search for: friendlyid

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "friendlyid".

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2011 Aug 04
#create tests fail when I add FriendlyId to my model
...troller testing, and I can''t seem to get the create method test to pass when friendly_id is added to the mix. If I comment it out of the model, the tests all pass perfectly. The moment I add it back in, the error looks like this: 1) Error: test_create_valid(BrandsControllerTest): FriendlyId::BlankError: FriendlyId::BlankError app/controllers/brands_controller.rb:16:in `create'' test/functional/brands_controller_test.rb:27:in `test_create_valid'' Here''s the relevant line in brand.rb: has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true, :approximate_ascii...
2013 Mar 20
Problem With Unicorn
Hello All, I deployed my application in the local server and i''m using unicorn and nginx. I tried to run ''bundle exec unicorn_rails'' but it is showing ''ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first.''. even if I run gem install bundler the bundler getting installed, But it is showing the same error again i.e. Gem bundler is not
2010 Sep 13
unscoped option for associations?
Hi all, I recently encountered a problem in my FriendlyId plugin where a belongs_to association unexpectedly failed to load because a user was using state_machine and a default scope to make only "active" records return by default. It seems logical to allow associations to be specifed as "unscoped" in order to bypass any default scope...
2012 Apr 27
Can't mass-assign protected attributes even if I use attr_accessible
...opic but I found no working solution :-( I use attr_accessible to avoid MassAssignent errors and it works for all others models but not for the "Author" name attribute. Here is the Author model : class Author < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :email extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name, use: :slugged # some validations has_many :posts #authlogic acts_as_authentic # some stuffs end Actually, I have disabled whitelist_attributes and it solved my problem but I suppose that is not the convenient way to do this (and probabl...