search for: forestiers

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "forestiers".

2004 Mar 02
Import range of cells from Excel
Dear all, I would like to import a range of cells (e.g. F10:K234) from an Excel worksheet to R. I have looked for documentation on RODBC and RDCOMClient but I was not able to find enough information to solve my problem and all the examples I have seen were dealing with an entire worksheet, not a range of cells. Thanks, Jean-Noel Jean-Noel Candau INRA - Unit? de Recherches Foresti?res
2003 Sep 12
partial mantel
...s, in a community ecology analysis, I would like to calculate the correlation between two dissimilarity matrices, controlling for a third distance matrix representing geographical distances between sites. Thanks! Christophe Bouget Biodiversité et gestion des forêts de plaine - Ecosylv Ecosystèmes forestiers et paysages Institut de recherches pour l'ingénierie de l'agriculture et de l'environnement - CEMAGREF Domaine des Barres F-45 290 Nogent-sur-Vernisson [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jan 27
computing roots of bessel function
I am not yet a R user but I will be soon. I am looking for the R command and syntax to compute the roots of Bessel function i.e. computing the z values that lead to Jnu(z)=0 where J is a Bessel function or order nu. May You help me ? thanks in advance. Dr Catherine COUTAND Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) umr Physiologie Int?grative de l'Arbre Fruitier et Forestier
2005 Nov 09
Replace missing values in spatial design using moving average
Dera R helpers, I have a (x,y,z) data file where x and y are spatial coordinates and z a variable. I have some missing values in the z column and I would like to replace them with an optimized estimation from the neighbour cells. I could not find any function in R to do that. Is anybody aware of such function ? Maybe someone knows how to implement the Papadakis method in R... Thanks for your
2004 Nov 15
help for nls
Hello, I am beginning with R and I would like to test a non linear model. But I do not find exactly wath I am looking for in nls packages (or I do not know where to search). I would like to try a model like this : y=b * x exp(n)/(a exp(n) + x exp (n)) Where a = a0 + a1z b= b0 + b1z x and z are variables y the variable that I am trying to modelise a0, a1, b0 and b1 are parameters to determine. I
2003 Sep 15
User permissions on samba shared directories
Hi everybody, I have successfully installed and configured Samba on my Aix box. I have setup domain security and mounted the machiine on the domain. I added a [homes] section and now everybody logging to their Windows 2000 workstations have access to their Aix home directory, what is great! However, I have noticed by checking the home directory security for my user that there is THREE users |
2007 Aug 15
Problem Connecting to Oracle with R from Windows XP
Hello, I installed RGui 2.5.1 and package DBI on Windows XP and tried to connect to Oracle database which is on a Linux server. When I tried to use dbDriver("Oracle"), I got an error as follows: > drv <- dbDriver("Oracle") Error in, list(...)) : could not find function "Oracle" > Could anyone tell me how
2011 Nov 03
optimising a loop;- wei2[i,] + } But I expect it to be quite slow with my larger dataset. Does any of you has an idea how I could remove the loop and speed up the operation? Best regards, Bastien Ferland-Raymond, M.Sc. Stat., M.Sc. Biol. Division des orientations et projets sp?ciaux Direction des inventaires forestiers Minist?re des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Qu?bec
2004 Feb 09
Recursive partitioning with multicollinear variables
Dear all, I would like to perform a regression tree analysis on a dataset with multicollinear variables (as climate variables often are). The questions that I am asking are: 1- Is there any particular statistical problem in using multicollinear variables in a regression tree? 2- Multicollinear variables should appear as alternate splits. Would it be more accurate to present these alternate
2013 May 22
column width in .dbf files using write.dbf ... to be continued
...ger(scale), as.character(DataTypes))) It is explain here: Sorry for the delay in my answer... Bastien Ferland-Raymond, M.Sc. Stat., M.Sc. Biol. Division des orientations et projets sp?ciaux Direction des inventaires forestiers Minist?re des Ressources naturelles In reply to : ##### Dear UseRs, I did not have any answer to my previous message ("Is there a way to define "manually" columns width when using write.dbf function from the library foreign ?"), so I tried to modify write.dbf function to do wha...
2012 Dec 15
troubles reading a text file
Dear R experts, For quite some time I have been trying to solve a mistery of reading a seemingly trouble-free text file. The data is temperature reconstruction arranged as a huge grid, preceded by seven "header lines" (which you see better if file is opened in Firefox or Chrome). This is the data (gridded temperature reconstruction)
2001 Apr 05
No subject
R-helpers, Beginner in R language, I have a problem to install a package (multiv) in R for Windows 98 (R-Gui) First I have got the file from the CRAN precompiled contributed packages for Windows and put this file in C:/Program Files/rw1022. in R-Gui I tried to install it as following > install.packages("C:/Program Files/rw1022/") I received the following
2003 Sep 15
problems setting a samba-server as a PDC(with win2k clients)
Hello experts, I wanted to have my samba server working as a the PDC, so I followed all the steps from the 'using samba' documentation. My problem is when I try to configure the Win2000 client to log in to the DOMAIN, i have an error. it says 'unknon user, or incorrect password' At least I know it found the DOMAIN because it prompted for a user/password. And if I browse the