search for: get_result

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "get_result".

2006 Apr 25
Question about Callbacks in link_to_remote
...='' + $F(''query_tags'')", :loading => "new Effect.Appear(''comment_loading'')", :complete => "Element.hide(''comment_loading'')", :url => { :action => :get_results }) Can I have more than one callback for :loading and :complete? That is, using this syntax, can I make more than one element appear and hide when get_results is executing? If so, how might I edit this code? Thanks! Terry -- Terry (TAD) Donaghe
2006 Jul 07
Help installing Ferret I followed everything here but at the last I get when loading page get_results Can only handle a String or a Query. RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:27:in `search_each'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:27:in `search_index'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:15:in `count...
2007 Feb 06
Pass parameters in periodically_call_remote?
Hi, I am still new to RoR, so please bear with this newbie question. I would like to have the application in view to press result back to the controller when the periodically_call_remote is called. Right now, this is the code in the view: <div id="get_result"></div> <%= periodically_call_remote(:update => ''get_result'', :url => { :action => "getlog" }, :frequency => 2 ); %> this is the code in the controller def...
2006 Jun 22
Partition results based on field
Hello all I''m using Ferret for a site wide search where I have several kinds of (similar) objects in a central index (using a "type" field containing the class name). This works great, and I can search all objects with one query. What I''d like to do now is to limit the results so that there will be a maximum of 10 (or 5 or whatever) results for each type.. I
2006 Aug 12
How do I pass query from from to the controller?
Hi I need to pass a query string for a search to a controller from the view. View: <%= start_form_tag(:action => ''get_results'') %> <%= text_field ''search'', ''search_term'' %> <%= submit_tag "Search" %> <%= end_form_tag %> Controller: def get_results(query) @results = Advert.find(:all,...
2006 May 15
Execution expired with MONGREL. No problems with webrick
...2060:in `clone_attributes'' /opt/tools/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1540:in `attributes_before_type_cast'' /opt/tools/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1420:in `clone'' lib/inorganic_parser.rb:153:in `get_results'' lib/inorganic_parser.rb:143:in `get_results'' app/controllers/uploader_controller.rb:86:in `parse_document'' app/controllers/uploader_controller.rb:16:in `save_file'' /opt/tools/bin/mongrel_rails:1" -- Posted via
2011 Oct 19
using a dictionary in R
...I want to compute x1^2+x2 on all combinations of x keys x1 x2 val1 val2 x1^2+x2 1 a a 5 5 30 2 b a 2 5 9 3 a b 5 2 27 4 b b 2 2 6 And then I want to be able to retrieve the result using x1 and x2. Something to the effect of: get_result["b","a"] = 9 what is the best, efficient way to do this? Thanks, Eran [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 05
Missing Ferret 0.9.0 Field methods
The following instance methods seem to be missing from the Ferret::Document::Field class in Ferret 0.9.0 using compiled C extensions: #string_value, #reader_value and #binary_value. They are in the pure ruby implementation). I got round it by mixing in hacked versions of the pure Ruby methods (@data replaced by Many thanks for Ferret it''s shaping up to being a killer app
2012 Sep 13
[LLVMdev] Parsing C++ template parameters using
...ot; " * depth print tabs + "type" print tabs + " kind", node.kind def DeepPrint(node, depth = 0): tabs = " " * depth print tabs + "cursor", node.spelling print tabs + " location", node.location node_type_res = node.type.get_result() print tabs + " result", node_type_res.kind print tabs + " kind", node.kind DeepPrintType(node.type, depth + 1) print tabs + " xdata", node.xdata print tabs + " data",[0],[1],[2] print tabs + " chi...
2011 Jul 26
qemu: could not load kernel '/var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/kernel.6941': Permission denied libguestfs: trace: set_autosync true libguestfs: trace: set_autosync = 0 libguestfs: trace: launch qemu: could not load kernel '/var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/kernel.6941': Permission denied libguestfs: trace: launch = -1 (error) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in <module> guest_disk = DiskOperations("PYTI.vdi") File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyti/vmanager/", line 20, in __init__ self.disk_fs.launch() File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/", line 188, in...
2006 Jul 21
What''s wrong with this code?
I''m trying to interface with the flickr API to pull my photos into my site. I don''t want to use the "flickr.rb" gem, I''d like to do it the other way so I can learn (plus I had trouble loading the gem on my server). Anyway, here''s what I have: #Application.rb controller def get_response(path, http) request =
2008 Jan 29
Authoritative Documentation
I''ve been using backgroundrb for... about an hour now. I must say, I''m impressed. But I''m a bit stumped on where to find the "official" documentation. There''s an API online at, but I don''t see the methods available for MiddleMan, etc. Right now, I''m trying to figure out how to get a list of all
2006 Apr 23
Newbie Ajaxy Question
...''create'' %> <%= render :partial => ''form'' %> <%= submit_tag "Create" %> <%= end_form_tag %> <%= observe_field(:tags, :update => ''query_results'', :url => { :action => :get_results }) %> Pertinent bits of the controller: def get_results render :update do |page| @tags = request.raw_post @results = "No Results" ... CALL TO DELICIOUS using @tags ... page[''query_results''].value = @results end Can anyone spa...
2006 Mar 29
EdgeRails: "undefined method `weight'' for #<Hash:
...1.0-Min.locobundle/Contents/Resources/unix/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index/index.rb:316:in `search_each'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:27:in `search_index'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:15:in `count'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/search_controller.rb:31:in `get_results'' Any idea -- Posted via
2006 Apr 26
script/server lighttpd on Windows
Has anyone been able to get script/server to successfully use lighttpd on a Windows box? When I try to start the server I get: PROBLEM: Lighttpd is not available on your system (or not in your path) So then I add "C:\lighttpd\sbin" to the path for the console session, and it still fails with the same error. If anyone has some success with this I sure would like to know. Webrick
2006 Jun 18
1.0 RC1 status
Today I finally caught up with my mail. I've now read all the mails from the Dovecot list from this year and all my private mails from last few years (totaling around 500 unread mails). If you think there's still something I should have replied to, please re-send it because I've either missed it or just skipped it for some reason. (Except there are still a couple of mails from this