search for: finbref

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "finbref".

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2009 Mar 28
unicode only works with a second one
I'd like to paste a zodiac sign on a graph, but it only prints it when I add another unicode ( \u3030) to the desired \u2648 - why? See the examplecode (compare the orange with the skyblue): plot(c(-1,1),c(-4,-2),type="n") text(x=0,y=-3.0,labels="\u2648 \u3030",cex=2.3,col="skyblue") text(x=0,y=-3.2,labels="\u2648",cex=2.3,col="orange")
2006 Feb 08
print formula on plot
I estimate some parameters and I want to print them (pretty) on my plot: # somehow estimated parameters z<-c(1.543523e+00, 1.23453e+00, 3.454000e+00) x<-seq(-1,1,length=100) plot(x,z[3]*x^2+z[2]*x+z[3],type="l", main="My nice plot of the estimated function") zs<-format(z,digits=4,scientific=FALSE,trim=TRUE) text(-0.9,7,expression(1.54*x^2)) # is
2006 Oct 01
pie() with only 180°
I want to plot the results of today's elections in Austria in this typical 180?-piechart (and not 360?). Unfortunantely pie() has just an argument "init.angle" and no "end.angle". Perhaps you know a workaround. Thomas
2008 Oct 16
draw a 5cm x 3cm rectangle
Hi I want to draw sth in a pdf file with a predefined defined size. Say a 5cm x 3cm rectangle (a ruler): pdf("rect.pdf", paper="a4") plot(c(1,5,5,1,1),c(1,1,3,3,1),asp=1,axes="n") but how do I fix that one unit is 1cm? Thanks thomas
2009 Aug 02
package to convert coordiantes to timezone
Is there a R-package with a function that returns me the timezone, if I hand over longitude and latitude? I know online services like and and wodner if this exists for R too. Thanks for helping, thomas
2010 Jun 04
strange behaviour of CairoPNG
Hi, could it be that the text() fuction gives different output for normal png() and CarioPNG()? See the following example and the attached images: the font=2 and font=3 seem to be exchanged! Thanks for help, Thomas CairoPNG("Test-cairo.png",width=750,height=690) #png("Test-normal.png",width=750,height=690) plot(1,1,type="n",main="normal")
2006 Oct 10
[R-SIG-Finance] regarding bootstrapping... REVISITED
...from the traded points which may be like as follows.... for e.g. Price,Residual Maturity, Coupon, Frequency, Redemption, Basis 98.45,0.53,5%,2,100,4 100.15,1.54,8%,2,100,4 99.56,8.5,4%,1,100,4 and 97.65,20.6,10%,2,100,4 thanks to all with warm regards -gaurav "Thomas Steiner" <> 09-10-06 09:18 PM To "" <> cc Subject Re: [R-SIG-Finance] regarding bootstrapping Gaurav, some time ago I asked a very similar question. I got some very helpful answers and some l...
2009 Nov 29
Roman numerical output
I have integers and I want R to give them back/output as Roman numerals: s=c(7,17) format(s,roman=T) is obviously wrong. Is there any other way/function to do this? Thanks, Thomas
2007 Mar 02
plot with fixed axis proportion
I want to plot something (eg a circle) with a fixed ratio of the x and y axis, or (even better) with a fixed size when I print it. Output should then be a circle (actually it'll be someting more complicated) with radius 5cm and not an ellipse. I'm _sure_ this is not new, but after looking 45min for a solution, I post here... Thanks for help Thomas
2008 Mar 10
internet proxy settings (win)
I cannot access internet through R. My IT-guys told me that I should set the proxy and the port and then everything will be fine. Where can I set them? I use R 2.6.2 under Windows 2000 and these settings are those of the Internet Explorer (no password). I read but staring R by "C:\Program
2008 Mar 22
intraday OHLC plot
I want to create a open/high/low/last plot of intraday data. I try to use the function plotOHLC from the tsteries package. I create my own multiple time series and then try to plot it. raw Data Format (file eurusd2.csv): "Date (GMT)" "Open" "High" "Low" "Last" 17-03-2008 00:00:00 1,5764 1,5766 1,5747 1,5750 17-03-2008 00:05:00 1,5749 1,5750 1,5741
2008 Mar 20
little subplot in corner
I want to draw a little subplot ("overview") into my detailed plot. It should be placed in say the top right corner and have the size of some legend (like legend(x="topright", inset=0.03, ...) #main plot plot(rnorm(100)) #give little density in corner plot(seq(-2,2,length=300),dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=300)),type="l") I don't want something like par(mfrow=c(1,2)) as
2009 Apr 01
回复: R-help Digest, Vol 73, Issue 32
...d, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. >     [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ------------------------------ Message: 39 Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 10:06:01 -0600 From: Greg Snow <> Subject: Re: [R] unicode only works with a second one To: Thomas Steiner <>,     ""    <> Message-ID:     <B37C0A15B8FB3C468B5BC7EBC7DA14CC61CDD76B4D@LP-EXMBVS10.CO.IHC.COM> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I don't know how to help with the Unicode issue, but...
2007 Jan 10
prime in expression in plot
I want to write something like (LaTeX style) b_{norm}=\frac{F\prime(0)}{R\prime(0)} how do I add the "prime" (first derivative) to a R-plot? The help of "plotmath" just talks about "partialdiff". Can you complete this command? text( 30,0.05,labels=expression(b[plain("norm")]==frac(F(0),R(0))) ) Thanks, Thomas
2007 Jan 19
x-axis in filled.contour
The filled.contour function gives me some strange output. What did I do wrong? x=seq(0,1,length=10) y=seq(0,1,length=10) z=array(rnorm(100),dim=c(10,10)) filled.contour(x,y,z) lines(0.4,0.8,type="p") abline(v=0.4,lty="dashed") the x-cooridnate of the line and the point is 0.4, but it's slightly above. This problem just appears with "filled.contour", so I guess
2008 Mar 24
update win FAQ q1?
Hi, on it says: ... The current release is distributed as an installer `R-2.6.1-win32.exe' of about 30Mb. ... however I find this file as well: I guess that in the FAQ it should read as 2.6.2 Have a nice holiday, Thomas
2008 Apr 30
fft: characteristic function to distribution
The characteristic function is the inverse Fourier transform of the distribution function. The characteristic function of a normaly distributed random variable is exp(-t^2/2). x=seq(-2,2,length=100) fft(pnorm(x),inverse=T)/length(x) exp(-x^2/2) Why aren't the inverse fft and the mentioned function the same? Thanks for help, Thomas
2008 Oct 20
pass longer arguments to adj of text()
Hi, text()'s pos does handle more dimensional labels, while adj does not - or how can I pass an array to text() and use the adj argument (skyblue text)? plot(-1:1,-1:1) text(c(0,0),c(0,0),c("a","b"),pos=c(1,2),col="red") text(c(0,0),c(0,0),c("a","b"),adj=cbind(c(1,2),c(1,1)),col="skyblue") Thomas
2009 Feb 04
D'Hondt method
Is there a R function to calculate the seats in parliament given the total number of seats and the votes for each party -- for different methods including the method of D'Hont? Thanks, thomas
2009 Aug 09
plotrix: reverse axis in polar.plot
Hi, how can I reverse the radius axis of plotrix's polar.plot function? Perhaps this sounds strange, but I use the radians for angles as well: In the center is zenith and the corresponding angle is 90?, not 0. See an example plot at dirs<-c("S","E","N","W")