? Thanks in advance. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2001 Mar 27
Tale of kernel 2.2.19 upgrading
I'm a bit of newbie to Wine in many respects so this may be obvious to more seasoned Wine veterans, in which case I apologize. I rely on Wine to run Lotus Notes on Linux - this project has released me from my NT workstation :-) So after a kernel upgrade from 2.2.17-21mdk (as supplied with Mandrake 7.2) to an unpatched 2.2.19 about the first thing I tried was Lotus Notes on Wine. Parts of it
2008 Apr 29
generic question -> Genomics with R
Hi everybody, I am trying to make my mind about the use of R for Computational and Statistical Approaches to Genomics. I know this is a vaste field: this is the main reason why I am sending this message to this always useful list! Any key/entry point to this field will be extremely welcome! Please, could you help me to go in the right direction? Thanks!!! Ricardo -- Ricardo Rodr?guez
2009 Oct 11
A simple editable grid for Rails
Hi All, I''ve been posting some queries about an editable grid but did not get any response. I''ve started writing my own - I''d appreciate it very much if someone could comment on it! -- Regards, Kashyap