search for: genialen

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "genialen".

2011 Jun 15
Escape sequence in eval ()
...accessmytable") eval(accessmytable) It will return [1] "TABLE$\"2011-01-02\"$close" but I need TABLE$"2011-01-02"$close I highly appreciate your help! Sincerely, Franc BS Student, University of Mannheim Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die Toolbar eingebaut! [1] References 1.
2011 Sep 03
scp fails after sending command: scp -v -t
...revious thread stayed (and suffered) in his hotel not very long so that apparently his case was never resolved properly. I cannot ignore this problem for the next six months. So any help will be appreciated! ___________________________________________________________ Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die Toolbar eingebaut!
2011 Aug 24
Split data frame by date (POSIXlt)
...try to split the data frame it says, that I am indexing out of bounds... (German: "Fehler in args[[i]] : Indizierung au?erhalb der Grenzen") Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance! Best Franc BSc. Student University of Mannheim Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die Toolbar eingebaut! [1] References 1.
2011 May 24
Problem with visualization of power of t test
...y mistake? Is it? a error in reasoning or is it "just" not possible to visualize this problem for small sample sizes? I look foward to any suggestions and hints. So much thanks in advance. ?tienne ___________________________________________________________ Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die Toolbar eingebaut!
2011 May 08
Rearranging variables in table in non-alphabetical (manually specified) order
...ab="food")? Food is now ordered: Pommes, Schnitzel, Wurst. But I need: Schnitzel, Pommes, Wurst.? How can I define the order? I'm happy about every suggestion.? Thanks in advance!? Andre? ? ___________________________________________________________ Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die
2011 Jul 27
fitting sine wave
...s(xx,mm,type="l") ? I was also thinking of using fft(), but when I use the inverse function I only get my 7 original points back, but no smooth sine function. ? Thank you for your suggestions. Tonja ___________________________________________________________ Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die
2011 Feb 27
stata.get labels glm()
...n '13' instead of 'Japan' appears, which is not so nice, i.e. > myprobit<- glm(v220bin ~ v214 + v216 + factor(v2), family=binomial(link="probit"), data=wvs1981, na.action=na.pass) Thanks a lot for your help. Best regards, Tobias -- Schon geh?rt? GMX hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die
2011 May 16
nlrob(...) returns error message
...' is missing". I do not use the variable "x" at all so this must be some kind of different problem. ? Can anyone help me out here? ? Many thanks ? Timo ? Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ? ___________________________________________________________ Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die
2011 Aug 02
msdfs and %u
...oup =smb valid users = @gruppeeb write list = @gruppeeb browseable = no [dfs] path = /mypath/host/%u msdfs root = yes ls -l : lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Aug 11:11 eb -> msdfs:PDC\eb Best regards, Simon. ___________________________________________________________ Schon geh?rt? WEB.DE hat einen genialen Phishing-Filter in die Toolbar eingebaut!
2011 Mar 03
Can not delete files via Samba in some cases
Hi List, my problem is the following: I use Samba 3.5 with AD password authentification and uid/gid information in local files. Everything seems to work so far, when i create files via samba the created files have correct user/group information on linux filesystem level (so i think id mapping works basicly). The only thing that does not work is deleting files which - belong to other users from