search for: find_by_login

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "find_by_login".

2007 Nov 17
Syntax Problem
...ontroller.rb file to see if crypted_password is blank. If it is, crypt and check the password against the old md5 version and write it in the new crypted_password field. Here is my code add on before the logged_in?: def create # if no password use old md5 and fill in with sha2 user = User.find_by_login(params[:login]) if #{user.crypted_password} == nil #check_md5? (params[:password],#{user.old_salt},#{user.hashed_password}) @p = Digest::MD5::hexdigest("#{params[:password]}") @s = Digest::MD5::hexdigest(user.old_salt) @pw = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@s+@p)...
2006 Jul 11
Problems using the authorization plugin from Bill Katz
...trying to use the excellent authorization plugin from Bill Katz, Its pretty straight forward to setup and should be to use. But when i try to give the same permission on two differents users on the same object i get an error. (Well , Im kinda new to all this rails stuff) r = Red.find(1) u1 = User.find_by_login("ismael") u2 = User.find_by_login("ismael2") u1.has_role "proprio", r u2.has_role "proprio", r ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry ''5'' for key 1: INSERT INTO roles_users (`updated_at`, `role_id`, `id`, `user_id`,...
2005 Dec 23
has_many and belongs_to relationship error
...: <h3><%= h(post.posttitle) %></h3> 13: <%= post.posttext %> The code follows: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts end class BlogController < ApplicationController def index @user = User.find_by_login(''bilal'') @posts = @user.posts @missions = Mission.find(:all) end end index.rhtml is <% for mission in @missions %> <div class="mission"> <h3><%= h(mission.missionname) %></h3> <%= mission.missiondescription %> </div> &lt...
2010 Aug 18
Once I added this HABTM, one of my 'through' relationships, on a non-habtm model, seems to have broke?
...class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => "user_id" belongs_to :meter_group, :foreign_key => "meter_group_id" has_many :meters, :through => :meter_group end test "group1 and group2 belong to rachel" do user = User.find_by_login("rachel") subscriptions = Subscription.find_all_by_user_id( subscriptions.each do |s| meters = s.meters meters.each do |m| puts "meter = #{p m}" end end end However now things are not working since I created some HABTM relationshi...
2006 May 08
how to make field in model immutable after create
Hello everyone! I want to have login field in User model which is set only once (on create), and then it should fail validation if the value is changed. How can I do this? I dig around for validation and tried def after_validation_on_update unless User.find_by_login(:login) errors.add(:login, "is immutable. You can''t change it") end end in model, but somewhat it doesn''t work. Any hints on how can I make field immutable after create? Peace, olegf
2006 May 22
good practice or waste of time?
...ted plugin I have setup the appropriate pieces and use a before_filter to require the session to be that of a logged in user. So far, so good. Here''s where things (finally) get interesting. When my controller needs to edit an item, I typically do this: def find_user @user = User.find_by_login(session[:user]) end def find_library find_user @library = @user.library end def edit_item find_library @item = @user.library.items.find(params[:id]) <--- necessary? # other processing end It''s that second line in my #edit_item action that I''m curious about....
2006 Feb 09
troubleshooting an observe_field
Hi, I''ve got a live_search field in a partial that is on several different pages. On all pages, except 1, it works fine. On the page it doesn''t work on, it seems it never executes it action. Here''s my observe_field code inside the partial: <h1><label for="searchtext">Live Search:</label></h1> <%= text_field_tag :searchtext
2006 May 22
logger and ActionWebService - how can I get them to work together?
...erviceController < ApplicationController wsdl_service_name ''LibraryService'' web_service_api LibraryServiceApi # format is <controller_name>Api web_service_scaffold :invoke def new_item(username, type, title, length, size, state, unique_key) @user = User.find_by_login(username) logger.fatal(@user) puts @user true end end In #new_item I can''t get logger to output anything nor does my #puts go anywhere that I can find. (BTW, the test passes without errors.) Scouring the AWDR book and online resources has gotten me nowhere. Can anyon...
2006 Mar 03
Pagination and custom routing
...=> ''per_user'' This works fine and sends them to the correct controller, links, where the action per_user paginates a list of bookmarks depending on the username defined by :username in the map.connect above. The action that generates the pages looks like this - user = User.find_by_login(@params[:username]) @bookmark_pages, @bookmarks = paginate(:bookmarks, :conditions => [''user_id = ?'',]) The first page of results works fine, i can type for instance, and i recieve the first page of my bookmarks. The problem is with the rest of t...
2008 Nov 07
Problem autenticating user encrypted password but always returns nil. The database password was encryted with the same encrypt method. I dont know what i need to do. TNKS a lot.. # Authenticates a user by their login name and unencrypted password. Returns the user or nil. * def self*.authenticate(login, password) u = find_by_login(login) # need to get the salt and user_password u && u.authenticated?(password) ? u :* nil end * # Encrypts some data with the salt. * def self*.encrypt(password, salt) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{salt}--#{password}--") * end * # Encrypts the password with the user salt *...
2007 Sep 20
Relationship Proxies?
I''m trying to understand these results in irb, which implies that there''s some kind of proxy at play: >> aaron = User.find_by_login ''aaron'' => #<User:0xb7109cdc @attributes={"salt"=>"7e3041ebc2fc05a40c60028e2c4901a81035d3cd", "updated_at"=>nil, "contact_info_id"=>nil, "crypted_password"=>"00742970dc9e6319f8019fd54864d3ea740f04b1", &q...
2010 Jul 13
NoMethodError in UsersController#show
...t;, :id => "login_btn" %> <%= link_to "Sign Up", new_user_path %></p> <% end %> </div> </fieldset> Here are the relevant controllers and models: Users_Controller: def show #@user = User.find(params[:id]) @user = User.find_by_login(params[:login]) #@feed_items = @user.feed @feed_items = @user.feed end Users Model: def feed #Post.all(:conditions => ["user_id = ?", id]) Post.from_users_subscribed_by(self) end Post Model (using SQLite3) : named_scope :from_users_subscribed_by, lambda { |user| sub...
2006 Jul 02
Pretty URLs -> Routes
Hi I am having issues with getting my pretty urls to work. routes.rb: map.connect '':user'' , :controller => ''front'' , :action => ''list'' , :filter => ''user'' front_controller.rb: def list @advert_pages, @adverts = paginate :adverts, :per_page => 10 @user =
2009 May 06
Cucumber, Webrat, RSpec and Mechanize for Non-Ruby Apps
...e| # # step definition in webrat_steps.rb # def path_to(page_name) case page_name when /the homepage/ ''/'' # Add more mappings here. # Here is a more fancy example: # # when /^(.*)''s profile page$/i # user_profile_path(User.find_by_login($1)) else raise "Can''t find mapping from \"#{page_name}\" to a path.\n" + "Now, go and add a mapping in #{__FILE__}" end end end World(NavigationHelpers)[/code] This is not complete however. If I run rake features at this point, I get...
2007 Feb 10
acts_as_authenticated strangeness
...ust reloads the login page again. here`s my action: def login return unless flash[:notice] = "Incorrent login" self.current_user = User.authenticate(params[:login], params[:password]) if logged_in? session[:username] = params[:login] user=User.find_by_login(params[:login]) session[:role]=user.organisation session[:user_id] if params[:remember_me] == "1" self.current_user.remember_me cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => self.current_user.remember_token , :expires => self.current_user.remember_to...
2005 Mar 06
question about testing
...are passing. But I just have one question about doing tests in a loop. In my setup, I''m using the login generator to protect ''sensitive'' actions, while some actions are public. So I''ve got this line in my setup method: @request.session["user"] = User.find_by_login "bob" So now all the tests can successfully test actions that require a log in. But, for security''s sake, I''d like to test that actions while logged out, do in fact redirect to the login screen. I originally wrote the test method like this: def test_loggedout @r...
2008 Apr 16
Will acts_as_taggable_on_steroids and better_nested_set work together?
I am having this crazy problem where it ONLY shows up in testing. This is my test code <code> def test_should_destroy task1 = => "tmp", :done => false, :user => User.find_by_login(''admin'')) assert assert task1.destroy end </code> This is my task model <code> class Task < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable acts_as_nested_set belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :user end </code> The result of running th...
2008 Jun 20
before_save model callback rspec testing
hi all, i''m learning rspec and i can''t figure out how to test if a callback is executed in a model. my model code is: class User < ActiveRecord::Base before_save :encrypt_password ... def encrypt(password) self.class.encrypt(password, salt) end thanks a lot, cs. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 16
rake spec controller test output hideus.
...t; do post :signup, :user => { :login => "newbob", :password => "newpassword", :password_confirmation => "wrong" , :email => ""} response.session[:user] User.find_by_login("newbob") end And here is the actual error it gives me to "help". I think this amount should rather be given if I request a rake spec:detailed or something. If multiple errors occur then I spend a long time just scrolling around to find the name of the tests tha...
2006 Apr 23
post() to other controller in functional test?
In a functional test, I want to call an action in another controller (a login) before testing things in the current controller. As far as I can tell from the extremely sparse documentation and the AWDR book, this seems to be impossible. The post() functions takes an action argument only, and that''s that. Surely I must be misunderstanding things? -- Calle Dybedahl