search for: frac

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 170 matches for "frac".

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2024 Feb 02
gathering denominator under frac
... or if I understand correctly, simply expression(frac(additive ~ HCO[3]^"-", true ~ HCO[3]^"-" ))) Cheers, Bert On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 3:06?AM Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas at> wrote: > ?s 10:01 de 02/02/2024, Troels Ring escreveu: > > Hi friends - I'm plotting a ratio of bicarb...
2024 Feb 02
gathering denominator under frac
?s 10:01 de 02/02/2024, Troels Ring escreveu: > Hi friends - I'm plotting a ratio of bicarbonates i ggplot2 and > > ylab(expression(paste(frac("additive BIC","true BIC")))) worked OK - but > now I have been asked to put the chemistry instead - so I wrote > > ?ylab(expression(paste(frac("additive",HCO[3]^"-","true",HCO[3]^"-")))) > - and frac saw that as additive =...
2024 Feb 02
gathering denominator under frac
Hi friends - I'm plotting a ratio of bicarbonates i ggplot2 and ylab(expression(paste(frac("additive BIC","true BIC")))) worked OK - but now I have been asked to put the chemistry instead - so I wrote ?ylab(expression(paste(frac("additive",HCO[3]^"-","true",HCO[3]^"-")))) - and frac saw that as additive = numerator and HCO3-...
2005 Mar 17
kernlab sigest
hello, I have the following problem setting parameter 'frac' in the sigest function of the kernlab package. ## executing the ?sigest example: library(kernlab) data(spam) srange <- sigest(type~.,data = spam) ## works fine... ## setting 'frac' explicitly ## (in this case even to the default of .25) options(error=recover) srange <- sigest(...
1999 Dec 08
plot math - segfault and "frac", "^" bug(s).. (PR#365)
...t been forwarded to R-devel MM> and haven't should up at the jitterbug repository. MM> ?? MM> Martin Well, actually only one [the other went to R-core alone] Here it is : From: Martin Maechler <maechler@sophie> To: R-bugs Subject: plot math - segfault and "frac", "^" bug(s).. Date: 8 Dec 1999 12:50:44 +0100 This is in R versions 0.65, 0.90.0, and the current "pre-release", both on Linux and Solaris [with x11() , but most probably not device dependent]. The following shows it all : plot(1,type='n') ## Frac does...
2011 Jan 17
Difficult with round() function
...Vec) shortVec<-numeric() tics <- from*to for(j in 1:to){ interval <- ((j/to)*tics - (1/to)*tics + 1):((j/to)*tics) benchmarks <- interval/to #FIRST RUN ASSUMES FINAL BENCHMARK/TO IS AN INTEGER... positions <- which(round(benchmarks) == benchmarks) indeces <- benchmarks[positions] fracs <- numeric() #SINCE MUCH OF THE TIME THIS WILL NOT BE THE CASE, THIS SCRIPT DEALS WITH THE REMAINDER... for(i in 1:length(positions)){ if(i == 1) fracs[i] <- positions[i]/length(benchmarks) else{ fracs[i] <- (positions[i] - sum(positions[1:(i-1)]))/length(benchmarks) } } #AND UPDATES ST...
1999 Dec 08
plot math - segfault and "frac", "^" bug(s).. (PR#368)
...dn't go out at noon time during our e-mail storm...] In R versions 0.65, 0.90.0, and the current "pre-release", both on Linux and Solaris (the segfault at least) [with x11() , but most probably not device dependent]. The following shows it all : plot(1,type='n') ## Frac doesn't shrink properly... text(.7,1.3, expression( frac(7,4) == 1 * frac(3,4)), cex=1) text(.7,1.2, expression( frac(7,4) == 1 * frac(3,4)), cex=3) ## Bug in precedency rule of "^" : text(.7, 1, expression( Phi^{-1}(frac(3,4))),cex=3) text(1.1,1, expressio...
1999 Dec 08
plot math - segfault and "frac", "^" bug(s).. (PR#367)
This is in R versions 0.65, 0.90.0, and the current "pre-release", both on Linux and Solaris [with x11() , but most probably not device dependent]. The following shows it all : plot(1,type='n') ## Frac doesn't shrink properly... text(.7,1.3, expression( frac(7,4) == 1 * frac(3,4)), cex=1) text(.7,1.2, expression( frac(7,4) == 1 * frac(3,4)), cex=3) ## Bug in precedency rule of "^" : text(.7, 1, expression( Phi^{-1}(frac(3,4))),cex=3) text(1.1,1, expressio...
2009 Mar 31
Problem with mathematical expression and loop
...rmations of one dataset (x). I want to label the histograms with the mathematical expression of each transformation (e.g. x^3). For that I've prepared a vector with the labeling names for "expression". > trans.expr <- c("x^3", "x^2", "x", "frac(1,x)", "frac(1,x^2)", > "frac(1,x^3)", "sqrt(x)", "log(x)", "frac(1,sqrt(x))") > for(i in 1:9){ > > hist(x[i], main=expression(trans.expr[i])) > > } But if I want to pass the names to "expression", it always...
2010 Feb 08
object 'xxx' not found
The following line of code seems fairly straight forward, yet it is kicking back an error message: for (i in 1:length(mean.natveg.frac)){month.observed[i]=as.numeric(names(mean.natveg.frac[i]))%%12} Error message: Error in month.observed[i] = as numeric(names(mean.natveg.frac[i]))%%12 : object 'month.observed' not found Seems like its not found because I'm trying to define it. Also length(mean.natveg.frac) = 103...
2006 Mar 06
how to make plotmath expression work together with paste able to use expressions, and I am able to use paste to put text and values of variables into plots. But the two things just won't work together. Here is some example code that shows what I mean. plot(NA,xlim=c(0,100),ylim=c(0,100)) #show plot math works text(16, 22, expression(slope == frac(partialdiff * f(hat(theta)), partialdiff * hat(theta)))) # I want to put values of variables into the middle of expressions avar1 <- 10 # prove I am able to use paste! text(40,40, paste("a word",avar1,"other words") # But I'm completely frustrated by the problem...
2015 Feb 20
isohybrid and ISO images whose size is not a multiple of 2048 bytes vs. VirtualBox still 4 cylinders. Image size is 132.0002489884843 cylinders. So the target size is the next multiple of 4: 136 cylinders. Your algorithm is more complicated than mine, because it tries to do the part of the job which is already implemented in isohybrid: cylsize = head * sector * 512; frac = isostat.st_size % cylsize; padding = (frac > 0) ? cylsize - frac : 0; isostat.st_size is the ISO image size in bytes. cylsize is the current granularity of 1 cylinder. My proposal has 1, 2, or 4 cylinders instead. cylsize = head * sector * 512; align_cylsize = cylsize * align_fac...
2009 Aug 20
lattice xyplot strip colors and location
...2 5 15 0.5 3 1 22 0.5 3 2 22 0.5 3 3 21 0.5 3 4 16 0.5 3 5 13 Here's what I've done so far: library(lattice) plotdata <- read.table(file="data.txt", header=FALSE) attach(plotdata) frac.f <- factor(V1) stdev.f <- factor(V2) levels(frac.f) <- paste("f=",levels(frac.f), sep="") levels(stdev.f) <- paste("s=", levels(stdev.f), sep="") xyplot(V4~V3|frac.f*stdev.f, aspect=3/4, xlab="Reads as evidence", ylab="Total incorr...
2008 Aug 25
Displaying Equations in Documentation
...tions. For example, the equation in the following: \details{ Calculated the R Squared for observed endogenous variables in a structural equation model, as well as several other useful summary statistics about the error in thoe variables. R Squared values are calculated as \deqn{R^{2} = 1-\frac{estimated variance}{observed variance}} Standardized error coefficients are then calculated as sqrt(1 - R^2). } While it shows normally using R CMD Rd2dvi, when I actually compile and load the package, displays as follows: R^{2} = 1-frac{estimated variance}{observed variance} I have also tri...
2009 May 16
maxLik pakage
...,32,0,0,2,15,5,6,17, 63,61,9,15,15,0,2) #########goal is  found unique maximum for  5-parameter function with using  "maxLik" function #####the function in latex commands is as following:  \begin{eqnarray*} &&\ell(\xi,\omega,\nu,\lambda_1,\lambda_2)=n\log2-n\log\omega+n\log\Gamma(\frac{\nu+1}{2})-\frac{n}{2}\log(\nu\pi)\\ &-&n\log\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})-\frac{\nu+1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\log(1+\frac{(x_i-\xi)^2}{\omega^2\nu})+\sum_{i=1}^{n}\log\Phi(\lambda_1\frac{(x_i-\xi)}{\sqrt{\omega^2+\lambda_2(x_i-\xi)^2}}) \end{eqnarray*} ############## G2StNV178<-function(a){ require(m...
2009 Oct 26
[PATCH] Fix miscompile of SSE resampler
...atic int resampler_basic_interpolate_single(SpeexResamplerState *st, spx_uint3 sum = MULT16_32_Q15(interp[0],SHR32(accum[0], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[1],SHR32(accum[1], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[2],SHR32(accum[2], 1)) + MULT16_32_Q15(interp[3],SHR32(accum[3], 1)); #else cubic_coef(frac, interp); - sum = interpolate_product_single(iptr, st->sinc_table + st->oversample + 4 - offset - 2, N, st->oversample, interp); + interpolate_product_single(&sum, iptr, st->sinc_table + st->oversample + 4 - offset - 2, N, st->oversample, interp); #endif...
2004 Jul 20
Suggestion for quantile.default()
...antile algorithms discussed in Hyndman and Fan (1996), selected by \code{type}, is employed. Sample quantiles of type \eqn{i} are defined by \deqn{Q_{i}(p) = (1 - \gamma)x_{j} + \gamma x_{j+1}}{Q[i](p) = (1 - gamma) x[j] + gamma x[j+1],} where \eqn{1 \le i \le 9}{1 <= i <= 9}, \eqn{ } \eqn{\frac{j - m}{n} \le p < \frac{j - m + 1}{n}}{(j - m) / n <= p < (j - m + 1) / n}, \eqn{ } \eqn{x_{j}}{x[j]} is the \eqn{j}th order statistic, \eqn{n} is the sample size, and \eqn{m} is a constant determined by the sample quantile type. Here \eqn{\gamma}{gamma} depends on \eqn{j = \lfloor np + m...
2009 Sep 13
How to get last day of a month?
Is there any R function to calculate automatically the last day of a particular month? For example "sep2009" should be converted to last day of September of 2009? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Feb 10
boxplot label cleanup
...arly off. Is there a way to draw the grid lines exactly between december and January? I wasn't sure how much code I should include, so here it all is: (images follow) my.dat<-read.table("C:/Eric/Programs/UtilityProgram_Summarize_UNSAT_Zone_Results_8Class/Process_UZF_Output/bin/R_Data_fracETSat_US.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t") attach(my.dat) dates<-strptime(as.character(my.dat$date),"%m/%e/%Y") my.dat=my.dat[,2:5] my.dat=data.frame(date=dates,my.dat) detach(my.dat) daterange=c(as.POSIXlt(min(my.dat$date)),as.POSIXlt(max(my.dat$date))) rm(dates) attach(my.dat)...
2008 Jan 12
Lattice equivalent of par(mfrow = )
Dear r-helpers, Does anyone have a straightforward example of putting together three unrelated (expect for a common y-axis) xyplot() figures in what would be in base graphics a par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) arrangement? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102