search for: gettinggeneticsdone

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "gettinggeneticsdone".

2011 Nov 30
Replace columns in a data.frame randomly splitted
...ty, I'm working with the data.frame attached ( df1.xls ), let's call it df1. I typed: df1<- read.xls("C:/... dir .../df1.xls",colNames= TRUE, rowNames= TRUE) Then I splited randomly df1 using splitdf function ( dataset-revisited-keeping.html) So now, I have df1 divided in another 2 dataframes: trainset and testset. (They both have the same row names and column names as df1) I'd like to change df1$v1 and df1$v2 values in the trainset and testset by the ones in...
2011 Mar 29
Multiple area plots to share the same x-axis
...= 0.2, alpha = 0.3) + ylim(0,40) s1 <- ggplot(set2, aes(x = time, y = hours)) + geom_area(colour = 'red', fill = 'red', alpha = 0.5) + geom_area(stat = 'smooth', span = 0.2, alpha = 0.3) + ylim(0,40) arrange(s,s1,ncol=1) The arrange() function was taken from In this example, the x-axes are only similar because the data sets have the same range. In effect nothing more happens than that two images are plotted on top of one another. Now how to "merge" these two (and later more) ar...
2012 May 09
QQplots format
Dear R help, I tried to plot two qq plots in the same window using the code below.? Somehow it is plotting only one at a time.?? I borrowed the print function from xyplot. ? pdf("QQplotCorrUncorr.pdf") qq1<-qqPlot(residuals(fm), main="QQ plot for Correlated Model") qq2 <-qqPlot(residuals(fma), main="QQ plot for Uncorrelated Model") print(qq1, pos = c(0.0,
2010 Sep 09
Help request: highlighting R code on blogs
...f the 117 R-bloggers<>I know of) that are using for publishing their R code (and I suspect this number will increase with time). doesn't support R syntax highlighting, nor can it be embedded from other services (like gist git<> ) After contacting the vip manager, he instructed me that they will add R support if a relevant "brush" will be created according to this document:
2013 Nov 08
SNPRelate: Plink conversion
Hi, Following my earlier posts about having problems performing a PCA, I have worked out what the problem is. The problem lies within the PLINK to gds conversion. It seems as though the SNPs are imported as "samples" and in turn, the samples are recognised as SNPs: >snpsgdsSummary("chr2L") Some values of snp.position are invalid (should be > 0)! Some values of
2011 Mar 24
questions regarding stat_smooth in ggplot area plot
Hello, I drew a simple area plot using ggplot2 using set <- read.table(file="", head=1, sep=",") library(ggplot2) ggplot() + layer( data = set, mapping = aes(x = time, y = hours), geom = "area", stat="smooth", color="red" ) + layer( data = set, mapping = aes(x = time, y = hours), geom = "area",