search for: fonctionnelle

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "fonctionnelle".

2020 Oct 09
Aide pour finaliser ce code
Hello. Here is my R code. I used the functional data . Now I need to use the functional data by applying the kernels instead of the xi, yi functions. Bonjour. Voici mon code en R . J'ai utiliser les donn?es fonctionnelles . Maintenant j'ai besoin d'utiliser les donn?es fonctionnelles en appliquant les noyaux ? la place des fontions xi, yi library(MASS) CentrageV<-function(X,Ms,n){ # cette fonction centre les donn?es de X X1=X*0 for (i in 1:n){ X1[i,]=X[i,]-Ms } return(X1) } # Fonction N?2 SqrtMat...
2010 Jan 13
Problem fitting a non-linear regression model with nls
...from the choice of the initial values of the parameters Asym_inf, Asym_inf, n1, n2, tmid1, tmid2, scal1and scal2. My question is how could I estimate those initial values so that the nls fitting works. Thanks in advance -- Nathalie YAUSCHEW-RAGUENES Ph.D Student Unit? de Recherches Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Physique de l'Environnement (EPHYSE) INRA, Centre de Bordeaux - Aquitaine 71 Av Edouard Bourlaux 33883 Villenave d'Ornon Cedex France
2001 Mar 20
...R requires, but nothing changed at all (my portable computer seems to load smthg a long time before warning R-gui failed and that I have to close R- gui). What can I do??? ========================== Fr?d?ric ARCHAUX Equipe Interactions Individus Populations Environnements Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive CNRS BP 5051 34033 Montpellier Cedex 1 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body&qu...
2005 Mar 29
Plot Moran's I
...oose only the statistic for plotting and maybe the variance for each I statistic? (For the p-value it's ok I have found how to differentiate the significant and non significant values.) I hope someone understand my question and could help me! Thanks a lot. Chloé ARCHINARD Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (C.N.R.S.-U.M.R. 5175) 1919, Route de Mende 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 France -- passerelle antivirus du campus CNRS de Montpellier -- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 02
Weibull survival regression model with different shape parameters fit different shape parameters (ie 1/scale in R) for each of the families. I looked it up in the help pdf and on the internet, but I couldn't find anything. Would it be possible to do such a thing ? Thanks in advance, Best regards, Nicolas N. Rode PhD student CEFE (Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive) 34293 Montpellier, France -- passerelle antivirus du campus CNRS de Montpellier -- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Feb 03
comparison of parameters for nonlinear regression", I have 2 models. The idea is I want to compare this 2 models and particularly I want to know if the parameters are different are not beteween this 2 models. Is there a way to do it simply in R? Thanks in advance -- Nathalie YAUSCHEW-RAGUENES Ph.D Student Unit? de Recherches Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Physique de l'Environnement (EPHYSE) INRA, Centre de Bordeaux - Aquitaine 71 Av Edouard Bourlaux 33883 Villenave d'Ornon Cedex France T?l : +33 (0)5 57 12 24 31 Fax : +33 (0)5 57 12 24 20 e-mail : nathalie.yauschew-Raguenes at
2011 Aug 29
Pb with \t interpretation in R
...see: "Body;3UTR\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n3\tcg00000109\t59755374\t59755374\t0.8353283\t2657\t7\t7\t122.8385\t241.5193\t354\t2303\t0.00\t0.005" Is there any way to deal with such problem? Kind Regards Sandrine -- Sandrine Imbeaud INSERM, UMR U-674, IUH Université Paris Descartes Génomique Fonctionnelle des tumeurs solides 27 rue Juliette Dodu F75010 Paris, France TEL: +33 (0)1 53 72 51 98 FAX: +33 (0)1 53 72 51 92 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 07
change likelihood function in survreg
...). I tried to follow the Cauchy example, but I realized that I don't have a proper density function to be passed on to the function. Does anyone has an advice on how to implement that in R? Thank you very much! Best regards, N. Rode CEFE (Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive) UMR 5175 CNRS, 1919 route de Mende 34293 Montpellier, France [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Nov 08
cupsaddsmb and samba
...public = yes guest ok = no writable = no printable = yes printer admin = root [print$] comment = Printer Drivers path = /etc/samba/drivers browseable = yes guest ok = no read only = yes -- Laurent Hubert Administrateur syst?me Centre d'Imagerie M?tabolique et Fonctionnelle CRC, CHUS Universit? de Sherbrooke 3001, 12e Avenue Nord Sherbrooke, Qu?bec Canada J1H 5N4 t?l : 819 346 1110 poste 11836 T?l?copieur : 819 820 6490 Courriel :
2008 May 18
REGRESSION: New "megatec" driver does't work for UPS that was managed by old fentonups driver
...ny help appreciated. Many thanks in advance. -- Michel Bouissou <michel at> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C -- Michel Bouissou <michel at> OpenPGP ID 0xEB04D09C Ce que j'avais sous les yeux, c'?tait une repr?sentation th??trale du chaos total, une d?finition fonctionnelle du concept de confusion, une danse d?sordonn?e ? la gloire de la violence sinistre. C'?tait la guerre. -- Dan Simmons, "Les Cantos d'Hyp?rion" (Trad. Guy Abadia)
2003 Jun 05
server=domain does not work in samba3.0-alpha24
...selin Printer lhubert Disk Home Directories Server Comment --------- ------- Workgroup Master --------- ------- IMAGERIE -- Laurent Hubert, PhD Centre d'Imagerie Métabolique et Fonctionnelle CRC, CHUS Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada laurent.hubert at
2003 Mar 31
Transparent migration of users to a samba PDC, how about cygwin tool ?
...729-581009308-513:10513: These contains the SID of the users and group. Is there a way to exploit this informations in Samba? Can it help for a completly transparent migration of NT PDC to Samba PDC ? Laurent -- Laurent Hubert, Assistant de recherche Centre d'Imagerie M?tabolique et Fonctionnelle CRC, CHUS Universit? de Sherbrooke 3001, 12e Avenue Nord Sherbrooke, Qu?bec Canada J1H 5N4 t?l : 819 346 1110 poste 11836 T?l?copieur : 819 820 6490 Courriel :
2012 Apr 17
Test-Predict R survival analysis
...PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT [57] PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT [65] PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT PREDICT Levels: PREDICT TRAINING -- Sandrine Imbeaud INSERM, UMR U-674, IUH Université Paris Descartes Génomique Fonctionnelle des tumeurs solides 27 rue Juliette Dodu F75010 Paris, France TEL: +33 (0)1 53 72 51 98 FAX: +33 (0)1 53 72 51 92 MOBILE: +33 (0)6 12 69 80 29 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 13
heimdal/AD documentation
...supprimer les types qui nous emb?tent (enfin, qui emb?tent l'AD...) avec par exemple : kadmin> del_enctype krbtgt/AD.DEMO.LOCAL des3-cbc-sha1 etc, jusqu'? ne garder plus que Keytypes(salttype[(salt-value)]): des-cbc-crc(pw-salt) La relation de confiance devrait maintenant ?tre fonctionnelle. configuration des postes Windows : Windows devrait savoir (dans certaines versions seulement...) utiliser DNS pour retrouver le KDC (enregistrement SRV) mais de toute fa?on pas le realm (enregistrement TXT). Il faut donc intervenir sur chaque machine, ? commencer par le pdc lui m?me avec un ou...