search for: fussed

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2005 Sep 29
Please recommend a DVD writer for CentOS 4.1
Hi. I need to install DVD writers in a CentOS box as part of a backup setup. I want as little fuss as possible both with HW recognition and functionality. Can any of you recommend a vendor/product ? Performance of the drive is not an issue. I get confused looking at all the "+/-RW +R double layer yada yada" when skimming the hardware lists.. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
2009 Apr 24
uninitialized constant Facter::IPAddress (NameError)
I just started getting this error on some machines after a yum update from centos 5.2 to centos 5.3. Does anyone know what it means? Since I''m not a ruby person, I''m not sure how to debug this, but it looks to me like facter is having trouble parsing information about my interfaces. # facter /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/ipmess.rb:19: uninitialized constant
2008 Nov 24
matching matrix columns to a vector
I need help with (hopefully) just one more thing. I have been fussing with this for quite some time and have decided just to give up and ask! I want to match a column in a matrix to a vector. I found a "which" command that I thought would be helpful as it does the following: > g=c(1,5,3,2,7) > which(g==5) [1] 2 As the above gave which placement in the g vector corresponded to
2006 Aug 31
debian unstable & ext3
I'm running Linux travis 2.6.15-1-686 #2 Mon Mar 6 15:27:08 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux on a laptop with ext3 on / Some time ago things started getting weird in the following way: I do a fairly normal hack, ^Z, make, test loop when developing and it seems that vim is calling fsync or sync and that is then flushing everything to disk. My tests create maybe 10 dozen files in ~30MB and for some
2015 Apr 06
DC demote
Hello, I am trying to demote a windows 2008r2 server and I am unable to. In the following bug report Comment 5 mentions a way to remove it. Could someone inform if that can be done? this is a production environment and that DC is just causing a fuss. Thanks,
2008 Sep 02
Backup and reinstall a CentOS server
I've got a CentOS server that crashes due to a bad hard disk. I have got a spare disk and need to format and reinstall CentOS from the SERVER CD. Backup and reinstall is a major PITA because of some of the customisations that I've done e.g. the DNS Server is set to log queries (the default does not do this). Any tips on :- - backing up and reinstalling (is a script available)? - is the
2004 Aug 06
Dummy soundcard driver for Windows (OT)
> One more reason why computers will never replace real DJ's ;-) I believe its called desktop webcasting or will be ;) Doesnt sound like replacing dj's, its just enabling them to dj remotely without the need and fuss localy oh and not to mention redundancy, doing a webcast from a house/office/home pc is a major ordeal with todays shitty dsl/cable providers just my 2 dollaws
2007 Sep 18
rSpec / Nested Routes / Mocks
I''m having a terrible time trying to test a nested route with rSpec. I can''t seem to tell rSpec to expect the call @item.user. The following error message plagues me not matter how I try to fuss with the mock: Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''ItemsController handling POST / items should redirect to the new course on successful save'' Mock
2005 Jun 09
The Sims won't run with debugger
G'day, I'm using a cvs version from a few days ago, and I've just installed The Sims and its Livin' Large and House Party extensions with minimal fuss (the icons were missing in the first setup/autorun screens). Trying to run the program, it displays a dialog with the title "A debugger has been detected" and the text "Unload the debugger and try again". So,
2017 Apr 11
OT: systemd Poll
On Sun, April 9, 2017 00:39, Anthony K wrote: > According to "Arthur Schopenhauer": > > "All truth passes through three stages. > First, it is ridiculed. > Second, it is violently opposed. > Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." > > I must admit that I skipped through the first and second stages - I > never found creating init
2023 Mar 01
[libnbd PATCH 6/6] common/include: Fix MIN and MAX macros so they can be nested [finish port]
While I normally port across dependent changes too (eg you mention that libnbd doesn't have get-current-dir-name.h - I would have ported the commit that introduced that too, even though it's not used except by the test), I'm also not that fussed. These are separate projects and as long as the common code is not unnecessarily different or inconsistent, it'll be fine. So ACK series, thanks! Rich. -- Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj....
2006 Apr 13
I aplaude all the work that''s been done on RoR, but I''m a bit confused as to why ActiveRecord has the capability to easily create tables, but does not provide a mechanism to do this automatically. I found some information about ActiveSchema, but it''s listed as being in the planning stage. One key point to using Ruby is the ability to prototype rapidly, and not
2006 Feb 22
Toronto Rails Pub Nite
Monday, March 13th @ 7pm at C''est What? (67 Front St. East in Toronto, ON) Spread the word! The inaugural Toronto Rails pub nite will be an opportunity to meet the folks working on Rails in your community. There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss projects you''re involved with, recruit talent, and even find out what all of the fuss is about! Unspace wants to support the
2010 Jan 15
the sample() function
hello R-Wizards!!!!! again i'm invoking your presence!! since all the fuss about the paradoxes on a computer algorithm generating "caos" or un-determinancy, i recently grew quite curious about the mechanism underlying the procedure of NUMBER RADOMIZATION. could anyone of you, masters, attach me the algorithm (or source code? is it right?) behind the *sample()* function, so i can
2007 Dec 25
EAC can't contact FreeDB
Exact Audio Copy 0.99b3 under Wine 0.9.51 on Kubuntu 7.10. It can see the audio CD in the drive, no problems, no fuss. What it can't do is contact FreeDB to get CD track names. Clicking the "FreeDB" button in EAC brings up in Konqueror. So the problem isn't that FreeDB is down. When I run EAC from the command line, there's nothing showing up with a
2001 Jun 04
Not an OpenSSH Feature Request
...ven in the contribs directory. Could the subject lines on the mailing list begin with something like [OpenSSH]? I don't know about anyone else, but once you are subscibed to a zillion mailing lists and want to prioritise (OpenSSH at the top, naturally) it would make life easier. I am not too fussed, but I thought this might break the monotony of "Re: authorized_keys2 directory idea" ;-) Keep up the good work. -------------------------------------------------------- Doug Manton, AT&T EMEA Commercial Security Solutions E: demanton at -----------------...
2006 Jan 09
Tellabs echo can, can someone wire mine up for $?
Hello All, I have a tellabs 2572 EC, and I was wondering if anyone with experience can wire this up for me... I have the proper tools and info, but not the time. It's easier to send it out and get it done. I know kb1_kanobe originally started the wiki thread, and rather than risking the card, would it be possible for me to send it out to him, have him do it, and send it back? Not to say I
2017 Apr 09
OT: systemd Poll
According to "Arthur Schopenhauer": "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." I must admit that I skipped through the first and second stages - I never found creating init scripts a joy and instead opted to write my own scripts that I launched via inittab. As
2008 Sep 18
Verbosity best practice
Hello, When managing a stable system, which verbosity level do you adopt ? Leaving a higher level helps to catch root cause, if for any reason, things go wrong. Leaving a lower level saves resources if you need (have) to backup logs. What are current best practices ? Do you change verbosity level during system lifecycle ? Regards -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2012 Aug 17
Opinion: Why I find factors convenient to use
Folks: Over the years, many people -- including some who I would consider real expeRts -- have criticized factors and advocated the use (sometimes exclusively) of character vectors instead. I would just like to point out that, for me, factors provide one feature that I find to be very convenient: ordering of levels. ** As an example, suppose one has a character vector of labels